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Opinión, sf. opinion;
Opinión (hacer, 2.). (
illa, -i(a,'í/. a
O'pio, sm. opiui.
Opíparo, -a, adj
Opitulación, V. assista
Opobálsanio, j»n. balm
" :> oppo;
rrf. 1
nt; reputation
... opinion
slight opinion
irkish poppies)
op.parous (least)
elp; opitulation
ist; object; allege
opportunely; s
Oportunidad, ■
Oportuno, -a, </rf/.'; seasonalTeTfit
Oposición,^, opposition; obstacle; competition
Oposición, aspect of two opposite planets (ast.)
Oposito, in. obstacle; impediment; oppositeness
Opósito (al), udt\ to the contrary; by opposition
Opresión, sf. oppression; cruelty; pressure
Opresivamente, adr. in an oppressive manner
Opresivo, -a, a. oppressive; cruel; overwhelming
Opresor, sm. oppressor; harasser; extortioner
Oprimir, vn. 3. to oppress; afflict; molest
Oprobio, sw. infamy; disgrace; shame; injury
Oprobioso, -a, ndj. disgraceful; opprobrious
Oprobrio, sm. opprobrium; disgrace; infamy
Optar; va. 1. to choose; elect; \select; wish for
Optativo,»;, optative (mood expressive of wish)
O ptica, sj. optics (science of vision)
O ptico, -a, «. optic; visual; of the science of vision
O ptico, sm. optician (one skilled in optics)
Óptimamente, adv. excellentlv: eminently
Optimismo, sm. optimism; all things for the best
Optimista, s. optimist (pleased with all things)
O'nt,,,,,, .= „ K„... „.,.„„.„.. - - .tlygood
isitelv; c
;; refuti
Opugnación,*/, opposition; resis
Opugnador, sm. opposer; attacke
Opugiiár, va. 1. to oppose; attacl
Opuréncia,s/. opulence; affluenc_ .„
Opulentamente «rfi<. opulently; with splendour
Opulento, -a, ndj. opulent; rich; a "
Opusculico, -illo, -ito, sm. dimin
Opúsculo, sm. short, compendious
Oquedal, sm. plantation of lofty trees
Oqueruela, sf. entangled, knotted thread
U ra, «cf!> at present; now; at this time
Oración,/, speech; prayer; position; part of mass
Oraciones {Us),sfp!„r. sun-setting-pravers
Uracional, sm. prayer-book; book of prayers
lOraeionero, m. one who prays from door to door
lOraeu o, sm. oracle; supernatural instruction
Oráculo, person famed for wisdom, foresight
¡Orada, s/.giit-head; gold-fish; gilt-poU
Orador, sm. orator; public speaker; panegyrist
Orage,.«n. storm; tempest; violent wind
urai,//. orai; spoken; verbal; deliv^^pH h„ „,„,
^rangista,»n. Orangeman (one of tl
Orar, van. 1. to harang-ue- urav
Orate, smf. lunatic; person hisa'n. .„,v ma
Orates (casa de), sf. mad-house; Imiatk- asv
Oratoria,.,/, oratory; rhetorical skill; eloqil.
Oratonam""'" •■''•■ = > • ■ • ^
he orange]
y (pri
Oratorio, -a, a. oratorica
Orbayar, n. 1. to drizzle;
3rbáyo, sm. mist; small
5'rbe, j;n. orb; sphere; c „. „„„.
orbicular, adj. orbicular; spherical; round
Jrbicularme.ite, ndv. orbiculariy; spherically
yrbita. sf. orbit (path of a planet's motion) ^
c; congregation
ical; oratorial
i: fog; dimness
re (large I
O'rca, s. gram pi
Orcaneta, sf. or
OrchiUa, «/. tru_ _,.. ., „_
O'rco, SJH. grampus; ore (large
Orcotoraia, sf. orehotoinv; ca;-'
Ordjlia, sf. ordeal (trial by fii
""'-■■'■■,/. peeled'--'- •
ill (pi
...animedical drinti)
sign of honour
religious fraternity
; fruit:
Ordinaria (í
Ordinario, -:
• m. ritual (book containing orders)
mente, adi: commonly; generally
''•■-\ sf ordinary course of the law
(de), adv. commonly; regularly
Ordinativo, -a, adj. directing; giving orders
Oreade, Orea, adj.oi the mÓuiUain nymphs
Oreáde, Orea, sf. mountain-nymph; oread
Orear, w. 1. to cool; refresh (wine); dry; air
Orearse, v. ref. to take the air; take an airing
Orecer, rn. 2. to convert into gold
„. :^gano, sm. wild marjoram (fragrant plant)
Oreja, s). auricle; ear; tale-bearer; liead of a nail
Oreja, claw, of a hammer; beard, of an arrow
Ore a de abi'id, de monje, .5/ nav«l-wort (plant)
(majar la, 1.), to conquer, excel ^another)
Orejas d
rn in the mouth
informed; instructed
ears; do reluctantly
I, Sill, preserved peach; pull bv the ear
1, hind part of the plough; oriUon (fort.)
lo, -a, a. flap-eared; with long, loose ears
^ ige-dye-stuff)
■; gentle
Oreose^^...^, u.^t. imjuuLtnii-parsiey ;piaiti
Orfandad, Orfanidád, sf. orphanage; orp
Orfebrería, sj . gold, silver twist
O'rfo, ÍW. rudd; finscale (river-fish)
Organero, sm. organ-maker, builder
Orgánicamente, adv. by means of oro-
Orgánico, -a,rt. organicj of the organs-'l
Orgánico, -illo, -ito, sm. rfí»«í«. chain
Organista, smf. organist; plaver on tl
Organización, sf. organization; anani

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