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JovencíUo, -íto, -a, smf. dimin. youngster
Jovenete, sm. youth; young man; stripling
Joventúd, s/. juvenility; youthfulness; youth
Jovial, adj. jovial; merry; jolly; gay; mirthful
Jovialidad, i/, joviality; mirth; jollity; gaiety
Jovialmente, adv. in a jovial, mirthful manner
Joya, sf. jewel; article well finished; present
Joyas, /. pi. jewels, dresses, ornaments of a bride
Joyante, adj. extremely glossy (silk-stuffs)
Joyel, j»i. jewel of little value; bauble; trinket
Joyera, sf. woman who keeps a jeweller's shop
Joyería,/, jeweller's shop, for the sale of jewels
Joyero, jhi. jeweller; seller of jewels, trinkets
Joyita, sf. dimin. jewel of small value; trinket
Joyo, ¡m. bearded darnel; darnel-grass (weed)
Joyón, sm. iingm. large jewel (precious stone)
Joyuela, sf. dimin. jewel of little value; trinket
Juaguárzo, sm. Montpellier rock-rose (plant)
Juan, sm. John; buen Juan, poor, silly fellow
Juan lanas, sm. simpleton; silly, simple person
Juanete, sm. knuckle-bone of the great toe
Juanete, top-gallant sail (naut.)
Juanetudo, -a, adj. with the knuckle-bone jutting
Juárda, sf. stain in cloth (from too oilv «ool)
Juardoso, -a, a. stained; spotted (woollen cloth)
Jubertár, vii. 1. to hoist the boat on board (naut.)
Jubeteria,/. slop-shop: shop for jackets, &c.
Jubetero, sm. maker, seller of jackets, doublets
Jubilación, sf. pensioning of a placeman, &c.
Jubilar, va. 1. to pension off; superannuate
Jubilar, n. to become a pensioner, superannuated
Jubileo, sm. public festivity; jubilee; rejoicing
Jubileo (por), adv. rarely; happening seldom
Jubilo, ÍÍH. rejoicing; merriment; festivity; joy
Jubón, s»i. doublet; jacket; juppon (short coat)
Jubón de azotes, ¡m. public whipping (punish.)
Jubonázo, sm. au^m. large juppon
Juboncico, -illo,-ito, «I. dim. small jacket, juppon
Jubonero, m. maker of jackets, doublets, juppons
Juela,/. one of the 7 vowel-marks of the Arabs
Judaico, -a, urf?.judaical; J
Judaismo, stn. religion of tl
Judaizante, adj. conformini
Judaizar, va. 1. to conform
Jiidas, effigy of Judas burnt in Lent in Spain
Judería,/, part of the town where Jews live; tax
Judia, sf. French-bean; Jewess; Hebrew woman
Judicación, s/. judgment; passing judgment
Judícánte, sm. judge over officers of justice
Judicár, a. 1. to judge; pass sentence; apprehend
Judicatura, sf. judicature; dignity of a judge
Judicial, adj. judicial; used in courts of justice
Judicalmente, adj. done in a judicial manner
Judiciária, sf. judiciary astrology
Judiciário, -a, adj. foretelling bV the stars
Judicióso, -a, adj. judicious; prudent; skilful
Judiega, sf. kind" of olives good only to make oil
Judiego, -a, adj. Jewish; to, of the Jews
Judihuelo, í»i. young Jew; French-bean (pulse)
Judio, -a, ndj. judaical; Jewish; of the Jews
Judio, »)«. Jew; word of contempt used in anger
Judio de señal, sm. converted Jew, vrith a mark
Judíos, sm.plur. large sort of French-beans
Juego, m. play; diversio
Juego, game;actioi
Juego de suerte y
Juego de palabras,
Juego de bola, jj«. bowling-greei'i
Juego de manos, juggling-feat; juggler's trick
Juego de pelota, tennis, play with a racket & ball
Juego de velas, set, complete suit of sails (naut.)
Juego trasero, hind part of a 4-wheeled carriage
Juego (tener, 2.), to have fetched away (naut".)
i; of the _
le Jews; Judaism
', to Judaism
to Judaism; judai:
t; single match at play
}f an engine; ability; methocl
itúra, game of hazard
1. quibole; pun
cío (ped
lultitudeof, &c.
Juiciosamente, «ai'. juaiciously; considerately
Juicioso, -a, «.judicious; prudent; clear-sighted
Julepe, Sill, julep (pleasant liquid medicine)
Julgár va. 1. to pass sentence; judge; apprehend
Julio, sm. July (seventh month of the year)
Julo, sm. bell-mule, leader of the mules
Jumelár, a. 1. to strengthen, masts with partners
Jumelas,/;). cheeks (double pieces of machines)
Jumélos, m.p. partners (strong pieces of timber)
Jumenta, sf. female ass; jument(beastof burden)
Jumentil, adj. of an ass, jument (beast of burden)
Jumentillo, -ito, -a, smf. diw/in. little ass, jument
Jumento, sm. beast of burthen; ass; stupid person
Juncada, sf. kind of fritters; horse-medicine
Juncal, Juncar, sm, marshy ground full of rushes
Juncia olorosa, sf. sweet cyperus (plant)
Junciana, sf. brag; proud speech; bounce; boast
Juncino, -a, adj. rushy; full of rushes; sedgy
Juncir, va. 3. to yoke mules, oxen, for labour
Junco, m. rush (¿lant); junk (small Chinese ship)
Junco de flor, sm. umbelled flowering rush
Juncoso, -a, adj. full of rushes, bulrushes
Junglada,/, stewed hare; fricassee
1. June (sixth month of the yi
Junior, ?«. one subject to instruction i
Junípero, sm. juniper (plant producing berries)
Junquera, sf. rush; sedge (plant)
Junqueral, sm. marshy ground full of rushes
Junquillo, sm. jonquil; small round moulding
Junta, sf. junta; congress; meeting; union
Junta de médicos, sf. consultation
Juntadór, -a, smf. one who joins, unites
Juntamiento, sm. assembly; congregation
Juntar, j'n. 1. to join; couple; associate; amass
Juntarse, r. to join; be closely united; copulate
le; jointer ijcarpent

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