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DO-THOGAIL, a<tj. Difficult to be lift-
DO-THOMHAS, -ais, adj. Immeasurable,
difficult to measure.
DO-TIIUIGSINN, -E, adj. (Do and
, Tuigse,) Unintelligible, not easily under-
DO-UAIR, -E, -EAN, s./. (DoandUair,)
Unfavourable weather, stormy weather;
evil hour.
DRÀBACH, -AiCHE, adj. Dirty, nasty,
DRÀBAG, -AiGE, -AN, s.f. A dirty fe-
male, a slattern.
DRÀBAIRE, -EAN, s. m. (Drab and Fear,)
A dirty, slovenly fellow.
DRA BÀSD A, orij. Dirty, obscene, filthy,
smutty, indelicate.
DRABASDACHD, i. /. hid. (Drabasda,)
Obscenity of language.
DRABH, -AiDH, s. ?ii. Draff, the grains of
DRABH, -AiBH, -DHR-, V. a. and n. Dis-
solve, solve ; decay.
DRÀBHACH, -AiciiE, adj. (Drabh, v.)
Rifted, tissured, ill cemented.
jDRABHADH, -aidh, s. 71%. and ;)res. jmrt.
V. Drabh. A separating, dissolving, run-
ning out, decaying ; act of separating, de-
DRÀBHAG, -AIGE, -AN, 5. ./; Dregs,
lees, sediment, refuse ; a little tìlthy slat-
DRÀBHAGACH, -aiche, adj. Full of
dregs, foul.
DRABHAS, -AIS, s. m. Filthiness of
speech, obscenity, smut ; turbulence ; filth,
foul weather.
DRABHASACH, -AicuE,adj. (Drabhas,)
Foul, tuibulent (of weather,) filthy, in-
delicate of speech, obscene.
lery, ludicrous exhibition, farce. Provin.
DIlAC, DRÀif, -AN, s. nu A drake.
DRABIILUINN, -ean, s. vi. A trifier,
DRADH, 1-A, s. m. Trouble, vexation,
DRAGH, ^ annoyance.
DIIAGII, -AinH, DHR-, V. a. Drag, pull,
tug, draw.
DRAGIIADH, -aidh, x. »1. and pres. pari.
V. Dragh. Dragging, pulling; act of
dragging. "
DRAG HAIL, -ai.a, adj. Troublesome,
vexatious, annoying.
DRAGHALACHD, s.f. ind. (Draghail,)
DRAGHAIR, -ean, j. w. (Dragh and
Fear,) A dragger, puller ; a teasing fel-
DRAGHAIREACHD, s.f. ind. (Di-ag-
hair,) Pulling, tugging, dragging, teasing,
DRAGHALACH, -aiche, a rf/. Trouble-
some. See Draghail.
DRAGON, -DIN, -an, s. m. A dragon.
DROIGHIONN, r'^^' '• "'• ^ '•""■"•
Written also Drcigheann.
DRÀICHD, -EAN, s.f. A slattern, a drab-
bish, unthrifty person.
DRÀ1CHDEIL, -EALA, adj. Sluttish,
drabbish, unthrifty.
DRÀICHDEALACHD, s. /. md. Slut-
tishness, drabbishness.
DRAIGHNEACH, -ich, s.f. Thorns.
See Droighneach.
DRAIGHNEAG, -eige, -an, s./. A black
thorn, sloe.
DRAILLSEANTA, adj. (Draillsein,)
Twinkling, sparkling.
DRAILLSEIN, s. m. A sparkling light.
DRAILLSEIN£ACH,-rCHE, arfj. Twink-
ling, sparkling. See Draillseanta.
DRAIMHEAS, -eis, -an, s. m. A foul
DRAIMHEASACH, -aiche, adj. Hav-
ing a foul mouth.
DRAIN, -E, ) . . c n '•
DRAINN.-E.i'-"'- ^^""- S««°'-«'°-
DRAING, -E, s.f. A snarl, snarling.
DRAIP, -E, s.f. Hurry, difficulty, con-
DRAIPEIL, -EALA, adj. Hurried, con-
fused, embarrassed.
DRAIPEALACHD, s.f. ind. Hurried-
ness, coiifusedness, embarrassment.
DRAM, -A, -ANNAN, s.»i. A dram of spirits;
a drachm in weight.
DRAJMAG, -AiGE, -AS, s.f A foul mixture.
Scot. Drammock.
DRANND, -A, -AN, s. m. A small quan-
tity ; the least bit ; a word, chirp.
DRANNDAIL, 5. /. ind. Grumbling,
DRANNDAN, -ain, x. m. A hum, hum-
ming, as of bees; a snarling, grumbling,
murmuring, growling,
side grumbling, domestic jarring.
DRANND AN ACH, -aiche, adj. (Drann-
dan,) Humming, grumbling, growling,
snarling, buzzing, murmuring, complain-,
ing, querulous, prone to grumbling.
DRANNDANACHD, 1 s.f ind. (Drann-
DRANNDANAICH, 3 dariach,)Agrum-

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