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(1) Front cover -
Newspaper of Current Events in the Highlands,
the Islands and in Scotland
No. 18
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Abertarff House Inverness
Faith In Brora Works
The Brora firm of Suther¬
land Bricks Ltd. revived 1 3
years ago with the aid of a
substantial loan from the
Highland Fund Ltd. has
operated so successfully since
that the loan has been re¬
deemed almost in full.
The Highland Fund have
now translated their interest
in the brickworks to an in¬
vestment in shares.
Brora Brickworks, which
had been inoperative for
many years, was revived in
1954 when the former M.P.
for Caithness & Sutherland,
Sir David RablMMGbn, in¬
stalled new plant in the
works. It will be recalled that
Sir David also saved the
Brora coal pit when it was
threatened with closure. The
miners, also with financial
assistance from the Highland
Fund, took over the pit and
have operated it successfully.
An excellent example of a
small works which by effic¬
ient and determined man¬
agement operates profitably
in a “remote” area. The
brickworks now employs 28
men. It uses the dross from
the nearby pit to heat the
Mr W. R. Sutherland, of
Alexander Sutherland Ltd.,
the Golspie building contrac¬
tors, who with Mr Stuart
Sutherland was instrumental
in saving the brickworks, has
this week disposed of his
shareholding to Mr W. Stuart
Sutherland of Golspie, who
becomes managing director.
The other board members
are Mr Hugh Fulton and Mr
Douglas Stewart.
Representing the High¬
land Fund on the Board, Mr
Stewart’s wide experience of
operating a small industry in
a remote area has proved
invaluable to the Sutherland
Brickworks Ltd. during their
period of expansion.
Grig or & Son
Mnrerness Cream
i Photo by T. B. MacAulay, Stornoway
The infinite time of boyhood, the infinite patience of youth and, on the far horizon, an infinite
world of opportunity. The crunch always comes when the economic shadow looms up with the
advent of adult-hood : to earn one’s living at home or away. What will it be for this young
lad of the Isles ? A full life lived out in his native surroudings ? Or the following, so poignantly
said by Agnes Mure Mackenzie in “ Island Moon ” :
“ Perhaps the moon is shining for you in the far country?
But the skies there are not island skies !
You will not remember
The salt smell of the sea
And the little rain.’’
Papeir Ban Air Faraidhean
Tha cisean gu bhi air
laraidhean is comihlain ghoir-
easan bho £50 air laraidh 3
tunna gu £l 90 air laraidh os
cionn 8 tunna gach bliadhna
a reir a Phaipeir Bhain a
chuir an Roinn Siubhail mur
coinneamh. Nithear barrachd
feum de threinichean airson
luchdan agus theid nas lugha
de fheuchainn (competition)
a dheanamh eadar na seir-
bhisean aig an Riaghaltas,
cuirear goireasan air adhart
air a mhodh is fhearr. Tha na
carbadan troma a deanamh
droch mhilleadh air rathaid-
ean agus sann airson beagan
a thoirt a steach mu choin-
neamh na cosgais so a tha na
cisean ura. Ma bhios ludhd
buileach mor no trom air
laraidh feumar faradh a bhar-
rachd a phaigheadh dha reir
a sineadh bho 1 / - gu £l 5 sa
mhile is ma tha luchd thairis
air 1 6 tunna a dol corr is I 00
mile feumar a chuir air trein.
Chan fhaod draibheir bar¬
rachd air II uair deug a
dheanamh sa latha an aite
na 1 4 an ceart uair. Se 9 a
dh’ fhaodas e bhi aig cuibh-
eall. Se gle bheag bhon
taobh an lar a ni Glaschu
dheth an latha ma thig so gu
buil. An aite lisens A, B is
C se lisens air leth a tha gu
bhi ann agus an aon bhuid-
heann is urrainn cur an
aghaidh na lisens so se com-
panaidhean an riaghaltais
fhein. Chan fhaod an luchd
giulain na cosgais a chuir
suas an ceart uair air ordain
Bord nam Prisean. Tha a
h-uile cosgais a tha ann a sior
dhol suas; chaidh am petrail
suas, tuarasdail dhraibheir-
ean, cis treinidh, cosgais
comhlain ura 10% agus
S.E.T. Tha Bord Freit ga
chuir a’ir chois a ghabas
thairis gach treine, bata is
comhlan a tha fo ughdarras
an Transport Holding Com¬
pany gus nan a chuir air
cuisean agus gnothuichean a
dheanamh nas eifeachdaiche.
Chaneil guth a bheil dad a
chuideachadh gu bhi aig
aitean iomallach ar duthcha,
ach mar a bi se bhochdain
da rireabh a bhios ann.
Chaneil treinichean air an
taobh an lar a ni feum sna
cearnaidhean so. Se Paipeir
gun moran smaoin a tha so
ach tha e cunnartach gun
dichuimhnichear gu bheil
sluagh air an duthaich a
cheart cho feumach air seall-
tainn as an deidh ri muinntir
na bailtean mora. Cha d’
fhairich mi gu bheil pris idir
a tighinn a nuas. Buille eile.