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20 Appendix Bib Hot bee ^ Facultatis yuridic^.
marks extraded from a variety of
authors, ancient and modern. Cal¬
culated to draw the timely attention
of government and people to a due
confideration of the neceffity and
the means of reforming thofe errors,
defeds, and abufes, of reftoring the
conftitution, and faving the ftate,
2 vol. London 17J^.. in 8.
Burgh [William.) Scriptural confuta-
A^^^y, tion of- the arguments againft
-^ * / the Godhead of the Father, Son,
and Holy Ghoft, produced by the
Rev. Mr Theophilus Lindfay, in his
late apology on refigning the vica¬
rage of Catterick, Yorkfhire, 2d e-
dit. Tork 1775. in 8.
^ Burgmannus [Nicolaus,) ecclefiae Spi-
t/T^. Q.*l(l* ^^"* Decanus. Imperatorum et Re-
i^' gum Romanorum Spirae fepultorum
hiftoriae a Carolo M. ad Carolum
IV. Accedit anonymi appendix ad
Sigifmundum Caef. Aug. Exfi. in¬
ter Oefelii rerum Boicarum fcripto-
res, torn. i. pag. 598.
^^"277 c/ ^"''g"^ '^' Edmundus. Antiquitates.
Vide Battely [Joanneu^
Burke [Edmund.) Philofophical inquiry
-f ^wVt~'7A'^"^° ^^ origin of our ideas of the
L^L—} fublime and beautiful, with an intro-
dudlory difcourfe concerning tafte.
London 1776. in 8.
\ ^Ar qV>MXi\ {Richard.) LL. D. Ecclefiafti-
M^'jt^'Z)« cal law, 3d edit. 4 vol. London 1775.
in 8.
^ ——Juftice of the peace and parifli of-
l /^2 />r 0/7 ^^^^^> ^ ^^'^ ^*^''-' 4 ^^^* London 1776.
Cjll^l ^ '^ m 8. Vide Nicolfon [Jojeph.)
Burnet {yames,) one of the Senators
^^i\^ O'T of the College of Juftice. Origin
^ and progrefs of language, vol. 1.
Edinburgh IJJ^. in 8.
/* ^ n(^ Vol. 2d, to which are annexed
*^^^'d' ' three diflertations, viz. i. Of the
formation of the Greek language.
2. Of the found of the Greek lan¬
guage. 3. Of the compofition of
the Antients, and particularly of that
of Demofthenes. Edinburgh 1774.
in 8.
Vol 3d. Edinburgh 1776. in 8. ^{\y.f^
Antient Metaphyfics, with an ap- . ' '
pendix, containing an examination L^*//
of the principles of Sir Ifaac New-/ _J''
ton's philofophy, 3 vol. Edinburgh
1779. in^.
Burrow {Ednvard,) Colledor of his J
Majefty's Cuftoms at Port-Glafgow. «^4-
Complete book of rates; compre¬
hending the rates of merchandize,
as fettled by the ads of 12. Car. III.
2. Geo. I. and fubfequent ads of
parliament; and, fhewing the duties
and drawbacks payable upon all
goods imported, exported, or carried
coaftwife ; the feveral bounties, pre¬
miums, or rewards, due and payable
upon the Britifh white-herring and
Greenland filhery; with a lift of all
the ports, members, and creeks of
importation and exportation in
Great Britain; and a law index to
the whole, containing an abridge¬
ment of the feveral ads of parlia¬
ment now in force relative to the
cuftoms, digefted under proper heads
alphabetically ; continued by appen¬
dix to the end of the feflion of i^.
Geo. HI. vol. Glajgoiv 1774. in
Burrow [James.) Qiieftion concern-*
ing literary property, determined
by the Court of King's Bench, 2oih
April 1769., in the caufe between
Andrew Millar and Robert Taylor,
with the feparate opinions of the
four Judges, and the reafons given
by each in fuppori of his opinion.
Lo«^o« 1773. m4. T~r^^
Burrow [Reuben.) Reftitution of the 1 ^, 3-^
geometrical treatife of Apollonius*-—~-^
Pergaeus on inclinations. Alfo the /''^'w
theory of gunnery, or the dodrine
of projediles in a non-refifting me¬
dium. London i 779. ifi 4.
Burton [Joannes,) A. M. Antiquita-r^7-..,..
tes Capellae D. Joannis Evangeliftaef™Jw i^"^
hodie Scholiae Regiae Norwicenfis,
London 1712. in 8.

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