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Appendix Bibliothec^e Facultatis Juridica. 19
des notes par M. Code, 2 torn. A
Paris 1776. in 12. Voyez Cofte
q /j r- Difcours prononce dans 1' acade-
^''^ mie Fran^oife. Ibid. torn. 2. pag.
Bryant {Jacob.) New fyftem, or an
^, l-V analyfis of ancient mythology;
/' wherein an attempt is made to di-
veft tradition of fable, and to reduce
the truth to its original purity, 3
vol. London 1775. in 4.
//.ji^-jjTK-Diflertations on the wind Eu-
^•^"•^i^clydon, and on the Ifland Melite,
together with an account of Egypt
in its moft early ftate, and of the
fhepherd kings. Cambridge I'J^'j.
in 4.
Buat (M. le Comtt de.) Hiftoire an-
cienne des peuples de V Europe,
12 torn. A Paris 1772. in 12.
Bucer (Martin.) Original of BiQiops
and Metropolitans. Oxford 1641. in
, 4-
Jyjlj^ r^uchan {William,) M. D. Domeftic
\TV»l^.li, n^ejjicine, 8th edit. London 1784.
in 8.
Buchananus [Georgius.) Rerum Scoti-
carum hiftoria; acceffit de jure reg-
ni apud Scoios dialogus, eod. Geo.
Buchanano audore, cum permultis
Dom. R. Sibbaldi notis autographis,
2 vol. UltrajeSii 1668. in 8.
—Pfalmorum Davidls paraphrafis
poetica. Pariftis ap. Hen. et Robert.
Stephanum, 1566. ?« 8.
Buchlerus {Joannes.) Sacrarum pro-
fanarumque phrafium poeticarum
thefaurus. Londini 1679, in 12.
//> Buffier [Claude.) Cours de fciences
|/7'« J,/^.fur des principes nouveaux et fim-
ples, pour former le langage, I'efprit,
et le coeur dans 1' ufage ordinaire de
la vie. A Paris 1732. infol,
Buffon {George Louis le Clerc, Comte
de,) [et N. D'Aubenton.] Hiftoire
naturelle, generale et particuliere,
avec la defcription du Cabinet du
Roi, 15 torn, A Paris 1750-71. in
—Supplement, tom. i. fervant de
fuite a la theorie de la terre et d' in-
trodudion a I'hiftoire des minereaux.
A Paris 1774. in 4.
-Supplement, tom. 2. fervant de
fuite a la theorie de la terre, parties
experimentale et hypothetique. A
Paris 1775. in 4.
Supplement, tom. 3. fervant de
fuite a Thiftoire des animaux qua-
drupedes. A Paris I'J'J^. in ^.
Hiftoire naturelle des oifeaux,
9 tom. A Paris 1770-83. in 4.
Hiftoire naturelle des minereaux,
3 tom. A Paris 1783-85. in 4,
Builders price-book, containing a lift of!
the prices allowed by the moft emi¬
nent furveyors in London to the fe-
veral artificers concerned in building.
London 1777. m 12. ^
BuWtr [Francis.) Introdudion to the jfi^S*^,
law, relative to trials at Nifi Prius,
2 edit, with large editions. London
1775. in 4.
Bullet [Jean Baptijie.) Hiftory of the IJiA 3*4-1*
eftablifhment of Chriftianity, com-^-"^
piled from Jewifti and Heathen au¬
thors only, exhibiting a fubftantial
proof of the truth of this religion,
tranflated from the French by Wil¬
liam Saliftjury, with notes and fome
ftridures on Mr Gibbon's account
of Chriftianity and its firft teachers.
London 1776. in 8.
Bulftrod (Whitelocke.) Tentamen de r~nr~l
tranfmigratione in Pythagorae de- l^^rCi A^/S'
fenfionem, feu naturalis philofophi- '—■—^
ae difcurfus, ex Anglico in idomia
Latinum, tranflatum ab Ofwaldo
Dyke. Londini 1725. in 8. j
Bunyan {John.) Pilgrim's progrefs t/>;^^y ^ ^
from this world to that which is to
come, delivered under the fimilitude
of a dream ; to which is added
pra<flical and explanatory notes.
London 1775. in 8.
Burgh {James.) Political difquifitions jj"/* ] (o n/^
or, an inquiry into public errors, de-!*_^^/ * >^^«
feds, and abufes. Illuftrated by
and eftablilhed upon fads and re¬

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