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July 23, I860.
Cloth, small 8vo, price 3s,
Suggestions and Conclusions thereon
Mr. 'White’s contention is that there is place and use
in the divine economy for all varieties of men and
â– women; and that there is not any one, however per¬
verse or insignificant, who is not created for some
function in universal humanity. As to the question of
everlasting punishment, Mr. White maintains an
original position. If asked whether he believes in the
everlasting punuhmemtqf sinners, he answers Yes; but
if asked whether he believes in everlasting sinners, he
answers. No. All the confusion, perplexity, and
anguish which exists as to the future life arise from
the constant assumption that the everlasting punish¬
ment of sin is identical with the everlasting existence
of sinners. Sin or transgression has been, is, and ever
will be eternally punished ; torment and misery are
everlastingly inseparable from wrong-doing ; and
pricisely because inseparable, the wrong-doer
must, sooner or later, cease from wrong-doing. In
short, the everlasting punishment of sin is sure
warrant for the impossibility of everlasting sinners.
E. W. Allen, 11, Ave Maria-lane, E.C.
t_ in Spiritualism, by Chiistian Beimers. One
E. W. Allen, Avo Maria-lane, London.
Price Two Shillings. Post Free. Cloth. Red Edges.
By P. P. Alexander, M.A.,
Author of Mill and Carlgle, Moral Causation, etc.
This work contains among other items of interest a
record of phenomena observed at stances by the author,
and a close criticism of some of the writings of Pro¬
fessor Tyndall about Spiritualism.
“ Mr. Alexander is unquestionably a very clever
writer.”—Safwrday Secieio.
The Spiritualist Newspaper Branch Office, 33,
Museum-street. London, W.C.,
Researches in the pheno¬
mena OF SPIRITUALISM, by William
Crookes, F.K.S. The best work ever published^ to
scientifically demonstrate, by means of self-recording
and other instruments, the reality of some of the
physical phenomena of Spiritualism, 5s. The Spirit¬
ualist Newspaper Branch Office, 33, Museum-st, W.O.
AND VARIETIES.—A Pamphlet containing
useful information for those who hold, or are about to
hold, spirit circles in their own homes. Published at
The Spiritualist Newspaper Branch Office, 33,
Museum-street, London, W.O. Price Id.; Post free
for l&d; or six copies post free for 6d.
JL A Mystical Poem, in Songs, Sonnets, and Verse,
By Ella. Diets.
“ Now will I go and walk the wide earth round.
And tell to every soul that I do meet.
The only way that true love may be found.
And how, when found, of all things good and sweet
It is most blest, most holy, most divine.”
Cloth, small Svo., price 3s. fid. Spiritualist News¬
paper Branch Office, S3, Museum-street, London, W.C.
British national associa¬
tion OF SPIRITUALISTS, 38, Great Russell-
street, Bloomsbury. This organisation comprising
several hundred members, has public offices, a reading
room and library, with a secretary in attendance to
receive visitors and answer inquiries. For terms,
information as to stances, &c,, apply to the Secretary.
Office hours 3 p.m. to 9.30, dally. Saturdays 2 p.m.
to 6 p.m.
JL is offered a comfortable Social Home in a con¬
venient part of the city, by an English brother. The
apartments can only accommodate four persons.
Terms, board and all included, £3 per week each; or
for two persons, £2 10s. per week, if two occupy one
room. Address, ” 8. 0., care of Mr. Bedford, 9, Rue
de la Pepiniere, Paris.
JL oldest j ournal devoted to the Spiritual Philosophy
in the world! Issued weekly, at No. 9| Montgomery-
place, Boston., Mass. Colby and Rich, publishers and
proprietors. Isaac B. Rich, business manager;
Luther Colby, editor ; aided by a large corps of able
writers. TAa Banner is a first-class eight-paged family
paper, containing forty columns of interesting and
instructive reading, embracing a literary department,
report of spiritual lectures, original essays—upon
spiritual, philosophical, and scientific subjects;
editorial department; spirit messagd department;
contributions by the most talented writers in the
world, &c., &c. Terms of subscription, in advance.
15s per annum. The Spiritualist Newspaper Branch
Office, 33, Museum-street, London. W.O
Price 3s. fid. Imperial Svo. Cloth, red edges, Post free.
A Collection of choice poems and prize essays given
through mediumship, also of articles and poems writ¬
ten by Spiritualists. A useful book to place in the
public libraries, and to present or send to those who
are unacquainted with Spiritualism. It contains much
about the religious aspects of Spiritualism, given
through the writing mediumship of ‘‘M.A. (Oxon),”
and is one of the most refined and elegant works ever
printed in connection with the movement.
Introduction:—The Philosophy of Inspiration.
I. —“O! Beautiful White Mother Death.” Given
through the trance-mediumship of CoraL. V. Tappan-
II. —The Apparition of Sengireef. By Sophie
III. —The Translation of Shelley to the Higher Life.
Given through the trance-mediumship of T. L. Harris
IV. —Gone Home. Given through the trance-
mediumship of Lizzie Doten.
V. —The Birth of the Spirit. Given through the
trance-mediumship of Cora L. V. Tappan-Richmond.
VI. —Angel-Guarded.
VII. —An Alleged Post Mortem Work by Charles
Dickens. How the writings were produced. The
Magnificent Egotist, Sapsea. Mr. Stollop reveals a
Secret: A Majestic Mind Severely Tried: Dwellers
in Cloisterham: Mr. Peter Peckcraft and Miss Keep:
Critical Comments.
VIII. —The Spider of the Period. By Georgina
Weldon (Miss Treherne) and Mrs. —
IX. —Margery Miller. Given through the trance-
mediumship of Lizzie Doten.
X. —Ode by “ A'damanta.”
XI. —Swedenborg on Men and Women. By William
White, Author of The Life of Swedenborg,
XII. —Resurgam. By Caroline A. Burke
XIII. —Abnormal Spectres of Wolves, Dogs, and
other Animals. By Emile, Prince of Wittgenstein.
XIV. —To Yon who Loved Me. By Florence Many at
XV. —Desolation. By Caroline A. Burke
XVI. —Truth. Given through the mediumship of
“ M.A., Oxon.”
XVII. —Thy Love. By Florence Marryat.
XVIII.—Haunting Spirits. By Baroness Adelina
Von Vny (Countess Wurmbrand).
XIX. —Fashionable Grief for the Departed.
XX. —The Brown Lady of Rainham, By Lucia C.
XXT.—A Vision of Death. By Caroline A. Burke.
XXII.—A Story of a Haunted House. By F. J.
XXIII.—” Love the Truth and Peace.” By the Rev.
C. Maurice Davies, D.D.
XXIV. —The Ends, Aims, and Uses of Modern
Spiritualism. By Louisa Lowe.
XXV. —De Profundis. By Anna Blackwell.
XXVI. —Ancient Thought and Modem Spiritualism.
By C. Carter Blake, Doc. Sci., Lecturer on Compara¬
tive Anatomy at Westminster Hospital.
XXVII.—Die Sehnsucht. Translated by Emily
Kislingbury from the German of Schiller.
XXVIII.—The Relation of Spiritualism to Orthodox
Christianity. Given through the mediumship of
“ M.A. Oxon.”
XXIX. —A Stance in the Sunshine. By the Rev. C.
Maurice Davies, D.D.
XXX. —“ My Saint.” By Francis Marryat.
XXXI. —The Deathbeds of Spiritualists. By Epes
XXXII.—The Touch of a Vanished Hand. By the
Rev. C. Maurice Davies, D.D.
XXXIII.—Death. By Caroline A. Burke.
XXXIV.—The Spirit Creed. Through the medium-
ship of ** M.A., Oxon.”
XXXV.—The Angel of Silence. By W. H. Harrison.
XXXVI.—The Prediction. By Alice Worthington
(Ennesf alien).
XXXVII.—Longfellow’s Position in Relation to
XXXVIII.—Spiritual Manifestations among the
Fakirs in India. By Dr. Maximilian Perty, Professor
of Natural Philosophy, Berne: translated from Psychic
Studies (Leipzig) by Emily Kislingbury.
XXXIX.—The Poetry of Science. By W. II. Harri¬
XL.—Meditation and the Voice of Conscience. By
Alex. Calder.
XLI.—Dirge. . By Mrs. Eric Baker.
XTiII.—Epigrams. By Gerald Massey.
XLIII.—Some of the difficulties of the Clergy in
Relation to Spiritualism. By Lisette Makdougall
XLIV.—Immortality. By Alfred Russel Wallace,
XLV.—A Child’s Prayer. By Gerald Massey.
The Spiritualist Newspaper Bianch Office, 33
Museum-street, London, W.C.
Price 8s. fid. Post Free. Illustrated. Demy Svo.,
407 pp.
By the Baroness von Vat (Countkss
Also, by the same Authoress, price 2s. fid., post free
(Illustrated with oiagrams).
The Spiritualist Newspaper Branch Office, S3,
Museum-street, London, W.C.
Price 5s. fid.
Inspirational Poetry.
With a Preface describing the spiritual state of trance
during which some of the poems were given.
Part I.
I.—The Prayer of the Sorrowing—II. The Song
Truth—III. The Embarkation—IV. Kepler’s Vision—
V. Love and Latin—VI. The Song of the North—VII.
The Burial of Webster—VIII. The Parting of Sigurd
and Gurda—IX. The Meeting of Sigurd and Gurda.
Part II.
X. The Spirit Child—XI. Reconciliation—XII.
Hope for the Sorrowing—XIII. Compensation—XIV.
The Eagle of Freedom—XV. Mistress Glen are—XVI.
Little Johnny—XVII. “Birdie’s Spirit Song”—
XVIII. My Spirit Home—XIX. “ I still Live”—XX
Life—XXI. Love—XXII. “For a’ that”—XXIII.
Words of Cheer—XXIV. Resurrexi—XXV. The
Prophecy of Vala—XXVI. The Kingdom—XXVII.
The Cradle or Coffin—XXVIII. The Streets of Balti¬
more—XXIX. The Mysteries of Godliness—XXX.
Farewell to Earth. The Spiritualist Newspaper
Branch Office, 33, Museum-street, London, W.C.
EYUE SPIRITS, Journal d’etudes
psychologiques, fonde par Allen Kardec, ap¬
pears on the 1st of every Month. Price 1 franc.
Published by the Societe Anonyme, 5, Rue Neuve des
Petits Champs, Paris. Post Office orders payable at
Price 5s. Crown Svo. Cloth. Red Edges.
The Best Book to place in Public Libraries and in th e
hands of Disbelievers in Spiritualism.
Elementary Information for Inquirers into Spirit¬
ualism. By the Editor.
Elementary Psychical Phenomena Experimentally
Tested. ByRobertHare,M.D., Professor of Chemistry
at the University of Pennsylvania.
Experiments in Psychical Phenomena. By William
Crookes, F.R.S.
Phenomena I have seen. By Cromwell Fleetwood
Varley, F.R.S., C.E.
Report on Spiritualism. By a Committee of the Dia.
lectical Society of London.
Psychography. By Edward W. Cox, Serjeant-at-Law.
Extraordinary Psychical Phenomena^ in Germany.
By Frederick Zollner, Professor of Physical Astronomy
at the University of Leipsic,
Captain R. F. Burton’s Experiences.
Experiences at a Seance. By Alfred Russell Wal¬
Reichenbach’s Magnetic Flames and other Pheno.
mena. By The Lord Linsay.
Powerful Physical Manifestations. By Dr. A. But.
lerof. Professor of Chemistry in the University of St.
Testimony of “The Times” Newspaper.
Testimony of “The Daily Telegraph.”
Slate-Writing Experiments. By Epes Sargent.
Spiritualism and Insanity. By Eugene Crowell,
Linguistic Phenomena. By J. W. Edmonds, Judge
of the Supreme Court, New York.
A Severe Surgical Operation under Mesmeric Influ.
ence. By Colonel Sir William Topham.
Signor Damiani’s Challenge.
Manifestations witnessed by the Emperor of Ger.
Manifestations witnessed by the Emperor of Russia.
The Spiritualist Newspaper Branch Office,
33, Museum-street, London.
Containing instructions
With no Spiritualist or Professional Medium present,
may be obtained at The Spiritualist Newspaper Branch
Office, price
300 for Sixpence, post free, or 500 for Nine pence,
post free.
These leaflets are specially suitable
And in localities where mediums and spirit circle
are not numerous.
The Spiritualist says:—Contention about Spiritual¬
ism and mediums should be avoided, and action sub¬
stituted. The real strength of Spiritualism lies far
more in its facts than in clamouring about them ; the
facts, therefore, should be multiplied by the wholesale
dissemination of printed information how to form
circles in the homes of private families. A proportion
of those who receive the information will try experi¬
ments, and those who obtain the phenomena in their
own homes will at once irrevocably recognise as im¬
postors or disreputable unsafe guides, those news¬
papers and individuals who state authoritatively that
the facts are not true. If every Spiritualist makes it
binding upon himself to '* drop about” or distribute
five hundred of the leaflets, containing instructions how
to form spirit virdes at home, the whole nation will be
deluged with useful information, and such a number of
mediums will spring up in private families, as to
rapidly increase the knowledge of truths calculated tc
benefit in the highest degree this materialistic, con¬
sequently irreligious age.

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