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July 23, 1880 THE SPIE
so as to pull the horsehair quite out of its Kj
perpendicular position. The spirit-guide, jvj
“Samuel,” said, that to him both balls were j>j
radiant with a most brilliant rose-colour, jsj
This experiment affords a very instructive K|
insight into the nature of animal magnetism; m
neither electricity nor the common magnetism j;|
has anything to do with these results, as I at K]
once ascertained by means of an electrometer kj
and a compass, nor have they to do with |)|
psychic force in any way.
Kahlberg, bei Elbing, July 15th, 1880.
On Thursday afternoon, last week, Mrs. !$[
Olive of 121, Blenheim Crescent, Netting K|
Hill, London, gave one of her usual seances Kj
for the healing of the sick. About twelve
persons were present. Mrs. Olive mesmerised bj
them while she was in the trance state; much jsj
sympathy and kindly feeling manifestly ex- jd
isted between herself and her patients. As it
was the first of Mrs. Olive’s healing stances K!
we have attended, inquiries were made of j>|
some of the patients whether they had ex- jd
perienced practical benefit to health, and they j)j
stated that they had. We should be glad to >!
print any written certificates they may send Rj
in, as to palpable benefit received in severe Kj
My attention has been called to a paragraph !>!
by Mr. Campbell in The Spiritualist, as long js
ago as the 11th of June; where he says, <
“ France received the messages of her own j?
angels cum grano salis, in the shape of blessed j;j
medals of the immaculate conception from the j>j
hands of the Apostle Kardec.” I am sorry to Rj
see this, because, coming from so earnest a jd
man as Mr. Campbell, it is likely to be taken bj
without a grain of salt, when in fact the s
assertion seems to have been made from very jd
insufficient authority indeed. It is most Id
doubtful whether “the Apostle Kardec,” jSj
though a Frenchman, ever distributed a j)j
medal of a virgin of immaculate conception, or id
otherwise, in his life.
Allan Kardec was educated at a Pestaloz- >
zian Institute in Switzerland. When still a R
mere lad he carefully studied the New Testa- Kj
ment for himself, and thus arrived at a belief j?j
the reverse of that taught by those who dis- j>j
tribute such medals as above described. His jsj
views were Unitarian, and he never subjected jd
himself either to the dogmas of priests or |>j
pastors during life. And after his death, his j>j
T UAL I ST. 43
remains, in accordance with directions in his
will, received “ civil burial,” that is to say,
they were interred by his friends without the
ministrations of any pastor of any denomina¬
Recently, a few persons met at a friend’s
house in Hamburg and were seated around an
oval table on which a tall petroleum lamp was
burning. Our host called attention to a pas¬
sage in Dr. Yogel’s book* u Aus der neuen Hex-
enkuche^ where a spirit’s utterance, “ The
soul never dies” is quoted. We discussed the
propriety of the word “ dies ” and incidentally
repeated the sentence “ the soul never dies,”
when Mr. Herne, with closed eyes and evidently
in a trance, said ; “ But the soul does die. Yes,
the soul does die. It dies many a time. But
what is \ dying ’? Ho you not see ? It is
nothing but a change of color. Hying is
changing one’s color.”
Here there was interruption; a servant
entered the room bringing tea for some friends
who had arrived late. When the disturbance
was over, we sat again, talking about sundry
things, when the table began to turn and jerk
rather powerfully. We became afraid and
removed the lamp, when immediately the spirit
“ Cissey ” began again saying, (through Mr.
Herne, of course,) “ Oh do not be afraid, the
spirits will not break the lamp or anything.
They are careful and know how to manage.
But you must not change conditions. You
removed the lamp. Ho you not see that that
is changing conditions ? After the spirits
commence their work you must not change
conditions, or we shall lose our power of
control and be much more likely to do mischief
than if left undisturbed as we commenced.”
We replaced the lamp and Cissey went on
talking of various things until she was reminded
of having commenced speaking of “ dying,” and
asked if she would continue her address.
“ Yes, I will,” she said. “ The soul does
die. It dies very often. I have been dying
many times since I passed away. I [am an
Indian girl, and since I left my body I have
had many “dyings” i*e. many changes, em¬
blematically speaking, of color. Every spirit
has a color, you know, and that color corresponds
to his or her state of knowledge. Knowledge
is colour. As we progress in knowledge, we
change color, i.e. we keep dying. The soul is
continually progressing in knowledge, and

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