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Oct. 8, 1875,
OF SPIRITUALISTS. (Established 1873.)
Blackburn, Charles, Parkfleld, Didsbury, Manchester.
Calder, Alexander, 1, Hereford-square, West Brompton, S.W.
Coleman, Benjamin, 1, Bemard-villas, Upper Norwood.
Everitt, Thomas, Lilian-villa, Holder’s-hill, Hendon, Middlesex, N.W.
Fitz-Q-erald, Mrs., 19, Cambridge-street, Hyde-park, W.
Q-regory, Mrs. Makdougall, 21. Green-street. Grosvenor-square, W.
Gully, j. M., M.D., Orwell-lodge, Bedford-hill, Balham, S.W.
Hitchman, William, M.B.C.S., 29, Erskine-street, Islington-sq., Liverpool.
Honywood, Mrs., 62, Warwick-square, S.W.
Jencken, Henry D., Barrister-at-Law, Goldsmith-buildings, E.O.
Bamsay, Mrs.,46, Bryanston-square, W.
Smith, Martin B, Heathlands, Wimbledon-common, S.W.
Speer, Stanhope Templeman, M.D., Douglas House, 13, Alexandra-road,
Finohley-road, N.W.
Wason, James, Wason’s-buildings, Liverpool.
Adshead, W. P., Derby House, Belper.
Armfield, W. N., Eden-villa, Cairns-road, New Wandsworth, S.W
Ashton, E. P., Hope-villa, 206, Brixton-road, S.W.
Bassett, W. E., 1, King Edward-street, Liverpool-road, Islington, N.
Beattie, John, 2, Bichmond-hill, Clifton, Bristol.
Bennett, Edward T., The Holmes, Betchworth, near Beigate.
Binney, F.A., 22, St. Ann’s-square, Manchester.
Brown, James, 163, Hospital-street, Hutcheson-town,' Glasgow
Chapman, John. 10, Dunkeld-street, Liverpool.
Chinnery, Samuel, 4, Elsham-road, Holland-road, Kensington, W.
Colley, Bev. Thos.. 11, Belle Vue-terrace, Southsea, Portsmouth.
Cook, Keningale, B.A., Bed-hill, Surrey.
Cooper, B., Vienna-lodge, Eastbourne.
Crosland, Newton, Lynton-lodge, Vanbrugh-park-road Blackheath, S.E.
Dawe, N. Fabyan, 30, Campden-hill-gardens, Kensington, W.
Dawson, George H., 1, Earlham-road-terrace, Norwich.
Dodd, J. T.. 28, Portland-place, Beading.
Edmands, T. H., 7, Oberstein-road, New Wandsworth, S.W.
Everitt, Mrs. M. A., Lilian-villa, Holder’s-hill, Hendcn, Middlesex, N.W.
Fitton, B., 34, Walnut-street, Cheetham, Manchester.
FWz-Gerald, Desmond G„ M.S. TeL E, 6, Loughborough-road, North
Brixton, S.W.
Fit*-Gerald, Mrs. D. G., 6, Loughborough-road North, Brixton S.TF.
Freeman, Joseph, 6, Bye-terrace, Peckham Bye, S.E.
Gale, Bichard, 9, Wilberforce-street, Anlaby-road, Hull.
Harper, Bobert, Soho-hill, Birmingham.
Hayle, Thos., M.D., The Crescent, Bochdale.
Hinde, Thos., 4, Oobden-street, Eastbourne, Darlington.
Houghton, Miss, 20, Delamere-crescent, Westbourne-square, W.
Hudson, Geo, Louis-street, Leeds. .
Humphreys, H. T., 3, West-end, Doddington-grove, Kennington-pavk, S.E.
-Hunt, Charles, 47, East-street, Baker-street, W.
Isham, Sir Charles, Bart., Lamport Hall, Northampton.
Ivimey. Joseph, Berkeley Mansion, 64, Seymour-sti eet, W.
James, Oapt., 1, Jersey-villas, Tottenham.
Joy, Algernon, M.LO.E., Junior United Service Club, S.W.
King, George, F.S.S., 40, Bark-place, Bayswater, ,W.
Lamont, John, 199, London-road, Liverpool.
Lovell, Alfred E., 3, Park-road, Plaistow, Essex.
Maltby, Mrs., 8, Granville-terrace, Shaftesbury-road, Hammersmith, W.
Mawson, Wm. Bryham, 1, King-square, Goswell-road, E.O.
Meers, W. D., Ay Isham, Norfolk
Morse, J. J., War wick-cottage, Old Ford-road, Bow, E.
Nosworthy, Mrs., 17, Bichmond-terrace, Breck-road, Liverpool.
Pearce, O. T., M.B.C.S., 19,Nottingham-place, York-gate, Begent’s-pk. N.W.
Pearce, Bichard, 8, Fassett-road, Dalston, E.
Bogers, E. Dawson, 2, Hendon-road, Church-end, Finchley, N.
Bogers, Mrs. E. Dawson, 2, Hendon-road, Church-end, Finchley, N.
Sexton, George, M.A, LL.D., &c., 17, Trafalgar-road, old Kent-road., S.E.
Shepherd, J., 29, Everton-crescent, Liverpool.
Short, Bev. W. F., J. House, Woolwich-common.
Showers, Mrs., 103, Seymour-place, Bryanston-square, W.
SnelUng, G. F., Camden-villa, Victoria-road, Upton-lane, Essex.
Strawbridge, Geo. Nelson, Annandale, Central-hill, Upper Norwood.
Strawbridge, Mrs. G. N. Annandale. Central-hill, Upper Norwood.
Swinton, A. O., Hill House, Versailles-road, Norwood, S.E.
Tapp, G. B., 18, Queen Margaret’s-grove, Mildmay-park, N.
Theobald, Morell, 30, Mark-lane, E.O.
' Theobald, Mrs. M., Fernside, Hendon, N.W.
Theobald, B. M., M.D., &c., 26, Lee-terrace, Lee, S.E.
Wedgwood, Hensleigh, 31, Queen Anne-street, Cavendish-square, W.
White, J., Shadwell, Leeds.
Wilson, D. H., M.A., LL.M., Oxford and Cambridge Club, Pall Mall,
S.W., and 3, Altenburg-terrace, Clapham Junction, S.W.
Wiseman, Mrs., 1, Orme-square. Bayswater, W.
Withall, Miss H., 1, The Elms, St. John’s-road, Brixton, S.W.
Withal!, H., 1, The Elms, St. John’s-road, Brixton, S.W.
Wood, Mrs., Bedford House, Oarlyle-square, Chelsea, S.W.
Honorary Treasurer.
Martin B. Smith, Esq., Heathlands, Wimbledon-common, S.W.
Honorary Secretary.
Algernon Joy, Esq.,38, Great Bussell-street, Bloomsbury, London, W.C.
Resident Secretary.
Miss Kislingbury, 38, Great Bussell-street, Bloomsbury, London, W.O.
Honorary or Corresponding Members.
Prince Emile de Sayn Wittgenstein, Lieutenant-General, Aide-de-Camp
General de S.M.I. PEmpereur de Bussie, Nieder Walluf on the Bhine,
near Wiesbaden,
Ahmed Bassim Pacha, Khan de Bassim Pacha, h Bahdjd Capoussou, Con¬
The Baron Von Vay, President of the Spiritual Society at Pesth.
The Baroness Adelma Von Vay, Gonobitz, bei Potschaoh, Styria, via Gratz,
General Don Joaquim Bassols y Maranosa, Madrid.*
The Hon. Alexandre Aksakof, Bussian Imperial Councillor, and Chevalier
of the Order of St. Stanislas, Nevsky Prospect 6, St. Petersburg.
The Baron von Dirkinck-Holtnfeld, Pinneberg, Holstein.
M. Gustave de Veh, 26, Avenue des Ghamps-Elysees, Pans.
Mme. de Veh, 26, Avenue des Champs-Elysees, Paris-
The Hon. Bobert Dale Owen, Hotel Branting, New York, U.S.A.
J. M Peebles. Esq., Hammonton, Atlantic Co., New Jersey, U.S.A.
Mrs. Cora L. V. Tappan, New York, U.S.A.
Miss Anna Blackwell, 13, Bue Lauriston, Paris.
Baboo Pearychand Mittra, 7, Swallow-lane, Calcutta.
James Mylne, Esq., Beheea, East Indian Bailway, Bengal.
Mrs. Emma Hardinge Britten, 356, West Thirty-second-street, New York
A. J. Biko. Esq., Oude Molstraat, the Hague, Holland.
The Bev. J. Tyerman, 45, Drummond-street, Carlton, Melbourne.
M. C. Constant (late of Smyrna), 4, Via Morone, Milan, Italy.
Dr. Maximilian Perty, Professor of Natural Science, Berne, Switzerland.
Dr. Franz Hoffmann, Professor of Philosophy, Wurzburg University
W. Lindesay Eichardson, M.D., care of Mr. W. H. Terry, 96, Bussell-
street, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
Gregor 0. Wittig, Esq., Nurnberger Strasse 85, Gartenhaus, Leipsic.
W. H. Terry, Esq., 96, Eussell-street, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
M. Leymarie, 7, Bue de Lille, Paris.
Epes Sargent, Esq., Box 2,985, Boston, U.S.A.
H. T. Child, Esq., M.D., 634, Eace-street, Philadelphia, U.S.A.
E. Crowell, Esq., M.D., 196, Clinton-avenue, Brooklyn, New York, U.S.A,
M. F. Clavairoz, Consul-General de France, Trieste, Austria.
G. L. Ditson, Esq., M.D., Albany, New York, U.S.A.
W. L. Sammons, Esq., Cape Town, South Africa.
J. Murray Spear, Esq., 2210, Mount Vernon-street, Philadelphia, U.S.A.
Mrs. J. M. Spear, 2210, Mount Vernon-street, Philadelphia, U.S.A.
J. N. Gledstanes, Esq., 11, Bue d’Anieres, Paris.
Bev. Samuel Watson, Memphis, Tennessee, U.S.A.
Luther Colby, Esq., 9, Montgomery-place, Boston, U.S.A.
M. de Bassompierre, 285, Chaussfce St. Pierre, Etterbeck, Brussels.
M. A. Anthelme Fritz, President de 1’Union, 67, Bue du Midi, Brussels.
Lieut.-Col. P. Jacoby, 11, Bue de Vienne, Brussels.
Z. Test, Esq., M.D., Union Springs, Cayuga Co., New York, U.S.A.
Le Comte de Bullet, Paris.
J. L. O’Sullivan, Esq., 10, Bue Kepler, Paris.
Isaac B. Bich, Esq., 9, Montgomery-place, Boston, U.S.A.
Mdlle. Huet, 173, Bue St. Honors, Paris.
W. S. Godbe, Esq., Salt Lake City, Utah, U.S.A.
Dr. Grtinhut, Waitzner Boulevard, 57. Buda-Pesth, Hungary.
Allied Societies.
The Liverpool Psychological Society. Secretary—Edward Hope, Esq.,
74, Bussell-street, Liverpool.
L’Union Spirite et Magnetique. Secretary—M. Charles Fritz, 121, Eue de
Louvain, Brussels.
The Brixton Psychological Society. Hon. Sec.—H. E. Frances, Esq., 22,
Cowley-road, Brixton, S.W.
MR. CHARLES E. WILLIAMS, Medium, ia at home
daily, to give Private Seances, from 12 to 5 p.m. Private Seances
attended at the houses of investigators. Public Seances at 61, Lamb's Con¬
duit-street, on Monday and Thursday evenings ; and Saturday evenings,
for Spiritualists only; at 8 o’clock each evening. Address as above.
MESMEBIST, will give Sittings for Development under Spirit
Control in Writing, Drawing. Clairvoyance, or any form of Mediumship.
Disorderly Influences removed. French spoken. At home Mondays,
Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. Private Seances attended.
Address, 10, New Ormond-street, Bloomsbury.
HEALEB, wishes to make known, by desire of his Spirit Phy¬
sicians, who cure through him, in his normal state, that having been de¬
veloped by them into a powerful healing medium, and at the same time, by
a course of deep study, acquiring a practical knowledge of the philosophy
of disease, and its rationale of cure, he is now prepared to examine, treat,
and cure patients, suffering from all kinds of acute, chronic, nervous, and
organic disease of long years’ standing. Consultations and invaluable
treatment given at his own house, or at patient’s residence, by appoint¬
ment. Visitors received at his Consulting-rooms fijom 12 to 4 daily. Fee,
One Guinea. Address, 69, Finborough-road, Bedcliffe-garden t, South
Hampstead-road, London, N.W.' To be seen by appointment only. Terms,
on application by letter.
SPEAKER, is at present in the United States, on a lecturing tour.
He will return to England by the 20th October next, when he will be pre¬
pared to receive calls as usual, to lecture in London or the provinces.
Letters sent to annexed address will be forwarded to him in due course,
’Warwick Cottage, Old Ford-road, Bow, London, E.
of Curative [Mesmerism (30 Years Established), attends patients
daily’, from 2 till 5, at his own residence, 10, Berkeley Gardens, Camden
Hill, Kensington. Somnambulic consultations for diagnosis of diseases,
indication of their causes, and remedies. Persons at a distance can con¬
sult by letter.
STBEET, CHALK FABM-BOAD, N.W. Trance communica¬
tions for Tests, Business and Medical advice, Healing by Spirit Mesmerism,
&c. Terms for private seance, one guinea, public seauces on Tuesdays, at
7 p.m., and Fridays, 3 p.m., at above address. Admission 2s. (id. Previous
appointments should be made for private seances.

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