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Am. 18, 1876.
Representing the English and American Literature o,f ._Spirit¬
ualism, obtainable of W. H. Harrison, SprituaHst ? News-^
£sper Branch Office, 88, Great Russell-street, Bloomsbury,'
ondon, "W.C:
[For purposes of mutual "convenience the above office has been:
rented on the premises of the "National Association" of Spirit¬
ualists, "but the Association and 'The Spiritualist Newspaper and
publishing business, are not in any way connected" with "each
other.] ia V m ;V
Price 7s.. 6d., cloth. ,
LIZZIE DOTEN." Tenth edition. " This volume opens
with the wonderful'experiences of the author, who is pecu¬
liarly gifted as a trance medium and public speaker. Her
platform labours have for a long time been unceasing, and the
deep religious and -spiritual tone of her discourses have ex¬
tended her influence far beyond the limit of her voice, through
the instrumentality of the press. This volume contains the
gems of the inspirational utterances, given chiefly before
public audiences, under direct spirit influence. Several of
them are attributed to the spirit of Edgar A. Poe. They have
the rhythmic beauty, grandeur, and imagery of his produc¬
tions in earth-life. The -Biographical Introduction gives a
succinct account ofthe means by which these poems are given
to the world. The peculiar influence which" each spirit exer¬
cised over the medium: is stated,; and the unmistakable cer¬
tainty and significance of this higher phase of spiritual com¬
munion is pourtraj ed. The book is a valuable addition to the
evidences in favour of spirit intercourse and of its" ennobling
tendencies.—Boston, "U.S.: Colby and Rich. London Spirit-
TLS.A. .The most ’faithful and impartial exponent of
Spiritualism in America. The title, Spiritual Scientist, clearly
indicates the character of the paper. Unlike all other
Spiritual journals, it gathers from the great authors pf ancient
time the fruits of their researches into the secrets of nature
and the laws of the Spiritual Universe. On the Occult
Sciences it has many able contributors, and solicits correspon¬
Published weekly. Scientist Pub. Co., publishers. E. Gerry
Brown, Editor. Offices, 18, Exchange-street, and 24, Devon-
shire-street. The Scientist is now in its fourth volume. Terms
of subscription, in advance, 13s. per annum, including postage.
Spiritualist newspaper branch office, 88, Great Bussell-street,
London, W.O.
Price 5s.
London: Triibner and Co., Ludgate Hill.
Reviewbes’ Criticisms.
“Irishmen ought: to read this work and be proud. It is
crammed with learning which does credit to the research of
the writer.1'—Christian World.
“The somewhat startling proposition contained .in the title
of this work can hardly fail to interest a considerable number
of readei s, and for those who may be inclined to take the work
in hand, we may briefly state that the line of argument pur¬
sued is intended to show that the Chaldeans, the Hebrews,
and the Celts are identical, the summary given at the close
being that ‘the Arpbaxadite Chaldeans were the progenitors
of the Hebrew Chaldeans, and differ only in name from the
first Gaels.’ The subject is carefully dealt with. The various
arguments are well arranged, and a large amount of corrobora¬
tive evidence is adduced in support of them, the value of which
many will be glad to test.”—Rock.
Published at 7s. 6d. Reduced to 4s.
Mesmerism, animal magnetism,
and SOMNAMBULISM, with experiments and obser¬
vations, also illustrative instances of analogous phenomena
occorring spontaneously, and an appendix of corroborative
facts, by
Corresponding Member of the Medical Association of Prussia,
the Royal Academy of Medicine of Belgium, the medical
academies of Paiis, Berlin, Munich, Brussels, Madrid, Turin,
and Florence.
The "Milan Society for the Encouragement of Arts and
Sciences, awarded the prize offered for competition to Dr.
Lee for the above work on mesmerism and clairvoyance.
It is recorded in the life of Dr. Arnold, of Rugby, that he
Bald:—“I should like to hear something fresh about an’mal
magnetism, which has always elicited my curiosity. What
our fathers have done still leaves an enormous deal for us to
do. The theory of life itself probably lies within our know¬
ledge. We perceive the connection of nerves with the opera¬
tions of mind, but we cannot understand a thinking, a seeing,
or a bearing nerve Here, and in many other points there is
room for infinite discovery, to say nothing of the wonderful
phenomena of animal magnetism, which only Englishmen, with
their accustomed ignorance, are apt to laugh at, but which no
one as yet has either thoroughly ascertained or explained.
Published by Longmans at 7s. 6d. Reduced in price to 4s.
Inland Postage, 4d. Spiritualist Newspaper Branch Office.
EFFECTS, by Babon Dirckinck-Holmfeld. A review
of this pamphlet appeared in the March number of The
Spiritual Magazine of this year. May be had of W. H.
Harrison, 38, Great Russell-street, BlooAsbury, W.O. Price
6d., post free, 7d.
—Rivista Psicologica di Niceford Filalete. Published
on the 15th of every month, at Turin, Tip. Baglione, via
Bogino, No. 28.
Thb long-expressed want of a metropolitan centre where
Spiritualists visiting London can secure domestic comforts
witheut the inconvenience of a public hotel, has, by the
generous efforts of friends of the Cause, led to the establish¬
ment of the above Home, on the principle of a private
Boarding House. It is conveniently located for the principal
railways,, and is in the very area of the spiritual movement.
Its arrangements have been designed with a special view to
the requirements of Spiritualists.
Applications should^be made as far as possible in advance.
Manager—Mrs. a. 0, Burke.
The Countess of Caithness, Stagenhoe-park, Welwyn, Herts.
Sir Charles Isham, Bart., Lamport Hall, Northampton.
Willjam Howitt, Eeq., RomqTOajjrip *. -. ? /•’. jy .
S. Oj; Hall,"! Esq., F.S.A , 50, Holland-street, Kensington.
Alexander.Calder,-Esq.;-1, Hereford-,square, South Kensington
Charles Blaokburtr." Esq!; Didsbury^Manchelter."' ‘ ■
iW^M^Wilki^gop^ .EkqN'AdrLioc^ln’sT-iph-flelds.'*
A. A. Watts, Esq., 119, Lansdowne-r(?ad,»N,Qtting-hill, W
;S..Chinhery, Esq.^Hif^Strand, London, W.O. -
;J. Enmore Jones, Esq., Eomore-park, S.E.
C. Townsend Hook, Esq., Snodland, Rochester, Kent.
G. N. Strawbridge, Esq., Annandale, Upper Norwood, S.E.
Cornelius Pearson, Esq., 15, Harper-street, Bloomsbury. ■
William Tebb, Esq., 7, Albert-rd., uloucester-gate, Regent’s-pk.
A. Leighton, Esq., 16, South Castle-street, Liverpool. .
James Wason, Esq., Wason’s-buildings, Liverpool.
Mrs. Makdougall Gregory, 21, Queen-street, Grosvenor-square.
Mrs. Tebb, 7,"Albert-road, Regent’s-park, N.W.
Thomas Hayle, Esq., M.D., The Crescent. Rochdale.
Thomas Shorter, Esq., 23, Prince of Wales-road, N.W.
Jacob Dixon, Esq., M.D.. 8 Great Ormond-street, W.O.
W-. H. Harrison, Esq., 88, Great Russell-street, W C.
J. H. Gledstanes, Esq., Junior United Service Club, S.W.
W. C. Copperthwaite, Esq., Malton, Yorkshire.
Cromwell F. Yarley, Esq., F.R.S., 2, Great Winchester-street-
; | buildings, E.C.
The Hon. J. O’Sullivan, late U.S. Minister to the Court of
Portugal, 10, Rue Kepler, Paris.
Hay Nisbet, Esq., 219, George-street, Glasgow.
Mrs. Hamilton, York-place, Ponman-square
John Lament, Esq., Finfleld, Liverpool.
Thos. Slater, Esq., 19, Leamington-rd.-villas, Westboume-pk.
Andrew Glendinning, Esq., 4. Castledine -road, Anerly, S.E
W. J. Williams, Esq., Clarence Club, Waterloo-place, S.W.
Epes Sargent, Esq, Boston, U.S.A.
Subscriptions, | which will be duly acknowledged, may be
forwarded to the Ron. Treasurer, Alexander Calder, Esq , 1,
Hereford-square, South Kensington, S,W.; or to the Hon
Sec., A. Joy, Esq., 69, Great Russell-street, W.C.
The follotoin sums have been already subscribed:—
Charles Blackburn, Esq £50
A. V. H 80
Martin R. Smith, Esq '. 25
Alexander Calder, Esq. ,., 25
William Tebb, Esq 25
A. L. Elder, Esq | 25
W. M. Wilkinson, Esq 20
O. v. Hoffmann ......J 20
James Wason, Esq ..7..'. 20
Friends at St. Petersburg !t 19
Friends at Glasgow, per H. Nisbet, Esq 10 16
Thomas Grant, Esq 10 10
A Friend ; 10 10
Mrs. St. Claire 10 0
W. J. Williams, Esq 10 0
Two Friends and Neighbours 10
W. C. Ooppertbwaite. Esq 10
G. N. Strawbridge, Esq 10
Alexander Tod, Esq 10
J. Ridley, Esq.......-”.. 10
Mrs. Hamilton..,..." 10
Mrs. Daun 10
T. J. Allman, Esq t 10
Mrs. Hennings 5
Mrs. Berry 5
J. Y. Vernon, Esq...." 6
W.S.Godbe 5
W. H-Harrison, Esq. 5
C. Townsend Hook, Esq.^ 5
William Howitt, Esq 5
Enmore Jones, Esq 5
A. A. Watts, Esq 5
Mrs. Watts 6
Walter Weldon, Esq. 5
P. G 5
M. G. S..... 5
C. F. Varley, Esq. 5
J. H. D 5
F. Griffin, Esq 5
Sir Charles Isham," Bart 6
J. S. Law, Esq. c 5
Scribo 5
Friend per Mrs. Vtmon 3
G de Liagre .....l........".. 3
C. Pearson, Esq s 3
Miss Clark - 3
S. O. Hall. Esq 2
John Marshall, Esq 2
; C. Stephens, Esq 2
Dr. R. Baikie 2
F 2
Rev. W. Whitear ", 2
Miss Whittar 2
Thomas Scott, Esq. ■ .". 2
D. G. Fitzgerald, Esq 2
Miss Watts 2
T. Skinner, Esq., M.D 2
L. J 2
G. Damiani 2
T. Shorter, Esq : 2
M. De Veb 2
John Lamont, Esq 2
C. McLean, Esq ;..... 2
Miss Douglas 2
J. Hare, Esq, and Friends 2
Rev. J. Manners... 2
R. B 1
D. H. W 1
A. Glendinring, Esq 1
W. Glynes, Esq '. 1
J. T. Peele, Esq 1
Dr. C. L. Robertson 1
Mrs. S. Dickson 1
Regnum 1
Friend, per T. Hayle, Esq 1
F. A. Binney, Esq ; 1
W. W 1
J. Swinburne, Esq. 1
J. Gledstanes, Esq 1
Mrs. M. Gregory ; 1
Dr. Hayle 1
C. P. Carter, Esq 1
Mrs. Wiseman 1
A. R. Wallace, Esq 1
J. O. Eno, Esq 1
Col. H. S. Olcott ft kilt 1
Baronin v. Vay 0 18
C. Parsons, Esq 0 10
O. O. G ;• o 10
■ C. Reimers 0 10
D. S.Yt 0 5
The Seeond Volume of The Identity of Primitiv
Chritiicmity and Modem /Spiritualism,
This Octavo Volume, handsomely printed and bound In cloth,
completes the work.
1.7-Spirit Writing.
II.—Levitation and Conveyance by Spirit-power
III. —Insensibility to Fire.
IV. —Clairvoyance and Somnambulism.
VI.—Dreams and Visions
VII.—Trance and Ecstacy.
VIII.—Holy Ghost.
IX.—Heresies and Contentions.
XT.—The Ministry of Angels.
XIIT.—The Spirit-World.
XIV.—Spiritualism and the Church.
XV.—Spiritualism and Science.
The above work has just been issued in America, and copies
are now on sale, price 10s. 6d. each, post free 11s. 6d., at The
Spiritualist Newspaper Branch Office.
The religio-philosophical
JOURNAL is a large eight-page weekly paper, an
able exponent of Modern Spiritualism. Established in 1865.
Now in its twentieth volume. Published every Saturday by
tbe Religio Philosophical Publishing House, Chicago, Illinois.
The regular price is 15s. per year, at which price thousands of
old subscribers welcome it each week as the best visitor they
have. Sample copy, Sd. Address, S. S. Jones, Editor, Chicago,
The debatable land between this
WORLD AND THE NEXT. By Robert Dale Owen.
The main object of this book is to afford conclusive proof,
aside from historical evidence, of immortality. It shows that
we of to-day have the same evidence on that subject as the
apostles had. More than half the volume consists of narra¬
tives in proof of this—narratives that will seem incredible at
first sight to many, jet which are sustained by evidence as
strong as that which daily determines, in our courts of law,
the life and death of men. This book affirms thattbestrongest
of all historical evidences for modern Spiritualism are found
in the Gospels, and that the strongest of all proof going to
substantiate the Gospel narratives are found in the phenomena
of Spiritualism. Cloth, 7s. fid.
The Spiritualist Newspaper Branch Office.
A Record of * the Progress of the Science and Ethics of
rpHE SPIRITUALIST, published weekly, is the
J- oldest Newspaper connected with the movement in the
United Kingdom, and is the recognised organ of educated Spiritual¬
ists in all the English-speaking countries throughout the Globe; it
also has an influential body of readers on the Continent of Europe.
The Contributors to its pages comprise most of the leading and
more experienced Spiritualists, including many eminent in the ranks
of Literature, Art, Science and the Peerage. Among those who
have published their names in connection with their communica¬
tions m its columns are Mr. C. F. Varley, C.E., F.R.S.; Mr. William
Crookes, F.R.S., Editor of the “Quarterly Journal of Science” (who
admits the reality of the phenomena, but has, up to the present time,
expressed no decided opinion as to their cause); Mr. Alfred R.
Wallace, the Naturalist; Prince Emile de Sayn-Wittgenstein (YVies-
baden); The Countess of Caithness; the Duke of Leuchtenberg;
Mr. H. G. Atkinson, F.G.S.; Lord Lindsay; the Hon. Robert Dale
Owen (New York); Mr. Epes Sargent;(Boston, U.S.); Sir Charles
Isham, Bart.; Mrs. Ross-Church (Florence Marryat); Mrs. Mak¬
dougall Gregory; the Hon. Alexandre Aksakof, Russian Imperial
Councillor, and Chevalier of the Order of St. Stanislas (St. Peters¬
burg) ; the Baroness Adelma Vay (Austria); Mr. H. M. Dunpby,
Barnster-at-Law; Mr. Stanhope Templeman Speer, M.D. (Edin.);
Mr. J. C. Luxmoore; Mr. John E. Purdon, M.B. (India); Mrs.
Honywood; Mr, Benjamin Coleman; Mr. Charles Blackburn; Mr.
St. George W. Stock, B.A. (Oxon); Mr. James Wasou; Mr. N.
Fabyan Dawe; Herr Christian Reimers ; Mr. Wm. White (author of
the "Life of Swedenborg"); Mr. J. M. Gully, M.D.; the Rev. 0.
Maurice Davies. D.D., author of “Unorthodox London”: Mr. S. C.
Hall, F.S.A.; Mr. H. D. Jencken, M.R.I., Bamster at-Law; Mr.
Algernon Joy; Mr. D.-H. Wilson, M.A., LL.M.; Mr. C. Constant
(Smyrna); Mrs. F. A. Nosworthy; Mr. William Oxley; Miss Kisling-
bury; Miss A. Blackwell (Paris); Mrs. F. Showers; Mr. J. N. T.
Martheze; Mr. J. M. Peebles (United States): Mr. W. Lindesay
Richardson, M.D. (Australia); and many other ladies and gentlemen.
Annual subscription to residents in the United Kingdom, 10s. lOd.
To residents in the United States, 4 dels. 17 cents per annum, which
may he paid in to Messrs. Colby and Rich, 9, Montgomery-place,
Boston, U.S., and their receipt forwarded to “The Manager,
Spiritualist Newspaper Office, 38, Great Russell-street, London,
[December, 1875.]
Cjr.e j^ratalisi fUtogjrajj-er.
Established in 1869.
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figures count as one word. Displayed Advertisements Five
Shillings per inch. Reduced terms for extended periods.
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reach, and an advertisement is not lost to view amid a mass of
others. Moreover, the paper is not usually torn up when read, but
preserved for binding.
All communications for the Advertising Department of this
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London ; and orders intended for the Friday’s issue should reach the
office not later than by the. first post on the previous Wedtetday
morning. All communications for the Literary Department should
be addressed to the Editor.
No notice is taken of orders received for papers unaccompanied by
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free, to any address within the United Kingdom on receipt of the
annual subscription of 10s lOd.
City Publishing Office, E. W. Allen’s, 11, Ave Maria-lane, London,
Printed for the Proprietor by Beveridge & Co., at the
Holbom Printing "Works, Fullwood’s Rents, High Holborn,
in the Parish of St. Andrew-above-Bar and St. George
■ the Martyr, London, and published by E, W. ALLEN, Ave
Maria-lane, London, E.O,

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