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THE SPIRITUALIST is regularly on Sale at the following places :—LONDON : n, Ave Maria-lane, St. Paul’s Churchyard, E.C. PARIS : Kiosque *46, Boulevard des
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No. 356.—(Vol. XIV.—No. 25.) LONDON : FRIDAY, JUNE 20, 1879. Published Weekly; Price Twopence.
The Life of Ransom. By James A. Campbell 289.
Medhimship .. 291
The Physical Condition of Miss Fancher, the Clairvoyante 292
The Shakers.. ., .., .. .. .. 293
Curious Coincidences.. .. .. .. .. 293
A Form-Manifestation in the Fifteenth Century. By
Epes Sargent 294
William Lloyd Garrison .. ...... 294
A Prophetic Vision 294
Ancient and Mediaeval Divination. By S. E. De Morgan 295
A Great Hoax about Trances in Animals.. .. .. .. 296
Synchronous Hallucinations .. .. .. 297
Poetry—The Spirits’ Return, 298 ; The Close of a Useful
life .. .. 298
Correspondence—Spirit Identity, 298 ; Hospital Libraries,
298; The Authorship of Shakespeare’s Plays, 298 ;
Visitors to a Reading-room, 298 ; Organization
among Spiritualists, 298 ; Prophetic Dreams .. .. 299
Answers to Correspondents .. .. ... 300
Paragraphs—Spirit Photographs in Court 295
A Record of the Progress of the Science and Ethics
of Spiritualism.
THE SPIRITUALIST, published weekly, is the
oldest Newspaper connected with the movement in the
United Kingdom, and is the recognised organ of educated
Spiritualists in all the English-speaking countries throughout
the Globe ; it also has an influential body of readers on the
Continent of Europe.
The Contributors to its pages comprise most of the leading
and more experienced Spiritualists, includingmany eminent in
the ranks of Literature, Art, Science, and the Peerage. Among
those who have published their names in connection with their
communications in its columns are Mr. C. F. Varley, C.E., F. R.S.;
Mr. William Crookes, F.R.S., Editor of the “Quarterly Journal
of Science ’’ (who admits the reality of the phenomena, but has,
up to the present rime, expressed no decided opinion as to their
cause); Mr. Alfred R. Wallace, President of the Biological Sec¬
tion of the British Association for the Advancement of Science
(1876) ; Prince Emile de Sayn-Wittgenstein (Wiesbaden); the
Right Hon. the Countess of Caithness ; His Imperial Highness
Nicholas of Russia (Duke of Leuchtenberg); Mr. H. G. Atkin¬
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de Bullet; the Hon. J. L. O’Sullivan, formerly American
Minister at the Court of Portugal; Mr. C. C. Massey, Barrister-
at-Law; Mr. George C. Joad; Dr. Robert Wyld; Mr. T. P.
Parkas, F.G.S.; Mr. Serjeant Cox, President of the Psycholo¬
gical Society of Great Britain ; Mr. Alexander Calder, Presi¬
dent of the British National Association of Spiritualists; the
Rev. J. Tyerman (Australia); Mr. Epes Sargent (Boston, U.S.);
Sir Charles Isham, Bart.; Miss Florence Marryat; Dr. George
Wyld ; Mrs. Makdougall Gregory; the Hon. Alexandre Aksa-
kof, Russian Imperial Councillor, and Chevalier of the Order
of St. Stanislas (St. Petersburg); the Baroness Adelma Vay
(Austria); Mr. H. M. Dunphy, Barrister-at-Law; Mr. C.
Carter Blake, Doc. Sci., Lecturer on Comparative Anatomy at
Westminster Hospital; Mr. Stanhope Templeman Speer, M.D.
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(India); ■ Mrs. Honeywood; Mr. Benjamin Coleman; Mr.
Charles Blackburn; Mr. St. George Stock, B. A. (Oxon);
Mr. James Wason; Mr. N. Fabyan Dawe; Herr Christian
Reimers; Mr. William White (author of the “Life of Sweden-
borg'-’);: Mr. J. M. Gully, M.D.; the Rev. C. Maurice Davies,
D.D., author of “ Unorthodox London Mr. S. C. Hall, F.S-A.;
Mrs. S. 0. Hall; Mr. William Newton, F.R.G.S. ; Mr. H. D.
Jencken, M.R.L, Barrister-at-L*w; Mr. Algernon Joy,
M.Inst.C.E.; Mr. D. H. Wilson, M.A., LL.M. ; Mr. C. Con¬
stant (Smyrna); Mrs. F. A. Nosworthy; M>-. William Oxley:
MissKi lingbury ; Miss A. Blackwell (Paris); Mrs. F. Showers ;
Mr. J. N. T. Mathese; Mr. J. M. Peebles (United States); Mr.
W. Lindsay Richardson, M.D. (Australia); and many other
ladies and gentlemen.
Annual subscription to residents in the United Kingdom,
10s. lOd.; in the United States and Australia, 13s., post free.
The Spiritualist is regularly on sale at the following places :—
London: 11, Ave Maria-lane. St. Paul's-churchyard, E. C.
Paris : Kiosque, 246, Boulevard des Capucines, and 7, Rue de
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Entrance in Woburn Street.
The Offices of the Association are open between the hours
of 2 p.m. and 9.30 p.m. only, on all Week-days, except Sat¬
urday, when they are open between the hours of 2 p.m. and
6 p.m.
Monday, 16f A—FobtitightIiV Discussion Meeting at 8 p.m.
Last of the Season- Paper, “ Review of the
Session.” By the Rev. W. Stainton Moses
Friday, 20th.—Library Committee at 6 p.m.
C. A. BURKE, Secretary.
OFFICES—6, Akeeman Road, Bbixton.
The object of the society is to promote the study of
Psychology and Spiritualism, and kindred subjects.
Members have the privilege of attending seances with
well known mediums, and are entitled to the use of books
on Spiritualism from the Library.
For information as to rules of membership, &c., &c.,
apply to— H. E. FRANCES, Hon. Sec.
Ob, the Fibst Pbinciple of the Human Mind;
A Revelation, but no Mystery. .With Spiritual Advent and
Steel Portrait of the Amber, E. N. Dennys. 370 pages,
piice 3s. 6d.
“We can call to mind few books fit to be its fellows.”—
“It contains more truth, poetry, philosophy, and logic
than any work we have ever read; it is a new revelation,
and one of the most' remarkable productions ever given to
the world.”—Cosmopolitan,
Also just published, with engraving of the Author, 470 pages,
price 3s. 6d.,
A series of Lectures by the Author of " Alpha.”
Published by E. W. Allen, Ave Maria-lane, London, E.C.
Price Five Shillings.- Post Free. Cloth. Crown 8vo.
By Edwin Lee, M.D.,
Corresponding member of the Medical Academies of Paris,
Berlin, Munich, Brussels, Madrid, Turin, and Florence. Au¬
thor of the Prize Essay on “ Mesmerism and Therapeutics,”
awarded by the Milan Society for the Promotion of Science,
Arts, and Letters.
The Spiritualist Newspaper Branch Office, Bloomsbury,
BIRKBEOK BANK.—Established 1851.—
29 and 30, Southampton.buildings, Chancery-lane.
DEPOSITS received at INTEREST for stated periods or re¬
payable on demand. Current Accounts opened with persons
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Letters of Credit and Circular Notes issued.
The Bank undertakes the custody of Securities of Customers
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advances made thereon.
Office Honrs from 10 till 4, excepting Saturdays, then from
10 till 2. On Mondays the Bank is open until 9 p.m.
A Pamphlet with full particulars' on application.
One or two pupils can find a comfoitable home and
carefnl instruction in English, foreign languages, mathe¬
matics, &c., under the care of a Private Tutor in Wiesbaden.
Address—Mr. G. Wiese, A.K.C., 2, Kapellen Str., Wies¬
baden, Germany.
11, Chandos Street, Cavendish Squa/re, London, W.
President—Mb. Sebjbant Cox.
This Society was established in February, 1875, for the pro*
motion of psychological science In all its branches. Its object
is the investigation of the forces, organic and intelligent,
that move and direct the material mechanism of man. Com¬
munications as to alleged phenomena are invited by the
Committee of Inquiry who hold investigation sittings with¬
out subscribing to or recognising any particular theory or
All particulars may be obtained on application to
FRANCIS K. MUNTON, Honorary Secretary,
Willesden, N.W.
ALLAN KARDEC (Blackwell’s Translations).
THE SPIRITS’ BOOK (1858). From the 120th thousand.
THE MEDIUMS’ BOOK (1861). From the 85th thousand.
HEAVEN AND HELL (1863). From the 60th thonsand.
Price 7s. 6d. Tbdbnbb & Co. London.
Cloth, small 8vo., price 3s.
Suggestions and Conclusions thereon.
Mr. White’s contention is that there is place and use iu the
divine economy for all varieties of men and women; and
that there is not any one, however perverse or insignificant,
who is not created for some function in universal humanity.
As to the question of everlasting punishment, Mr. White
maintains an original position. If asked whether he believes
in the everlasting punishment of sinners, he answers, Yes; but
if asked whether he believes in everlasting sinners, he answers.
No. AH the confusion, perplexity, and anguish which exist
as to the future life arise from the constant assumption that
the everlasting punishment of sin is identical with the ever¬
lasting existence of sinners. Sin or transgression has been,
is, and ever will be eternally punished; torment and misery
are everlastingly inseparable from wrong-doing; and pre¬
cisely because inseparable, the wrong-doer must, sooner or
later,' cease from wrong-doing. In short, the everlasting
punishment of sin is sure warrant for the impossibility of
everlasting sinners.
E. W. Alien, 11, Ave Maria-lane, E.C.
AND EPHEMERIS for 1879, containing predictions
of events and the weather f6r every month, &c., &c., with a
large hieroglyphic. Post free. 7d.; or with Ephemeris, 13d.
Raphael’s Hieroglyphic (1878) foreshadowed the Lanca¬
shire .quarrels, the Royal deaths, the great wrecks, the
British armaments, &c.
which any person may calculate their own nativity. Cloth
gilt, 3s. .
London: J. E. Catty, 12, Ave Maria-lane, E.C.
ITALIA—Rivista Psicologica di Niceforo Filatete.
Published on the 15th of every month, at Turin, Tip.
Baglione, via Bogino, No. 23.
Journal devoted to the investigation of the unexplained
phenomena of psychic life. Edited by Alexandre Aksakov,
and contributed to by several German and foreign men or
science. Price Is. monthly.—Leipsic: Oswald Mutzb.
London : The Spiritualist Newspaper Branch Office.
comfortable Social Home in a convenient part of the
city, by an English brother. The apartments can,'only ac¬
commodate four persons. Terms, board and all included, £3
per week each; or, for two persons, £2 10s. per week, if two
occupy one room. Address, S.T., care of M. A. Mallett, 3,
Rue de la Cossonerie, Paris.
A SELECT CIRCLE, holding Seances for
physical manifestations once a week, requires a few
more members—especially ladies. For particulars, apply to
R. S. T., care of Miss Burka 8, Great RusSall-street, W.O.

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