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THE SPIRITUALIST is regularly on Sale at the following places :—LONDON: n, Ave Maria^lane, St. Paul’s Churchyard, E.C. PARIS: Kiosque 346, Boule.
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No. 329.—(Vol. XIII.—No. 24.) LONDON : FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1878. Published Weekly; Price Twopence.
The Religious Side of Spiritualism ... 277
Physical and Spiritual Growth. By J. E. Rees 277
The Psychological Society 278
A Seance with Miss Cook ... ... 278
Departure of Mr. Martheze on a Voyage Round the "World 279
Correspondence:—Spiritualism Northwards—Would the
Chapel Deacon System be Beneficial to Spiritualism ?
—The Psychology of the Play of Macbeth—A Seance at
Newcastle — Dr. Forbes Winslow’s Statistics —The
Healing Powers of Mesmerism .' ... ... 279
The Action of One Mind upon Another. By A. G. Cranstoun 282
When and Where was the First Seance held in England ? 282
The British National Association of Spiritualists. The
Debate on Captain Burton’s Paper 283
The Last of Baron De Palm 286
The Stigmata ... 287
The Powers of the Human Spirit 288
Answers to Correspondents *. 288
A Record of the Progress of the Science and Ethics of
rpHE SPIRITUALIST, published weekly, is the
J- oldest Newspaper connected with the movement in the
United Kingdom, and is the recognised organ of educated Spiritual¬
ists in all the English-speaking countries throughout the Globe; it
also has an influential body of readers on the Continent of Europe.
The Contributors to its pages comprise most of the leading and
more experienced Spiritualists, including many eminent in the ranks
of Literature, Art, Science and the Peerage. Among those who
have published their names in connection with their communica¬
tions in its columns are Mr. 0. F. Varley, C.E., F.R.S.; Mr. William
Crookes, F.R.S., Editor of the “Quarterly Journal of Science” (who
admits the reality of the phenomena, but has, up to the present fime,
expressed no decided opinion as to their cause); Mr. Alfred R.
Wallace, President of the Biological Section of the British Associa¬
tion for the Advancement ol Science (1876); Prince Emile de
Sayn-Wittgenstein (Wiesbaden); the Right Hon. the Countess oi
Caithness ;\His Imperial Highness Nicholas of Russia (Duke of
Leuchtenberg): Mr. H. G. Atkinson, F.G.S.; Lord Lindsay; the
Hon. Robert Dale Owen (formerly American Minister at the Court
of Naples); Baron Dirckinck-flolmfeld (Holstein); Mr. Gerald
Massey; Le Comte de Bullet; the Hon. J. L. O’Sullivan, formerly
American Minister at the Court of Portugal; Mr. C. C. Massey,
Barrister-at-Law; Mr. George C. Joad ; Dr. Robert Wyld; Mr. T.P.
Barkas, F.G.S.; Mr. Serjeant Cox, President of the Psychological
Society of Great Britain; Mr. Alexander Calder, President or the
British National Association of Spiritualists; the Rev. J. Tyer-
man (Australia); Mr. Epes Sargent (Boston, U.S.); Sir Charles
Isham, Bart.; Mrs. Ross-Church (Florence Marryat): Mrs. Mak-
dougall Gregory; the Hon. Alexandre Aksakof, Russian Imperial
Councillor, and Chevalier of the Order of St. Stanislas (St. Petersburg);
the Baroness Adelma Vay (Austria); Mr. H. M. Dunphy, Barrister-
at-Law; Mr. 0. Carter Blake, Doc. Sci., Lecturer on Comparative
Anatomy at Westminster Hospital; Mr. Stanhope Templeman Speer,
M.D. (Edin.); Mr. J. C. Luxmoore; Mr. JohnE. Purdon.M.B. (India);
Mrs. Honywood: Mr, Benjamin Coleman: Mr. Charles Blackburn;
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Fabyan Dawe; Herr Christian Reimers ; Mr. Wm. White (author ol
the‘‘Life of Swedenborg”); Mr. J. M. Gully, M.D.; the Rev. C.
Maurice Davies, D.D.. author of “ Unorthodox London”; Mr. S. 0.
Hall, F.S.A.: Mrs. S. C. Hall; Mr. William Newton. F.R.G.S.;
Mr. H. D. Jencken, M.R.I., Barrister-at-Law: Mr. Algernon Joy,
M.Inst.C.E.: Mr. D. H. Wilson, M.A., LL.M.; Mr. C. Constant
(Smyrna); Mrs. F. A. Nosworthy; Mr. William Oxley; Miss Kisling-
oury; Miss A. Blackwell (Paris): Mrs. F. Showers; Mr. J. N. T.
Martheze; Mr. J. M. Peebles '(United States): Mr. W. Lindesay
Richardson,'M.D. (Australia); and many other ladies and gentlemen.
Annual subscription to residents in the United .Kingdom, 10s. lOd.;
in the United States and Australia, 13s., post free.
The Spiritualist is regularly on sale at the following places
London: 11, Ave Maria-lane, St. Paul’s-churchyard, E.O,
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All communications on the business of The Spiritualist
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Lunacy law reform association,
64, Bemers-street, London. Office Hours from 10 to 4,
and Tuesday Evening from 6 to 7. Closed on Saturdays.
Entrance in Woburn Street.
Friday, 13fft.—Experimental Research Committee,"at 6.30
Monday, 16tfft,—Discussion Meeting. Mr. Stainton Moses,
M.A., on “ The Intelligent Operator at
the Other End of the Line."
Friday, 20<ft.—Library Committee, at 5.30 p.m.
„ ,, Experimental Research Committee, at 6.30.
The Offices of the Association will be closed on Monday
evening, 23rd, and reopened on Monday, 30th, at 2 p.m.
Members and Visitors are requested to note that on and
after Dec. 30th the Offices of the Association will be open only
between the hours of 2 p.m. and 9.30 p.m., except on Saturdays,
when they will be open from 10 a.m. till 1 p.m.
By Order, E. KISLINGBURY, Secretary.
brixton psychological society.
OFFICES—6, Akebman-road, Brixton.
The object of the society is to promote the study of
Psychology and Spiritualism, and kindred subjects.
Members have the privilege of attending seances with well-
known mediums, and are entitled to the use of books on
Spiritualism from the Library.
For information as to rules of membership. &c., &c., apply
to— H. E. FRANCES, Hon. Sec.
British museum lectures.—a
Course of Three Lectures (with the permission of the
authorities) will be given by C. Carter Blake, Doct. Sci., Lec¬
turer on Comparative Anatomy and Zoology, Westminster
Hospital, on Jan. 4, Jan. 7, and Jan. 11. Hours 11 to 1. Tickets
5s. each. Address C. Carter Blake, care of 38, Great Russell-
street, W.C.
Iadbroke hall, ladbroke
Hill Gate).
A SERIES OF SUNDAY SERVICES for the dissemination
of the Gospel of Spiritual Truth are in course of delivery in
the above Hall, by W. H. L AMBELLE, who will deliver a
course of addresses on the “ ORIGIN OF RELIGIOUS RITES
Doors open at 6.30 and closed at 7 promptly, to prevent
interruption during the progress of the Services.
MR. and MISS DIETZ desire to announce
the following engagements:—Perry Barr Institute,
December 3,1878; New Swindon Mechanics’ Institute, January
8,1879. Coalbrookdale Literary Institute, January 21 (Second
time this season). Hastings, Gensing Hall, Afternoon and
Evening, January 29. Richmond Parochial Society, February
4. Leamington Institute, February 25. Croydon Literary
Institution, March 6- (2nd time). Favourable terms arranged
with Institutes en route. For particulars address Mr. Frank
Dietz, 54, Denbigh Street, London, S.W.
Mr. and Miss Dietz also have to announce their Third Series
of Recitations, to be given at Langham Hall, 43, Great Portland
Street, London, on the following Wednesday evenings, viz.:—
January 15th, 1879, February 12th, March 12th, April 9th, May
14th, June 11th. Tickets for the Series One Guinea each.
LEAVES FROM MY LIFE, a narrative of
Personal Experiences, with some account of American
Spiritualism, as seen during a twelvemonth’s visit to the
United States. Two Portraits. By J. J. MORSE. Price 2s.
From the Author, at Elm Tree-terrace, Uttoxeter-road, Derby
BIRKBECK BANK.—Established 1851.—
29 and 30, Southampton-buildings, Chancery-lane.
DEPOSITS received at INTEREST for stated periods or re¬
payable on demand. Current Accounts opened with persons
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Letters of Credit and Circular Notes issued.
The Bank undertakes the custody of Securities of Customers,
and the Collection of Bills of Exchange, Dividends and
Coupons. Stocks and Shares purchased and sold and
advances made thereon.
Office Hours from 10 till 4, excepting Saturdays, then from
10 to 2. On Mondays the Bank is open until 9 p.m.
A Pamphlet with full particulars on application.
11, Chandos Street, Cavendish Square, London, W
President—Mr. Serjeant Cox.
This Society was established in February, 1875, for the pro¬
motion of psychological science in all its branches. Its object
is the investigation of the forces, organic and intelligent, that
move and direct the material mechanism of man. Communi¬
cations as to alleged phenomena are invited by the Committee
of inquiry who hold investigation sittings without subscribing
to or recognising any particular theory or belief.
All particulars may be obtained on application to
FRANCIS K. MUNTON, Honorary Secretary.
Willesden, N.W.
ALLAN KARDEC (Blackwell's Translations).
THE SPIRITS’ BOOK (1858). From the 120th thousand.
THE MEDIUMS’ BOOK (1861). From the 85th thousand
HEAVEN AND HELL (1863). From the 60th thousand
Price 7s. 6d. Trubner & Co., London.
SESSION, 1878-9.
Nov. 4.—Mr. Bonwick, F.R.G.S., “ Soul Ideas amongst the
Ancient Egyptians."
Nov. 18.—Mrs. Fitz-Gerald, “ Experiences in the Home Circle,
No. 1.” ;
Dec. 2.—Captain R. F. Burton, F.R.G.S., “ Spiritualism in
Eastern Lands.”
Dec. 16.—Mr. Stainton-Mqses, M.A., “ The intelligent Operator
at the other end of the Line.”
Jan. 20.—Mr. W. H. Harrison, “ Hauntings.”
Feb. 3.—Miss Kislingbury, “Apparitions of the Living."’
Feb. 17.—Dr. Carter Blake, “ On the Nerve Ether.”
March 3.—Dr. Wyld. “ Christian Occultism.”
March 17.—Mrs. Ellis, “ Experiences in the Home Circle,
No. 2.”
April 7.—Dr. Bloede, “ Psychometry.”
April 21.—Mr. C. O. Massey, “ On some of the less-known
Facts of Spiritualism.”
May 5.—Mr. D. Fitz-Gerald, M.S.Tel.E., “Recent Research in
the Phenomena of Spiritualism.”
May. 19.) These days are purposely left free for the discussion
June 2.) of any subjects of importance that may arise.
June 16.—Mr. Stainton-Moses, M.A., “Review of the Session."
To Her Majesty’s Military and Naval Forces
Everything of the best quality.
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given. 5 per cent for cash.
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Its Simplicity is its recommendation.
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Send for an illustrated pamphlet, “HOW TO PRINT,”
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post free, seven stamps.
AND EPHEMERIS for 1879, containing predictions c f
events and the weather for every month, &c., &c., with a large
hieroglyphic. Post free, 7d.; or with Ephemeris, 13d.
Raphael’s Hieroglyphic (1878) foreshadowed the Lancashire
quarrels, the Royal deaths, the great wrecks, the British arma¬
ments, &c.
any person may calculate their own nativity. Cloth gilt, 3s.
London: J. E. Catty, 12, Ave Maria-lane, E.O.
Lunacy law amendment society,
4, Wine Office-court, Fleet-street. Office hours, daily
between 11 and 3 (Saturdays, 11 and 1). Secretary, James
Billington, who will receive all letters for Mrs. Weldon.
LADY SPIRITUALIST would be happy to
meet with another to share her superior residence, and
join her in Spiritualistic investigations. A., 2, Scarsdale
Villas, Kensington, S., London.
A LADY would be happy to offer her services
as AMANUENSIS or READER to an Invalid Lady or
Gentleman,—Mrs. Hamilton, Post-office, Walham Gre'en, S.W.

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