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THE SPIRITUALIST is regularly on Sale at the following places :—LONDON : 11, Ave Maria-lane, St. Paul’s Churchyard, E.C. PARIS : Kiosque 246. Boule
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No. 262. (VOL. XL—No. 9.) LONDON: FRIDAY, AUGUST 31, 1877. Published Weekly; Price Twopence.
Some Phases of Mediumship. By M.A. (Oxon.) ... 97
Devil Worship in India and Ceylon 99
Death. By Mary F. Davis „. ... ' ... 100
The Influence of Diet '...' ... '... 108
A Swiss “ Doppelganger." By A. J. Cranstoun 102
Apparition of a Deceased Relation at the Moment of Death.
By Hensleigh Wedgw&od, M.R.I.:—Narrative of Mrs.
Barford ... ... ... ... ... 102
The Psychology of the Buddhists. By Baboo Pearychand
Mittra i ... ... .103
Poetry:—Angel Voices—The Prediction ... ... ... 104
Correspondence: —Seances in Malvern—Spiritualism in
Holland—The Temperature of the Head—The Theo¬
logical Condition of Edinburgh—Reincarnation—Ma¬
terialisation of Spirit Heads, No. 9—Astrology,
Destiny, and Prayer — Mesmerism — Mrs. Tappan-
Richmond’s Lectures—The Experiences of Inquirers
—Miss Martineau and-the Clairvoyant Emma—The
Trustworthiness of Spirit Messages ...104
Paragraphs:—M. Aksakof in the Caucasus, 101.; Spirit¬
ualism in Oldham, 101; Presentation at Newcastle-on-
Tyne, 101; Miss Wood, 101; Spiritualism in Brighton,
101; Dr. Carpenter, 101; Healing Mediumship 108
A Record of the Progress of the Science and Ethics of
nnHE SPIRITUALIST, published weekly, is the
JHJ oldest Newspaper connected with the movement in the
United' Kingdom, and is the recognised organ of educated Spiritual¬
ists in all the English-speaking countries throughout the Globe; it
also has an influential body of readers on the Continent of Europe.
The Contributors to its pages comprise most of the leading and
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of Literature, Art, Science and the Peerage. Among those who
have published their names in connection with their communica¬
tions m its columns are Mr. 0. E- Varley, O.E., F.R.S.; Mr. William
Crookes, E.R.S., Editor of the “Quarterly Journal of Science” (who
admits the reality of the phenomena, but has, up to the present time,
expressed no decided opinion as to their cause); Mr. Alfred R.
Wallace, President of the Biological Section of the British Associa¬
tion for the Advancement ol Science (1876): Prince Emile de
Sayn-Wittgenstein (Wiesbaden); the Right Hon. the Countess' of
Caithness ;xHis Imperial Highness Nicholas of Russia (Duke of
Leuchtenberg); Mr. H. G. Atkinson, P.G.S.: Lord Lindsay; the
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Barkas, F.G.S.; Mr. Serjeant Cox, President of the Psychological
Society of Great Britain; Mr. Alexander Calder, President of the
British National Association of Spiritualists; the Rev. J. Tyer-
man (Australia); Mr. Epes Sargent (Boston, U.S.'); Sir Charles
Isham, Bart.; Mrs. Ross-Church (Florence Mariyat); Mrs. Mak-
dougall Gregory; the Hon. Alexandre Aksakof. Russian Imperial
Councillor, and Chevalier of the Order of St. Stanislas (St. Petersburg);
the Baroness Adelma Vav (Austria); Mr. H. M. Dunphy, Barrister-
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Agenda for September, 1877.
Wednesday, oth.—House and Offices Committee, at 5.30 p.m.
Saturday, 8th.—Trance Seance, Mr. Colville, at 4 pm.
„ „ Correspondence Committee, at 5.45 p.m.
Tuesday, l\th.—Finance Committee, at 6 p.m.
- „ Council Meeting;, at 6.30 p.m.
Friday, lith.—Seance Committee, at 5.45 p.m.
„ Experimental Research Committee, at
6.30 p.m.
Saturday, 15th.—Trance Seance, Mr. Colville, at 4 p.m.
Friday, Hist.—Experimental Research Committee, at
6.30 p.m.
Saturday, T2nd.—Trance Seance, Mr. Colville, at 4 p.m.
Wednesday, HGth.—House and Offices Committee, at 5.30 p.m.
Friday, H8th.—Library Committee, at 5.45 p.m.
„ „ Experimental Research Committee, at
6.30 p.m.
Saturday, 29£7i.—Trance Seance, Mr. Colville, at 4 p.m.
N.B.—Members of Council and of Committees are requested
to accept this notice, as the Monthly Agenda will not in future
be sent out to each member as hitherto.
OFFICES—6, Loughborough-road-north, Brixton.
Thb object^ of the society is to promote the study of
Psychology and Spiritualism, and kindred subjects.
Members have the privilege of attending seances with well-
known mediums, and are entitled to the use of books on
Spiritualism from the Library.
For information as to rules of membership, &c., &c., apply
. H. E. FRANCES, Hon. Seo.
Inspirational addresses every Sunday evening at seven
Admission free; voluntary contributions. Developing circles
held on Mondays at eight, application by letter. Open seance
on Thursdays at eight. Quarterly subscriptions to admit to
both circle and seance, 5s. 6d.; for seance only, 2s. 6d.
E. W. WALLIS, Manager.
In alliance with the British National Association of Spiritualists
(Barrister-at-Law, Member of Council and Honorary Secretary
of the Association for the Reform and Codification of
the Law of Nations.)
Mr. Thomas Blyton, Mr. R. Pomeroy Tredwen,
Mr. Alfred E. Lovell, Mrs. M. Theresa Wood,
Mr. Jonathan Tozeland, Mr. John Rouse,
Mr. Thomas Wilks.
Honorary Secretary & Treasurer—Mr. Thomas Blyton
Rooms—53, Sigdon Road, Dalston Lane, Dalston,
London, E.
(Close to Hackney Downs Station, Great Eastern Railway,
and five minutes’ walk of Hackney Station, North London
The objects of this Association are to collect well-authenticated
facts affecting Spiritualism; to offer facilities to investigators; and,
by various means, to induce inquiry into Spiritualism.
Ordinary experimental stances are held weekly, on Thursday
evenings, at 7.45 p.m. The tasi Thursday evening in each month is
devoted to special seances with professional media, lectures, discus*
sions, reading of papers, or narration of experiences of investigators.
In addition to the weekly meetings and seances. Members of the
Association , havei the privilege of attending, the public seances oi
several well-known professional mediums on payment of reduced
fees, particulars of which can he ascertained on application to the
Honorary Secretary; and, also, of utilising the well-stocked Library,
comprising numerous standard works on Spiritualism and kindred
subjects. All the English Spiritualist newspapers and magazines are
regularly supplied to the rooms for the perusal of Members.
Copies of the prospectus, rules and regulations, directions “ for
ormation of circles and conduct of seances." and library catalogue,
with any further information, can be obtained on application to the
honorary secretary.
Subscription for Ordinary Membership:—Annual, 10s.; half-
yearly, 5s.; quarterly 3s. All subscriptions payable in advance.
The quarterly payments are due on the last day in the months
of March; June, September, and December respectively.
Life Membership:—Persons approving of the purposes of
the Association, and desirous of aiding the same, can become
life members on payment of a minimum donation of £2 2s.
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tained in Brighton of Messrs. Beal, East-street; Mr
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road. ■
PADDINGTON :—The Spiritualist may be
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Dinners and Lunches from Daily Bill of Fare.
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From 6 to 8.30, 3s. 6d.
Including two soups, two kinds of flsh. two entries, joints,
sweets, cheese (in variety), salad, &c., with ices and dessert.
This favourite Dinner is accompanied by a Selection of high-
class Instrumental Mustek
Every Monday Evening throughout the year, at 8 p.m., at the
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Weldon’s Orphanage. The first Concert took place on Monday
evening, November 6, 1876.
Stalls (a limited number), 5s. each; centre seats, area (a
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tickets, for a series of-three months: stalls, £2 2s.; centre
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earnestly solicits subscriptions, donations, or old clothes
towards the increase of her Orphanage, which she started
eight years ago, and which has, till now, been supported
entirely by herself. Mrs. Weldon has been obliged, for want
of a larger income, to refuse as many as five forsaken children
in one week. Tickets may he obtained, and subscriptions,
donations. &c., received by Mrs. Weldon, Tavistock House
Tavistock-square, London, W.C.
Just published, price 4d.
CLAIRVOYANCE, by Adolphe Didier. To
be had from the Author, 10, Berkeley-gardens, Campden-
hill, Kensington.
Mediumship : its nature and
VARIETIES.—A Pamphlet containing useful infor¬
mation for those who hold or who are about to hold spirit
circles in their own homes. Published at The Spiritualis
newspaper branch office, 38, Great Russell-street, London,
W.O. Price Id.; post free for l£d.; or six copies post free
for 6d.

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