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No. 241.—(Yol. X.—No. 14.) LONDON: FRIDAY, APRIL 6, 1877. I Published Weekly; Price Twopence.
Poetical Inspiration in the Nineteenth Century 157
Where is the Spirit World ? By William H. Harrison ... 157
-Materialisation Phenomena... 159
Spiritual Impressions in Romish Churches. By Catherine
Woodforde ... 1 160
From India. By the Rev. Thomas Colley, Chaplain to
H.M.S. A/afo&ar ... 162
The Prophecy of Vala ... ... ... 162
A Challenge to Messrs. Maskelyne and Cooke. By S. C.
Hall, F.S.A. ... .... ... 163
A Remarkable Seance with Mr. Eglinton. By O. Carter
Blake, Doc. Sci '. ... ... ... 164
The Religious Aspects of Spiritualism. A Trance Oration,
by Mrs. C. L. V. Tappan-Richmond... 164
Correspondence:—Remarkable Test Mediumship—Curious
Allegations 167
Spirit-Rapping among the Ancestors of Mr. P. A. Tay¬
lor, M.P. ... ' ... 168
Answers to Correspondents 168
Paragraphs:—A Spiritualist at an Hotel, 158; Mr. Tyer-
man, 161; Tall Talking, 161; Mohammedanism, 162;
Spiritualistic Periodicals, 162; Spiritualism in New-
castle-on-Tyne, 163; Spiritualism and the Press, 163;
The Latest Miraculous Cures, 163; Religious Mania,
163; What is the Origin of Psychic Force ? 164; The
Alleged Haunted House in Kent, 167; The Psychology
of Revivals, 167; Seance&t Mrs.Makdougall Gregory’s,
167;; Mrs. Weldon’s Sociable Evenings 167
A Record of the Progress of the Science and Ethics of
rpHE SPIRITUALIST, published weekly, is the
J- oldest Newspaper connected with the movement in the
United Kingdom, and is the recognised organ of educated Spiritual
ists in all the English-speaking countries throughout the Globe; it
also has ah influential body of readers on the Continent of Europe.
The Contributors to its pages comprise most of the leading and
more experienced Spiritualists, including many eminent in the ranks
of Literature, Art; Science and the Peerage. Among those who
have published their names in connection with their communica¬
tions m its columns are Mr. C. F. Varley, C.E., F.R.S.; Mr. William
Crookes, F.R.S., Editor of the “Quarterly Journal of Science” (who
admits the reality of the phenomena, but has, up to the present time,
expressed no decided opinion as to their cause); Mr. Alfred R.
Wallace, President of the Biological Section of the British Associa¬
tion for the Advancement oi Science (1876); Prince Emile de
i-ayn-Wittgenstein (Wiesbaden): the Right Hon. the Countess of
Caithness His Imperial Highness Nicholas of Russia (Duke of
Leuchtenberg); Mr. H. G. Atkinson, F.G.S.;! Lord Lindsay; the
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Massey; Le Comte de Bullet: the Hon. J. L. O’Sullivan, formerly
American Minister at the Court of Portugal; Mr. C. 0. Massey,
Barrister-at-Law; Mr. George 0. Joad; Dr. Robert Wyld; Mr. T P.
Barkas, F.G.S.; Mr. Serjeant Cox, President of the Psychological
Society of Great Britain; Mr. Alexander Calder, President of the
British National Association of Spiritualists; the Rev. J. Tyer-
man (Australia); Mr. Epes Sargent (Boston, U.S.); Sir Charles
Isham, Bart.; Mrs. Boss-Church (Florence Marryat); Mrs. Mak-
dougali Gregory • the Hon. Alexandre Aksakof, Russian Imperial
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burg) ; the Baroness Adelma Yay (Austria); Mr. H. M. Dunphy,
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Fabyan Dawe; Herr Christian Reimers ; Mr. Wm. White (author ot
the “Life of Swedenborg”); Mr. J. M. Gully, M.D.; the Rev. C.
Maurice Davies, D.D., author of “ Unorthodox London ”; Mr. S. C.
Hall, F.S.A.; Mr. H. D. Jencken, M.R.I., Barrister-at-Law; Mr.
Algernon Joy; Mr. D. H. Wilson, M.A., LL.M.; Mr. C. Constant
Smyrna); Mrs. F. A. Nosworthy; Mr. William Oxley; Miss Kisling
bury; Miss A Blackwell (Paris); Mrs. F. Showers; Mr. J. N. T.
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Annual subscription to residents in the UnitedlKingdom, 10s. lOd.
To residents in the United States,'4 dols. 17 cents per annum, which
may be paid in to Messrs. Colby and Rich, 9, Montgomery-place,
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SPIRIT PEOPLE.—A scientifically accurate
description of manifestations recently produced by
ipirits, and simultaneously witnessed by the Author and other
jbservers in London. By William H. Harrison. Limp cloth,
■ed edges. Price Is,; post free Is. Vi.—Spiritualist Newspaper
branch Office,
Entrance in Woburn Street.
Are open to members and inquirers from 10.30 a.m., to
9 p.m. Newspapers and periodicals relating to Spiritualism
from all parts of the world, as well as other high class journals
are regularly taken in.
The library contains a large collection of the best works on
Spiritualism and occult subjects, including some very rare and
valuable ones; also various works on historical, speculative,
and scientific subjects, by the best authors. A Lending
Library has also been formed.
Terms: One Guinea a year includes membership, use of
reading room and library, and two books from the lending
library; and entitles all other members of the same family
residing in the same house, and who are also members of the
Association, to share in the above privileges. Half-a-Guinea
a year includes membership, and one book from the lending
library. Five Shillings a quarter entitles non-members to the
use of the reading room and library, and also of the lending
Free seances for inquirers have been instituted through the
liberality of some of the members, admission to which may be
obtained through any member, or on application to the
Suitable rooms may be hired on moderate terms for seances,
with cabinet, &c., and also for committee or other meetings.
Light refreshments are provided at moderate charges.
Inquirers and foreign Spiritualists visiting England are
cordially invited to visit the rooms, and the secretary wifi be
happy to afford them any information in her power.
Communications should be addressed to the resident secre¬
tary, Miss Emily Kislingbury, 38, Great Russell-street, W.C,
and Post-office orders made payable at the Great Russell-street
Thb object of the society is to promote the study of
Psychology and Spiritualism, and kindred subjects.
For information as to rules of membership, &c., &c., apply
H. E. FRANCES, Hon. Sbo.
and Spiritual Literature, 157, Bute-road, Cardiff. Ad¬
dress, G. Sadler, 157, Bute-road, Cardiff.
Leigh spiritualists* association
MEETING ROOM.—Any books and pamphlets relative
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Brown-street, Leigh, Lancashire^
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journal devoted to non-professional literature, drama,
music, sports, &c. Chas. L. Wellsden, Editor and Proprietor,
l,Castledine-road, Anerley, S.E.
Price 7s. 6d., cloth.
LIZZIE DOTEN. Tenth edition. This volume opens
with the wonderful experiences of the author, who is pecu¬
liarly gifted as a trance medium and public speaker. Her
platform labours have for a long time been unceasing, and the
deep religious and spiritual tone of her discourses have ex¬
tended her influence far beyond the limit of her voice, through
the instrumentality of the press. This volume contains the
gems of the inspirational utterances, given chiefly before
public audiences, under direct spirit influence. Several of
them are attributed to the spirit of Edgar A. Poe. They have
the rhythmic beauty, grandeur, and imagery of his produc¬
tions in earth-life. The Biographical Introduction gives a
succinct account of the means by which these poems are given
to the world. The peculiar influence which each spirit exer¬
cised over the medium is stated, and the unmistakable cer¬
tainty and significance of this higher phase of spiritual com¬
munion ispourtrayed. The book is a valuable addition to the
evidences in favour of spirit intercourse and of its ennobling
tendencies.—Boston, U.S : Colby and Rich. London Spirit¬
ualist Of&ce.
CLEVER SCEPTICS. A pamphlet by Christian
Reimers.—This brochure contains a series of illustrations,
setting forth the exciting adventures of Professor Molecule,
F.R.S., X.Y.Z., B.I.G.A.S,8.,and his assistant, Dr. Protoplaster,
in their investigation of Spiritual Phenomena. It is an excel¬
lent little book for distribution among scientific men and dis¬
believers in Spiritualism generally. A review of it in The
Spiritualist newspaper says that the pamphlet displays real
genius. Price 6d.: post free, 6id. Spiritualist newspaper
branch office-
BEVERIDGE AND CO., Printers of The
Respectfully announce that they execute ALL dcseriptiOQS of
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In alliance with the British National Association of Spiritualists
{Barrister-at-Law, Member of Council and Honorary Secretary
of the Association, for the Reform and Codification of
Hie Law of Nations.)
Mr. Thomas Blyton, I Mr. R. Pomeroy Tredwen,
Mr. Alfred E. Lovell, Mrs. M. Theresa Wood,
Mr. Jonathan Tozeland, Mr. John Bouse,
Mr. Thomas Wilks.
Honorary Secretary & Treasurer—Mr. Thomas Blyton.
Rooms—74, Navarino-road, Dalston, London, E.
The ohjects of this Association are to collect well-authenticated
acts affecting Spiritualism; to offer facilities to investigators; and,
by various means, to induce inquiry into Spiritualism.
Ordinary experimental seances are held weekly, on Thursday
evenings, at 7.45 p.m. The last Thursday evening in each month is
devoted to special seances with professional media, lectures, discuss
sions, reading of papers, or narration of experiences of investigators.
In addition to the weekly meetings and seances. Members of the
Association have! the privilege of attending the public seances of
several well-known professional mediums on payment of reduced
fees, particulars of which can be ascertained on application to the
Honorary Secretary; and, also, of utilising the well-stocked Library,
comprising numerous standard works on Spiritualism and kindred
subjects. All the English Spiritualist newspapers and magazines are
regularly supplied to the rooms for the perusal of Members.
Copies of the prospectus, rules and regulations, directions “for
formation of circles and conduct ot seances," and library catalogue,
with any further information, can be obtained on application to the
honorary secretary.
Subscription for Ordinary Membership:—Annual, 10s.; half-
yearly, 5s.; quarterly 3s. All subscriptions payablein advance.
The quarterly payments are due on the last day in the months
of March, June, September, and December respectively.
Life Membership:—Persons approving of the purposes of
the Association, and desirous of aiding the same, can become
life members on payment of a minimum donation of £2 2s.
Inspirational addresses every Sunday evening at seven.
Admission free; voluntary contributions. Developing circles
held on Mondays at eight, application by letter. Open seance
on Wednesdays at eight Quarterly subscriptions to admit to
both circle and seance, 5s. 8d.; for seance only, 2s. 6d.
E. W. WALLIS, Manager.
102, Bath Street, Glasgow.
RS. M. G. PARKER and other Ladies of
Club are prepared to Lecture on all the social reforms,
particularly the questions of human equality and temperance.
First-class pianists and vocalists. For terms apply to Mrs. M.
G. Parker.
Life-Experiences, Scenes, Incidents, and Conditions
illustrative of Spirit-Life and the principles of the Spiritual
Philosophy. Of practical value to any who are anxious to
study the theories of Spiritualists and Mediums, for the purpose
of deducing a consistent system of faith concerning the
future, its rewards and punishments, &c., as it establishes a
basis in reason for its propositions, and asks no blind accep¬
tance of statements, but enjoins the strictest analysis of them.
Given inspirationally through Mrs. Maria M. King. Cloth,
5s. 6d. Spiritualist newspaper branch office.
Just Published, price 12s.
Or, the Counsel of Caiphas. By Edward Maitland, Author
of “ The Pilgrim and the Shrine," “ The Keys of the Creeds, &a.
“ The production of this book was accompanied by pheno¬
mena of such a character as to leave no doubt on the minds of
the writer and others who witnessed them, that it contains a
revelation from the spiritual world which is destined to con¬
stitute it one of ’the world’s Bibles. Written under the con¬
trol of a spirit, claiming to be the same that spoke through the
prophets of the Old and New Testaments, while its immediate
purpose is to afford a solution of the present European com
plication, it sets forth the existence and nature of God and
the soul, the perfection of the whole of the divine existence,
the purpose and method of creation, and the object and cha¬
racter of religion. It further points the place of the present
crisis in thejscheme of the world’s development; the spiritual
relationship between England, Islam, and Israel; the duty of
England in the present crisis; and the high destiny which
awaits her on the fulfilment of that duty.’’—Katfmcf from the
New Preface.
Tinsley Brothers, Publishers, Catherine-street.
Purchasers of previous copies can obtain .the Preface at the

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