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Ekoistered as a Newspaper.]
&}[f) JOUf(K®I< 0^ ^^YCSO^OG^ldS^
||p <§Ib.esf Seto^^fk tuHIj Spirihaltsm hx <3xmt §nfam.
THE “ SPIRITUALIST ” is regularly on Sale at the following places :—LONDON : n, Ave Maria-lane, St. Paul’s Churchyard, E.C. PARIS : Kiosque, 346, Boule¬
vard des Capucines, and 7, Rue de Lille. LEIPZIG: 2, Lindenstrasse. FLORENCE: Signor G. Parisi, Via della Maltonaia. ROME; The International
Library, 346 and 347, Corso. NAPLES: British Reading Rooms, 267, Riviera di Chiaja, opposite the Villa Nazionale. LIEGE: 37, Rue Florimont.
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U.S.: 225, Union-street. SAN FRANCISCO: 319, Kearney-street.
LONDON: FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1876. Published weekly ; Price Twopence.
No. 222.—(VOL. IX.—No. 17.)
The Scientific Research Committee of the National Asso¬
ciation of Spiritualists. By William H. Harrison ... 193
Death and the After Life. By Eugene Crowell. M.D 194
The Psychological Society of Great Britain:—Unconscious
Cerebration—Mr. Serjeant Cox’s Speculations—Ex¬
periments with Clairvoyants—The Natural and Super¬
natural—Remarkable Planchette Messages 19C
The Spiritualists’ Defence Fund 198
Spirit Poetry:—The Victim of Circumstances 198
Mr. Blackburn’s Seances. By G. Carter Blake, Doc. Sci. ... 199
Reception at Mrs. Makdougall Gregory’s. Dr. Slade and
the Misses Fox 199
Correspondence:—Clairaudients of Genius, Marlowe and
Milton—Are they Occult and Crafty Devices?—Ex¬
periences of Beginners—Dr. Monek and the National
Association of Spiritualists—Dr. Slade—Spiritualism
in Sunderland—Spiritualism in Brighton—Dr. Forbes
Winslow’s Pamphlet—Spiritualism at the East End
—The Ducie Club, Manchester—“ Paid Mediums ” ... 200
The National Association of Spiritualists:—The Second of
the Winter Meetings—Psychological Changes in the
Bodies of Mediums during Seances 202
The National Association of Spiritualists 204
Spiritualism in Liverpool:—^Vagrancy and Witchcraft ... 204
Paragraphs:—Mr. J, J. Morse, 196; Spiritualism in the
North of England, 196; The Credulity of Incredulity,
198 ; A Parable, 198 ; Clairvoyance, 199; Spiritualism
in Dalston, 199; Aid for Mrs. Cogman, 199; Mrs.
Tappan, 199 ; Writing Mediumship 199
A Record of the Progress of the Science and Ethics of
rpHE SPIRITUALIST, published weekly, is the
oldest Newspaper connected with the movement in the
United Kingdom, ana is the recognised organ of educated Spiritual¬
ists in all the English-speaking countries throughout the Globe; it
also has an influential body of readers on the Continent of Europe.
The Contributors to its pages comprise most of the leading and
more experienced Spiritualists, including many eminent in the ranks
of Literature, Art, Science and the Peerage. Among those who
have published their names in connection with their communica¬
tions in its columns are Mr. C. F. Varley, C.E., F.R.S. ; Mr. William
Crookes.-F.R.S., Editor of the “Quarterly Journal of Science” (who
admits the reality of the phenomena, but has, up to the present time,
expressed no decided opinion as to their cause); Mr. Alfred R.
Wallace, President of the Biological Section of the British Associa¬
tion for the Advancement ol Science (1876): Prince Emile de
Sayn-Wittgenstein (Wiesbaden); the Right Hon. the Countess of
Caithness; His Imperial Highness Nicholas of Russia (Duke of
Leuchtenbergj; Mr. H. G. Atkinson. F.G.S.Lord Lindsay: the
Hon. Robert Dale Owenl(formerly American Minister at the Court
of Naples); Baron Dirckinck-Holmfeld (Holstein); Mr. Gerald
Massey: Le Comte de Bullet: the Hon. J. L.O’Sullivan, formerly
American Minister at the Court of Portugal; Mr. C. C. Massey,
Barrister-at-Law; Mr, George C. Joad ; Dr. Robert Wyld; Mr, T P.
Barkas, F.G.S.; Mr. Serjeant Cox, President of the Psychological
Society of Great Britain; Mr. Alexander Calder, President of the
British National Association of Spiritualists; the Rev. J. Tyer-
man (Australia); Mr. Epes Sargent; (Boston. U.S.); Sir Charles
Isham. Bart.; Mrs. Ross -Church (Florence Marryatj; Mrs. Mak¬
dougall Gregory; the Hon. Alexandre Aksakof, Russian Imperial
Councillor, and Chevalier of the Grder of St. Stanislas (St. Peters¬
burg) : the Baroness Adelma Vay (Austria); Mr. H. M- Dunphy,
Barrister-at-Law; C. Carter Blake, Doc. Sci., Lecturer on Comparative
Anatomy at Westminster Hospital; Mr. Stanhope Templeman Speer,
M.D. (Edin.); Mr. J. C. Luxmoore; Mr. John E. Purdon, M.B. (India) ;
Mrs. Honywood; Mr, Benjamin Coleman; Mr. Charles Blackburn;
Mr. St. George W. Stock, B.A. (Gxon); Mr. James Wason; Mr. N.
Fabyan Dawe; Herr Christian Reimers ; Mr. Wm. White (author of
the “Life of Swedenborg”); Mr. J. M. Gully, M.D.; the Rev. C.
Maurice Davies, D.D., author of “ Unorthodox London ”; Mr. S. C.
Hall, F.S.A.; Mr. H. D. Jencken, M.RJ., Barrister-at-Law; Mr.
Algernon Joy; Mr. D.'H. Wilson, M.A., LL.M.; Mr. C. Constant
(Smyrna); Mrs. F. A. Nosworthy; Mr. William Oxley; Miss Kisling-
bury; Miss A. Blackwell (Paris): Mrs. F. Showers; Mr. J. N. T.
Martheze; Mr. J. M. Peebles (United States): Mr. W. Lindesay
Richardson, M.p. (Australia); and many other ladies and gentlemen.
Annual subscription to residehts in the UnitedjKingdom, 10s. Ipd.
To residents in the United States, '! dols. 17 cents per annum, which
may be paid in to Messrs. Colby and Rich, 9, Montgomery-place,
Boston, U.S., and their receipt forwarded to W. H. Harrison,
Spiritualist Newspaper Office, 38, Great Russell-street, London,
W.C. ,
BIRKBECK BANK. —Established 1851.—
29 & 30, Southampton-buildings, Chancery-lane, W.O.
DEPOSITS received at INTEREST for stated peiiods or re¬
payable on demand. On Current Accounts, Interest allowed
on the minimum monthly balances. Cheque Books supplied,
and Letters of Credit and Circular Notes issued.
The Bank undertakes the custody of Securities of Customers,
and the Collection of Bills of Exchange, Dividends and
Coupons. Stocks and Shares purchased and sold, and
advances made thereon.
Office Hours from 10 till 4, excepting Saturdays, then from
10 to 2. On Mondays the Bank is open until 9 in the Eveniog.
A Pamphlet with full particulars, may be had on application.
An intelligent ASSISTANT, aged about 16, experienced
in publishing work, and quick at accounts. Apply, stating
terms, and in own handwriting, to W. H. Harrison, 38, Great
Russell-street, London, W.C.
Entrance in Woburn Street.
Are open to members and inquirers from 10.30 a.m., to
9 p.m. Newspapers and periodicals relating to Spiritualism
from all parts of the world, as well as other high class journals
are regularly taken in.
The library contains a large collection of the best works on
Spiritualism and occult subjects, including some very rare and
valuable ones; also various works on historical, speculative,
and scientific subjects, by the best authors. A Lending
Library has also been formed.
Terms: One Guinea a year includes membership, use of
reading room and library, and two books from the lending
library; and entitles all other members of the same family
residing in the same house, and who are also members of the
Association, to share in the above privileges. Half-a-Guinea
a year includes membership, and one book from the lending
libiary. Five Shillings a quarter entitles non-members to the
use of the reading room and library, and also of the lending
Free seances for inquirers hive been instituted through the
liberality of some of the members, admission to which may be
obtained through any member, or on application to the
Suitable rooms may be hired on moderate terms for seances,
with cabinet, &c., and also for committee or other meetings.
Light refreshments are provided at moderate charges.
Inquirers and foreign Spiritualists visiting England are
cordially invited to visit the rooms, and the secretary will he
happy to afford them any information in her power.
Communications should be addressed to the resident secre¬
tary, Miss Emily Kislingbury, 88, Great Russell-street, W.O.,
and Post-office orders made payable at the Great Russell-street
N.B.—All new subscriptions paid from this date are avail¬
able to December 31,1877.
This [organisation, comprising several hundred members,
has public offices, a reading-room and libiary, with a secretary
in attendance to receive visitors and answer inquiries. Seances
can be attended by recommendation from a member. Terms,
for use of library and reading-room, one guinea per annnm.
In the year 1875, through the liberality of two members of
its body, the Council of the British National Association of
Spiritualists was enabled to offer two prizes, the first consisting
of a gold medal or £29; the second of £10, for the best and
second best essays on a selected subject, which was—“The
Probable Effect of Spiritualism upon the Social, Moral and
Religious Condition of Society.”
The conditions were that the competition should be open to
all British born or naturalised British subjects, and further to
all foreign members of the British National Association of
Spiritualists, provided the essays were written in English.
The following gentlemen were kind enough to consent to
adjudicate upon the merits of the competing essays:—Mr.
Alfred Russel Wallace, the well-known naturalist and F.R.G.S.;
a gentleman known to a large circle under the nom de plume of
M. A., Oxon.; Mr. J. M. Gully, M.D., and Mr. Martin R. Smith.
Of the essays sent in, the two which have been printed were
selected by the judges as worthy of the first and second prizes
respectively, by reason of their logical and literary merits; but
the Council of the Association, though it has undertaken their
publication, holds itself free from all responsibility for the
views of the writers.
The first essay, by Miss Anna Blackwell, is in course of
translation into the French, Spanish, German, and Italian lan¬
Can be ordered of Mr. W. H. Harrison, 38, Great Russell-
street, Bloomsbury, London, W.O. Price Is. l$d., post free.
On the 7th, 8th, and 9th of Febuary, 1877.
The following subjects are offered as suggestions for papers,
but essays on kindred subjects will also be received
1. TheBestTests of the Genuineness of Physical Phenomena.
2. The Scientific Aspects of Spiritualism.
3. Has Spiritualism given any New Truths to the World ?
4. The Evidences of the Identity of Communicating Spirits.
5. The Relation of the Law to Public Mediums.
6. The Aims, Ends, and Uses of Modern Spiritualism.
7. The Best Means cf Directing Attention to the Importance
of the Private Investigation of Spiritualism.
8. Spiritualism as a Religions Influence.
All papers to be sent to the Secretary, 38. Great Russell-
street, Bloomsbury, not later than January 20th, 1877; the
papers to remain the property of the Association, subject to i
the conditions laid down in rule 37.
Dr. Slade, a stranger, from the United States, on his
journey to St. Petersburg, is, by an unfortunate sentence of a
magistrate, under condemnation to imprisonment, and punish¬
ment appropriate to a criminal is meted out to him. This
highly gifted sensitive, the greatest medium of the day in
England, is condemned to “ hard labour,” and will, i.a January,
1877, become the forced associate of criminals. Unless we
adopt some effectual means, nothing can prevent this out¬
rageous calamity!
The affair is not individual, but relates to all. The struggle
raised before the nation is between Materialism and Spiritual¬
ism. A more important issue was never before us. Spiritual¬
ism demonstrates, through facts ' occurring around us, the
existence of a future life; while Materialism would deprive
humanity of the precious doctrine of immortality.
When we reflect that the proceedings aimed at Dr. Slade
are really designed more as a blow to the sacred cause of
Spiritualism than against him, shall Spiritualists stand by
and accept the verdict without remonstrance? Will they,
without appeal, suffer him, whom they consider innocent, to
be imprisoned and punished as a felon without a struggle ?
Assuredly not. Conscience being our witness, let us perform
what we know to be right.
The question is before us. According to the measure of
support so will be the penver of the Committee, and their
ability for action.
Donations will be thankfully received by the joint treasurers,
The Executive Committee.
Alexander Galder, 1, Hereford-
/•J. Enmore Jones, Enmore-park,
Honorary Treasurers. ] Wyld, m.Dm 12> Qreftt 0um.
v., W,
£ s. d.
Miss Douglas 25 0 0
Mr. G. C. Joad 25 0 0
„ Alexander Calder 10 10 0
“Nicodemus” 25 0 0
Mr. Charles Blackburn 10 10 0
Mrs. Weldon 10 10 0
Mr. Martin Smith 10 10 0
., Thomas Grant 10 10 0
Miss H 10 0 0
Sir C. Isham, Bart 10 0 0
Mr. A. Tod 10 0 0
„ J. Bulteel 10 0 0
” Lady Jane Grey’’ 10 0 0
P. B. J 10 0 0
Mr. Hensleigh Wedgwood 10 0 0
„ J. N. T. Martheze 7 .0 0
Prince Emile von Wittgenstein 6 0 0
Mr. W. Tebb 5 5 0
„ J. Enmore Jones 5 0 0
„ O. O. Massey 500
Mrs. Makdougall Gregory 5 0 0
„ Douglas Bayley ' 5 0 0
S. T. Speer, M.D 5 0 0
Oscar von Hoffman 5 0 0
Dr. George Wyld 5 0 0
„ T. E. Partridge 5 0 0
Mr. N. Kilbum 5 0 0
Mrs. Hennings 5 0 0
Mr. A. T. T. Peterson ,.... 5 0 0
„ A. Joy 3 0 0
Mr. J. B. Stones 2 12 6
,, H. Withall 2 2 0
Captain James I ; 2 2 0
M.A. (Oxon.)......,.', '. 2 2 0
Mr. O. Pearson 2 2 0
Dr. J. Dixon 2 0 0
Mrs. Lowe 2 0 0
Mr. and Mrs. Cranstoun > 2 0 0
Mr. A. R. Wallace 2 0 0
„ J. C. Ferguson 2 0 0
Co}iected by J. Bums 12 0
Mr. Geo. Stones 110
„ J. Mould 1 1 0
Dr. K. Cook 110
K . G. 1 1 0
J.R.W 110
Mrs. Maltby 1 1 0
Major Menars l 1 0
„ W. P. Adshead .1 l 0
Mr. J. O. Ward 11 0
„ E. D. Rogers 110
„ Morell Theobald 110
„ William Theobald 110
„ R. M. Theobald, M.A. 110
„ H.N. 110
„ J. Andre 110
„ James Brown 110
The Misses Withall ...' jL.vJ • 110
Dr. Baikie 110
Mr. T. P. Barkas..... 110
„ Tucker... 10 0
Mrs. S. Parker 10 0
Miss Douglas Bayley 1 0 0
F. J. T. (collected) 100
Smaller sums 280
From America. ,
Messrs, Colby and Rich 40 0 0

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