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#Ib.efst x:jcritm4A toitlj SprUwalism xn <&xwi §niaiir*
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No. "VXn*—No. 22.) LONDON * FRIDA-Yj JUNE 2j 1876. Published Weekly; Price Twopence.
The Relationship of British Spiritualists to those in
Foreign Countries ... 253
Devil and Ghost Worship in Western India. By M. J.
Walhouse, F.R.A.S ... 254
Dalston Association of Inquirers Into Spiritualism 256
Incidents in the Experience of a Northumberland Seer:—
Remarkable and Well-Attested Examples of Normal
Clairvoyance—The Apparition of an Heroic Miner—The
Spirit of a Wesleyan* Minister Identified—The Life of
Old Ralph, the Furnace Man, Revealed by Clairvoyance 256
Newspaper Editors Hoaxed by Messrs. Maskelyne and
Cooke. By the Editor 258
Correspondence:—Strong Physical Manifestations of Spirit
Power in the Light—An Alarming Vision—Mr. Eglinton
in Manchester—Healing Mediumship—A Materialisation
Seance at Chalk Farm—A New and Extraordinary
Manifestation of Spirit Power—Mr. Maskelyne (Maske¬
lyne and Cooke) on “ Genuine Phenomena ”—Lord Gar-
vagh and Charles Dickens on Pre-existence—The Late
Mr. Guppy—A Materialised Form Floating in the Air—
Mr. Eglinton in Manchester—A Circle in the North-West
District of London—Berkeleyism—Spirit “Spheres”—
The Mediums' Boot—Mr. Blackburn’s Seances—Maske¬
lyne and Cooke—Art Magic—Reincarnation—Extraor¬
dinary Levitation of Solid Objects in the Light at
Southsea—The Wearing of Silk by Mediums—The
Transference of Healing Power—Spiritualism in South
London — Spiritualism in Derbyshire — Miss Lottie
Fowler’s Mediumship ... ... 259
Paragraphs:—The Spiritualistic Scientific Research Com¬
mittee, 256 ; The Shakers 264
Answers to Correspondents ... ... 264
Established in 1869.
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John Thomson, 39, John-street, Glasgow, and Mrs. Connor,
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TO LET, FURNISHED, a Pretty Semi¬
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water up and down stairs; bed and table linen and plate. CJ
guineas a week for four months. References given and re¬
quired. A. B., Post-office, Sandown, Isle of Wight.
In alliance with the British National Association of Spiritualists.
B arrtater-at-Law,-Member of Council and Honorary Secretary
of the Association for the Reform and Codification of
the Law of Nations.)
Mrs. C. Ada Blyton, Mr. Jonathan Tozeland,
Mr. Thomas Blyton, Mr. R. Pomeroy Tredwen,
Mrs. Amelia Corner, Mr. Thomas Wilks,
Mr. Alfred E. Lovell, Mrs. M. Theresa Wood,
Mr. John Rouse.
Honorary Secretary and Treasurer :—Mr. Thomas Blvton.
Rooms:—7i, Navarino-road, Dalston, London, E.
Extracts from Prospectus.
The objects of this Association are to collect well-authenticated
facts affecting Spiritualism; to offer facilities to investigators; and,
by various means, to induce inquiry into Spiritualism.
Ordinary experimental seances are held weekly, on Thursday
evenings, at 7.45 p.m. to which Members are admitted, as well
as members of similar Associations which reciprocate similar
privilege. Strangers can lonly be admitted to the ordinary sianct
held on. the first Thursday evening in each month, on introduction
by a Member. The last Thursday evening in each month is devoted
to special seances with professional media, lectures, discussions,
reading of papers, or narration of experiences of investigators; to
which strangers are admitted under the same regulations as are
enforced on the frst Thursday evening in each month. Tickets for
such ordinary meetings as may be of general interest, in connection
with the “ Brixton Psychological Society,” are also placed at the
disposal of Members of the Association by that Society in reciprocity
of the privilege granted by the Association to similar organisations.
In addition to the weekly meetings and seances, Members of the
Association have the privilege of attending, the public seances ot
several well-known professional mediums on payment of reduced
fees, particulars of which can be ascertained on application to the
Honorary Secretary; and, also, of utilising the well-stocked Library,
comprising numerous standard works on Spiritualism and kindred
subjects. All;the English Spiritualist newspapers and magazines ar
regularly supplied to the rooms for the perusal of Members.
The alliance existing between this association and the “ British
National Association of Spiritualists ” will greatly assist the mem¬
bers in their inquiries, as amongst the objects for which that
Association was established in 1873 are the following,, viz.:
J?. “ To aid students arid inquirers in their researches into certain
phenomena, known as Spiritual or Psychic: to assist in giving
publicity to the results of such researches: to afford information to
inquirers into these subjects, by correspondence and otherwise: and
to collect statistical facts respecting Spiritualism.”
All communications to be addressed to the Honorary Secretary,
at the Rooms of the Association, 74, Navarino-road, Dalston, E. A
stamped addressed envelope should be enclosed in all letters re¬
quiring replies. Copies of the prospectus, rules, circle regulations,
directions “ how to form spirit circles,” and catalogue of books In
the lihrary, with any further information, can be obtained on appli¬
Subscription for Ordinary Membership:—Annual, 10s.; half-
yearly, 5s.; quarterly 3s. All subscriptions payablein advance.
The quarterly payments are due on the last day in the months
of March, June, September, and December respectively.
Life Membership:—Persons approving of the purposes of
the Association, and desirous of aiding the same, can become
life members on payment of a minimum donation of £2 2s.
THE ALPHA; OR, the first principle
OF THE HUMAN MIN D; A Revelation, but no Mystery,
with Spiritual Advent and Steel Portrait of the Author
E. N. Dennys. “ We can call to mind few books fit to be its
fellows.’’—Athenmum. “It contains more truth, poetry,
philosophy, and logic, than any work we have ever read;
it is a new revelation, and one of the most remarkable produc¬
tions ever given to the world.”—Cosmopolitan.
Also just published, with a beautiful Engraving of the Author
470 pages, on toned paper, handsomely bound, price 3s. 6d.
Lectnres, by the author of “ Alpha.” A synopsis of the topics
may be obtained free on application.
CONTENTS:—What is Evil? Charity; Poverty—its Evils
and its Mission; The Divinity that Dwells in Man; The Church
of the Future; "Stand up! I myself also am a Man;" The
Path of Righteousness; Trust in God; Self-Trust; What is
Christianity ? Thy Kingdom Come! What is Man ? The “ one
tiling” desired by the Psalmist; Pure Religion; Philosophy;
The Childhood of Jesus; Religious Liberty; Election and
Grace; Time; Sin; Law the Regenerator; The Last Judg¬
ment; God is not Mocked; The Unchristian Character of
Riches; Peace; Religion Consists in Action; The Millennium,
and how to obtain it.
The work is also published in nine parts, eight at 4d. each
and one at 6d., done np in neat wrappers.
“RELIGION CONSISTS IN ACTION” are also published
separately at Id. each.
Agenda for June, 1876.
Friday, 2nd.—Mr, Blackburn's Free Seance.* Mr. W. Eglin¬
ton, medium, at 7.30 p.m.
Wednesday, 7th.—Soiree at 38, Great Russell-street at 6.30 p.m.
Music, conversation, and Refreshments. Open
to Members and Friends. Admission Is.
Thursday, 8th.—Mrs. Olive’s Seance, at 38, Great Russell-
street, from 3 to 5 p.m. Admission, 2s. 6d.
Friday, 2th.—Mr. Blackburn’s: Free Seance. Mr. W. Egling-
ton, medium, at 7.30.
Monday 12th.—Mr. Blackburn’s Free Seance. Miss Lottie
Fowler, medium, at 7.30.
Tuesday, 13fA—Finance Committee, at 6 p.m.
„ Council Meeting at 6.30 p.m.
Wednesday, 14th.—Experimental Research Committee, 6 p.m.
Thursday, 151A—Mrs. Olive’s Seance, at 38, Great Russell-
street from 3 to 5 p.m. Admission, 2s. 6d.
Friday, VUh.—Mr. Blackburn's Free Seance. Mr. W. Egling-
ton, medium, at 7.3”,
Monday, 19th.—Mr. Blackburn’s Free Seance. Miss Lottie
Fowler, medium, at 7.30.
Thursday, 22nd.—Mrs. Olive’s Seance, from 3 to 5 p.m. Admis¬
sion, 2s. 6d.
Monday, 26th.—Mr. Blackburn’s Free Seance. Miss Lottie
Fowler, medium, at 7.30.
Thursday, 29th.—Mrs. Olive's [Seance from 3 to 5 p.m. Admis¬
sion, 2s. 6d.
„ Mr. Blackburn’s Free Seance. Mr. Bullock,
medium, at 7.30.
* Inquirers and members of the National Association and of
allied societies are admitted to these seances under conditions
which may be ascertained by application to the Secretary.
Members are requested to note that the Soiree on the 7th
inst. is the last of the season, the Council having resolved to
suspend these meetings during the next three months.
East London spiritual meetings.—
LECTURES giving information about Spiritualism are
delivered every Thursday evening at 8, p.m., at Mr. Cogman'ii
Lecture Rooms, 15, St. Peter’s-road, Mile-end. Inspirational
addresses every Sunday evening, at Seven o’clock. Admission
Free. Supported by voluntary contributions.
LIBERTY HALL, 19, Church-street, Isling-
ton. Weekly Seances. &c.: Sundays, Healing, at 11 a.m.,
Service at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Seance at 8 p.m.; Is. Friday, Seance at
8 p.m.; non-subscribers, Is. Saturday, Development Class at
8 p.m.; subscribers only.
GATORS. A series of seances are to be held on the
Tuesday afternoons of every week until further notice at the
residence of Mrs. Woodforde, 90, Great Russell-street. Usual
phenomena. Movement of objects in the light. Medium, Mr.
Arthur Coleman, who has kindly offered his services for this
especial purpose. Seances will begin at 3 p.m., punctually.
Fee, 5s.
Birmingham.—On wint-Monday a pic-
NIC of Spiritualists and their friends will be held at
the Lickey Hills. Departure from Granville-street Station at
9 a.m. Tickets, including fare and tea, Is. 9d., adults; and
children, Is. Dinner to be taken by Individuals separately.
and Spiritual Literature, 157, Bute-road, Cardiff. This
Library is opened Free by G. Sadler, Spiritualist, for the loan
of books, and having placed for this purpose the whole of hio
private library, consisting of 100 books and pamphlets to
commence with, he would thank friends to assist him by the
gift or loan of books, assuring them that such are needed in
Cardiff, where the population is nearly 80,000, and very little
is known of the great truths of Spiritualism. Address, G.
Sadler, 157, Bute-road, Cardiff.
Dr. sexton at the cavendish
ROOMS.—On Sunday evening next, at the Cavendish
Rooms, Mortimer-street, Regent-street, Dr. Sexton will com¬
mence, by special request, a series of three discourses on the
“ Fallacies of Secularism.” The topics are arranged as follows:
June 4th, “ Secularism, the Creed of Negations ; ” Uth, “Seou-
larism Destitute of a Moral Code;” 18th, “Secularism In¬
capable of Supplying the Demands of the Intellect or the Wants
of the Heart." Service at seven o’clock.
*** The cordial aid of the friends of education, intellectual
progress, and religious liberty is earnestly solicited to make
these works as widely known as possible. They contain the
most important of all knowledge, by a deep and original
thinker, and will be supplied at cost price for extensive circu¬
lation. They have been brought out in a variety of forms to
suit the means of all classes of readers.
Published by E. W. Allen, Aye Maria-lane, London, E.C.
Has a very large stock of New Spring Goods, including
hats, shirts, and umbrellas.
—Rivista Psicologica di Niceford Filalete. Published
on the 15th of every mputh, at Turin, Tip. Baglione, via
Bogino, No, 23,

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