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“ THE SPIRITUALIST” is regularly on Sale at the following places :—LONDON : 38, Great Russell-street, W.C. (opposite the British Museum), anti ii, Ave
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No. 189.—-(VOL. VIII.—No. 14.) LONDON : FRIDAY^ APRIL 7j 1876. Published Weekly; Price Twopence.
The Development of NewManifestations in Spiritualism... 157
Spiritualism in Foreign Countries 157
Medinmship in the Fairfax Family: —The First Symptoms
of Trance and Clairvoyance—How did the Idea of the
Intervention of the Devil first enter the Mind of the
Sufferer? — Guardian Spirits — A Spectre Horse—
Haunted by Night—How the Idea of Charms was
first put into the Head of the Sensitive—Was this a
Physical Manifestation ?—The Effect of a Charmed
Penny upon Mr. Fish—More Trouble with the Charmed
Money—How the Idea of Witchcraft was first put Into
the Head of the Sensitive ... 158
Provincial News:—Liverpool, The Psychological Society—
Newcastle-on-Tyne, A Test Materialisation Seance at
Weir's-court; Miss Wood’s Mediumship 161
The Result of a University Boat-Race Foretold by Spirits 162
Dalston Association of Inquirers into Spiritualism
Mrs. Woodforde on Mediumship—^Manifestations Wit¬
nessed in the Presence of Messrs. Bastian, Colman, and
Eglinton — The Early Experiences of Mr. John Rouse—
Violent Physical Manifestations—The Intelligence con¬
nected with the Manifestations—Lost Leases of Estates
Recovered by Spirit Agency—The Human “ Double ”
—The Nature of the Communicating Spirits — Rein¬
carnation 162
Victims Bewitched by the Aid of Effigies 165
Correspondence :—Publius Syrus—Ministering Spirits—
Reincarnation—The Power of Spirits over Matter-
Writing Mediumship—Dr. Wyld on the Philosophy of
Spiritualism — The Scattergood Testimonial — Mr.
Blackburn's Seances ... ... ... 165
Mr. Colman’s Mediumship 167
Materialism and Modern Spiritualism. No. I. By St.
George W. Stock, M.A. (Oxon) 168
Answers to Correspondents 168
Paragiaphs:—Spiritualism in Blackfriars, 161; The Li¬
brary of the National Association of Spiritualists,
164 ; A Puzzle for the Doctors, 167; Reception at Mrs.
Makdougall Gregory’s, 167; Spirit Drapery 168
The Second Volume of The Identity of Primitive
Christianity and Modern Spiritualism,
This Octavo Volume, handsomely printed and bound in cloth,
completes the work.
I.—Spirit Writing.
II.—Levitation and Conveyance by Spirit-power.
III. —Insensibility to Fire.
IV, —Clairvoyance and Somuamhulism.
VI.—Dreams and Visions.
VII.—Trance and Ecstacy.
VIII.—Holy Ghost.
IX.—Heresies and Coitentions.
XI.—The Ministry of Angels.
XIII. —The Spirit World.
XIV. —Spiritualism and the Church.
XV.—Spiritualism and Science.
The above work has just be«n issued in America, and copies
are now on sale, price 10s 6d. each, at The Spiritualist News¬
paper Branch Office, 38, Great Russell-street, London, W.C.
—Rivista Psicologica di Niceford Filalete. Published
on the 15th of every month, at Turin, Tip. Baglione, via
Bogino, No. 23.
REVUE SPIRITE, Journal d’etudes psycho-
logiquos, fonde par Allan Kardec, appears on the 1st
of every month. Price, I franc. Published by the Sociiti
Anonyms, 7, Rue de Lille. Paris. Post Office orders payable
to M. Leymarie.
LIBERTY HALL, 19, Church-street, Isling¬
ton, Weekly Seances, &o.: Sundays, Healing, at 11 a m.;
Service at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Seance at 8 p.m.; Is. Friday, Seance at
8 p.m.; non-subscribers, Is. Saturday, Development Class at
8 p.m.; subscribers only.
East London spiritual meetings.—
LECTURES giving information about Spiritualism are
delivered every Thursday evening at 8, p.m., at Mr. Cogman's
Lecture Rooms, 15, St. Peter’s-road, Mile-end. Inspirational
addresses every Sunday evening, at Seven o’clock. Admission
Free. Supported by voluntary contributions.
Birmingham.—it is proposed to hold a
CONFERENCE and TEA-PARTY at the Athenamm
on Easter Sunday. Meetings to commence at 11 am, 3.0 and
7 p.m. The Spiritualists of Worcester, Coventry, Leamington,
Wolverhampton, Walsall, Dudley, Bromsgrove, and any ether
places in the Midland district, are invited to attend, with the
view of arranging a system of periodic propaganda meetings
at their several localities, including camp meetings during
summer. Those persons who intend to be present are requested
to communicate with the undersigned, in order that arrange¬
ments maybe made for dining (with brethi en here), and for
the tea-party —Robert Harper, Soho-hill, Birmingham.
during the week: Sunday, Trance or other Address at Seven;
Monday, Discussion and Conversational Meeting at Eight;
Tuesday, Developing Circle, at Eight, members only ; Thurs¬
day, Seance at Eight, members on1y; Friday, Seance at Eight,
members only; Saturday, Seance at Eight, non-members, 3d.
Members Is. per quarler, and 2d. on attending a Seance. Any
further information can be obtained at the rooms on any
evening. J. Burton, Hon. Secretary.
dr* Sgintalist Jl^hrsppr.
^Established in 1869.
crown for the first fifty words or portion of fifty words, and
sixpence for every ten words in addition Ten initial letters or
figures count as one word. Displayed Advertisements Five
Shillings per inch. Reduced terms for extended periods.
“ The Spiritualist ” is a very good medium for advertisements,
because it circulates largely among those whom advertisers desire to
reach, and an advertisement is not lost to view amid a mass of
others. Moreover, the paper is not usually tom up when read, but
preserved for biudiug.
All communications for the Advertising Department of this
newspaper, to be addressed to Mr. J. Selwood, 38, Great Russell-strect,
London; and orders intended for the Friday's issue should reach the
office not later than by the first post on the previous Wednesday
morning. All communications for the Literary Department should
he addressed to the Editor.
N o notice is taken of orders received for papers unaccompanied by
a remittance. “ The Spiritualist ” will he posted for one year, post
free, to any address within the United Kingdom on receipt of the
annual subscription of 10s. lOd.
Editor's Office. 38, Great Rnssell-street, Bloomsbury, London,
W.C City Publishing Office, E. \V. Allen’s, 11, Ave Maria-lane,
London. E.C.
Published at 7s. 6d. Reduced to 4s.
Mesmerism, animal magnetism,
and SOMNAMBULISM, with experiments and obser¬
vations, also illustrative instances of analogous phenomena
occurring spontaneously, and an appendix of corroborative
facts, by
Corresponding Member of the Medical Association of Prussia,
the Royal Academy of Medicine of Belgium, the medical
academies of Pails, Berlin, Munich, Brussels, Madrid, Turin,
and Florence.
The Milan Society for the Encouragement of Arts and
Sciences, awarded the prize offered for competition to Dr,
Lee for the above work on mesmerism and clairvoyance.
• It is recorded in the life of Dr. Arnold, of Rugby, that he
said:—“I should like to hear something fresh about an<mal
magnetism, wlich has always elicited my curiosity. What
our fathers have done still leaves an enormous deal for us to
do. The theory of life itself probably lies within our know¬
ledge. We perceive the connection of nerves with the opera¬
tions of mind, bnt we cannot understand a thinking, a seeing,
or a hearing nerve. Here, and in many other points there is
room for infinite discovery, to say nothing of the wonderful
phenomena of animal magnetism, which only Englishmen, with
their accustomed ignorance, are apt to laugh at, but which no
one as yet has either thoroughly ascertained or explained.
Published by Longmans at 7s. 6d. Reduced in price to 4s.
Inland Postage, Spiritualist Newspaper Branch Office, 38, Great
Russell-street, London, W.G. .
devoted to ihe investigation of the unexplained pheno¬
mena of psychic life. Edited by Alexander Aksakof, and
contributed to by several Gem. an and foreign men of science.
Price Is. monthly—Leipslc: Oswald Mutze. London: The
Spiritualist Newspaper Branch Office, 38, Great Russell-street,
Bloomsbury, W.O.
LE MESSAGER, a fortnightly Journal,
appears on the 1st and 15th of every month. Price
2d., or 5 francs yearly. Belgium—37, Rue Florimont, Litege.
London—The Spiritualist Newspaper Branch Office, 38, Great
Russell-street, Bloomsbui'y, W.O.
PARIS.—Parisian readers of The Spiritualist
may obtain it of Mme. Ve. Denax, Titulaire du Kiosque,
246, Boulevard des Capucines, Paris.
XV WELT. A Monthly Record of Trance, Spoken, and
Written Communications given at the meetings of the Buda-
Pesth Society of Spiritual Inquirers. Price Is. monthly. Buda-
Pesth: Jot efstadt, 23, Erzherzog Alexandergusse. London:
The Spiritualist Newspaper Branch Office, 38, Great Russell-
street, Bloomsbury, W.O.
Published on the first of each month. Price Sixpence.
X GEORGE SEXTON, LL D., etc. This Magazine is the
oldest of the periodicals devoted to the cause of Spiritualism,
having now been in existence for upwards of fifteen years.
It has from the first taken a very high stand in the literature
of the movement, having been contributed to by men of the
greatest literary ability, and contained only such articles as
were likely to have a permanent interest.
London: Smart and Allen, Loudon-house-yard, Paternoster-
Attendance given personally from 12 to 4 daily, Saturdays
excepted. No attendance given on that day. Terms in
accordance with patient's means. Patients attended at their
own residences by appoictnient.
"OIRKBECK BANK.—Established 1851.—
X) 29 & 30, Southampton-buildings, Chancery-lane, W.O.
DEPOSITS received at INTEREST for stated pei iods or re¬
payable on demand. On Current Accounts, Interest allowed
on the"minimum monthly balances. Cheque Books supplied,
and Letters of Credit and Circular Notes issued.
The Bank undertakes the custody of Securities of Customers,
and the Collection of Bills of Exchange, Dividends, and
Coupons. Stocks and Shares purchased and sold, and
advances made thereon.
Office Hours from 10 till 4, excepting Saturdays, then from
10 to 2. On Mondays the Bank is open until 9 in the Evening.
A Pamphlet with full particulars, may be had on application.
UALIStf EXPLAINED. By Fredk. A. Binney.
Third Edition. Price 8s.
London Sim^kin, Marshall & Co.
MYSTERIES, Queen's Rooms, Argyll-street Oxford-
citcus, daily at 3 and 8. Miss Anderson suhmi s daily as
above to investigators the most powerful physical phenomena
ever witnessed, together with illustrations of clairvoyance,
materialisations, levitations, and animal developments. Admis¬
sion, 5s., 3s., 2s., and Is.
and Spiritual Literature, 157, Bute-road, Cardiff. This
L’brary is opened Free by G. Sadler, Spiritualist, for the loan
of books, and having placed for this purpose the whole of his
private library, consisting of 100 books and pamphlets to
commence with, he would thank friends to assist him by the
gift or loan of hooks, assuring them that such are needed in
Cardiff, where the population is nearly 80,000, and very little
is known of the great truths of Spiritualism. Address, G.
Sadler, 157, Bute-road, Cardiff.
MRS. WOODFORDE begs to announce her
CHANGE OF RESIDENCE to 8, Milton-street, Dorset-
squat e (near Baker-street Station), where she will he glad to
welcome, as of old, all friends and visitors. Physical seances
with two first-class mediums, will be held as usual, every Thurs¬
day and Saturday evenings. Usual manifestations—direct
voice, direct writing, and materialisations (if conditions serve)
of the friends of visitors, also a new materialised musical in¬
strument, played (it is said by Blondel) with remarkable skill
in accompaniment of the musical box. Especial invitations
will be issued for the Saturday evenings, and an introduction
from some well-known Spiritualist is requested f- r the Thurs¬
day evenings. All friends who have been in the habit of
attending Mrs. Woodforde’s seances will always be welcome.
Admission, 5s.
Mrs. Woodfordo is also open to engagements for private
physical seances to be held at her own residence; a few days
previous notice must be given. Names will be received for a
daylight seance to he held shortly. With pleasant rooms
open to her visitors, and every effort made to obtain superior
manifestations, Mrs. Woodforde hopes to afford those who
will honour her with their presence, some most agreeable and
sa'isfact.ory seances.
mediumship of Mr. W. Eglinton, will be given at the
residence of Mrs. Woodforde, 8, Milton-street, N.W. (a few
doors from Marylebone-road), on Wednesdays the 5th and 12th
of April. These being the only Seances of the kind Mr. Eglin¬
ton can give previous to his departure for the provinces, he
begs that any friends desirous of attending them will send in
their names to Mrs. Woodforde not later than the 3rd or 10th
of April. Seance will begin punctually at 3 p m. Fee, 5s.
Has a very large stock of New Spring Goods, including
hats, shirts, and umbrellas.

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