Source 8:  Reader's letter, 'Shetland News', 29 June 1912

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This letter first appeared in the 'Shetland News' on 29 June 1912.

The image has been provided courtesy of Shetland Museum and Archives.


Women Suffrage

Sir - As a believer in the movement for the political enfranchisement of women, I thinkin the criticisms that have been levelled at the Suffragists in the 'News' lately are a bit hard. Most of these criticisms have been from the standpoint that because suffragists here do not make a great noise, hold meetings, 'preach the gospel' in outlying places, and so on they are doing nothing. Has your critic ever heard the saying 'that still waters run deep'? It is rarely those who make the most noise who do the most work; it is usually the other way about. It is in my personal knowledge that the local suffragists have been doing a lot of quiet, but very effective work. They have distributed literature; they have in many unobtrusive ways brought their views before others and have succeeded in securing many supporters. They have held public meetings, and are arranging to hold another soon.

I subscribe entirely to the dignified and straightforward letter from the Secretary of the local Society which appeared last week. The Suffragists have many difficulties to contend with in a scattered place like Shetland; but I am convinced these difficulties will eventually be overcome, and that they will emerge triumphant from the fight at not distant date. I am etc.

A Male Supporter