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lldlllUUUlJ ^ 1 1L Ik iW U Jf
Smooth. O dear Sir Harlequin, I am infinitely oblig'd to you
for this Favour, I forgive yu'u my Journey to the Moon with
all my Heart.
[Harlequin waves his Wand,and leads up his Mutes in a Dance.
SCENE XVII. Ballad, Modely, Meanwell, Drama.
Bal. Qons, Drama, take the Bottle take the Bottle this
Inftant — I'll lead up the Dance my felf, and Death or the
Devil (hall be my Partner. \He fats the Dancers in Confiifion.
Mode. Sink me, this is infutferable — he has fpoil'd the very
belt Scene in the whole Flay.
Mean. Pr'ythee be quiet— -'twas only in fearch of a proper
Drama. Indeed, Mr. Ballad, you diforder us ftrangely, we
lhall never end the Rehearfal at this Rate.
Mode. Devil take him, he's as troublefome as Advice to a
lofing Gamefter.
Mean. Then we'll thruft him out of the Company, for his
Mode. With all my Heart, by the Univerfe — I wifh we had
ferv'd him fo an Hour ago — come Drama, let's away with him.
Bal. Oons, Gentlemen, what do you mean ? why, 'tis my
Son Rattle'' % Wedding-— my very own Play. -
Mean. You may be as dumb as your own Harlequin, if you
pleafe — fo take your Botrle and troop off — that's the enly
Entertainment you underftand.
Bal. Confound thefe damn'd Criticks — they are as arbitrary
as the Turk, and as unmannerly as the Devil.
[Theypujh him off.
SCENE XVIII. The fame Perfons as before.
Foible. As I am a Toad, the Doctor is a mod facetious Per-
fon — I am prodigioufiy charm'd with his Entertainment — I
never faw a more fafhionable Thing in my Life, I vow and
Prat. Nor I neither, Mem, as I am a Perfon.
Trifle. Verily, Madam, by the Doctor's leave, I muft intrude
on his Entertainment, and ask your Ladyfhip a very ferious
Foible. Then you'll be very impertinent, I allure you, Sir, —
I hate every thing that is ferious, mortally.
Trifle. Verily, Madam, I mult perfift in my Intreaty, tho' the
Buft of Cicero fhould plead to the contrary — therefore, Madam,
be fo good as inform us who is the happy Perfon you will fe-
!e& from your humble Servants, as your mod particular Rarity?
I appeal to them all, whether it is not a very reafonableQueftion.
Whim. Ay, ay, Mr. Trifle, a very reasonable Queftion.
1 Smooth.

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