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6 8 The Fajhionable Lady $ 1 *,
Foib. O, Sir ! Fafhion will recommend any thing in theTJni-
Merit. Then I fhall bevain enough to imagine Fafhion would
recommend Me
Foib. Yes, I vow, Mr. Merit, Fafhion would be your only
Recommendation ; your very Man of Quality would be an in-
fignificant Creature, without the Fafhion.
Merit. But Fafhion is fo various, that 'twould be the whole
Bufinefs of one's Life to follow it.
Foib. Truly, Sir, I think one's Life can't be better employ'd.
Merit. Befide, Madam, the Fafhion is frequently fo abfurd>
• that 'twould affront one's Reafon to be acquainted with it.
Foib. Reafon! Ha, ha, ha! Why, Reafon has been out of
Fafhion, among Perfons of Figure, Timeout of Mind. I won-
der you fhould affront my Tafte with fo unpolite a Word
Reafon! O, hideous! a Lover and a Gentleman talk of Rea-
fon '. Ha, ha, ha!
Merit. 1 (hall never condefcend to be a Man of Fafhion, I
Foib. Then you'll never fucceed with the Ladies, I fee. Why,
without the Mode, you'll look as inconfiderable, as a Noble-
man's Efhte in the Corner of a Map. La! I fhould be perfect-
ly afham'd of an unfafhionably reasonable Husband. When I
am at my Toiler, he'd be in his Study ; when I was for a Party
at Quadrille, he'd be for reafonable Converfation, forfoothj
When I talk'd Scandal at the Tea-Table, he'd rail againft Ma-
lice; if 1 was for the dear Opera, he'd groan after fome hideous
Tragedy; when I talk ofFafhions, he'd rave againft Whim and
Caprice. Ged! fuch a Husband would be my abfolute Averfion,
or, at beft, he could be only tolerable, like a bad Pi&ure
hiding a crack'd Wainfcot.
Merit. I am afraid, Madam, I fhall never be the happy, va-
riable Creature, that will pleafe you: 'Tis impoflible to run
thro' the various Changes necefTary to the Character.

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