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.<^;> William WorAy.
Panie, iIh: Gentle Sheplierd, in love iviiJi Peg'^y.
R 'iR-er, a rich young Jl^epherd, in love ivitii Jemv.
Gbucl"' '\^'''^'° oldjhepherds. tenants to Sir William.
Baukl}', a hynd engaged ivith Neps.
W O M E N^.
•Peggy, thmfght to be Glatid's niece.
Jenny, Claud's only daii:;hter'
Maufe, on old ivoman, fuppofed 'to be a ivitcJi^
Elfpa, Symon's ivife.
Madge, Claud's fijier.
SCENE— A Shepherd's Village and Fields fome fe^
miles from Ediiiburgli.
Time nf Aclic-n within tiienty-foiir hours,
Firft r.a besjins at eight in the morning,
Sccosid adl begins at eleven in the forenoon.
Third adl begins at four in the afternoon.
Fourth adl begins at nire o'clock at night.
Fifth adt begins by day light next morsiing.

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