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reports, thas it was accuftomary with Epicurat to Vomit twice a
Day, to Jilchargi; the furfeits o: his delicious Feeding : That his
extravagant Tabic Itooi hira, every Day, in no iels than a Mitia
in valje, lixteen Ounces of t,ilver ; and that his inordinate way of
Living render'd him lo unable, tor many Years, to rife out of
his Chair, tnat he was forc'd to be carry d about his common
OccafiOii;, being grown i'o corpulent with Eafe and Luxury. He
liv'd Sevcniy one Grecian Years, and three Dajs, and then dy'd
of tr,e Stone.
LONGINUS would tipple in State,
And fit like a Judge o'er his Glafs,
Of his Nouns and his Pronouns would prate,
Like a haughty Pedantical Afs.
In paying for Wine which he lov'd,
By changing his Money fo oft,
He Arithmetick highly improv'd,
And flourifh'd by teaching his Craft.
LOHGINUS was 1 Phoenician, and arriv'd to fb great
a i'erteiSlion in Grammar and Aritnmetick, that he was looli'd ,
upon to be the belt Teacher of the foregoing Scieoces in the
Ase he liv'd in.
PORPHTRIUS, who travel'd to Rome,
. Was cunning in every Art,
And tippled in hopes to become
• Very wife by the help of the Quart;
Thus chafing the Bottle for Years,
He grew a moft wonderful Sage,
And drank till his Reverend Hairs
Were honaur'd for Wifdom and Age.
■ rORPHTRICS, born at Tyri, fo nam'd by his Matter
Lsnginui, from the Royal Purple that his Scholar wore, being
firit call'd Malchus, i. e. a King. He travel'd to Rome to im-
prove his Studies under P/eiinai, where he foon bectme a better
Orator than his Marter, and univerfally leam'd in all the Sciences ;
for which he .was much honour'd, aid liv'd to a reverend Age.
JAMBLIOJS, that Jolly old Cuff,
A Man of an affable Wir,
Would often drink more than enough,
Altho' he but fparingly eat.
For had he not taken a Cup,
We'd ne'er had the comical Tale,
Of his bathing and conjuring up
A couple of Imps in the Well.
JAMBLICUS, a Cxkfyrian of Chahhis, wlio falling in
with Psrphyrius became his equal in every thing. 'Tis reported,
that when he was bathing with one of his Soldier^, in the hot
Baths of Gadera in !^yria, putting his hand into one of the Springs
called Eres, and mumbling over a few Words, he conjur'd up a
little Fair Boy, with Golden Locks hanging down his Back, pre-
fenting himfelf in a pofture as if he had been bathing. Then
ufingthe liKe Incantations to the other Well called Amur, another
little Imp jump'd up, of a browner Compler ion, with dilhevel'd
IHair, both clinging about Jamblkus, muck to the Admiration of
all that were with him : But he piefenlly countermaoded them
kac,^ from whence they came.
xEDESIUS, that minder of Dreams,
By which he would often Divine,
Altho' he would pray by extremes,
Yet fiill he would take off his Wine;
For drunk and unable to fland.
As once he was taking his Nods,
Some Knave wrote a JeJt on his Haild,
Which he fancy'd was done by the Gods.
jE D E S lU S was a Cappadadan, much given to Divina'.ioil,
and a great regarder of Dream;; up n his Pra>'Pri. one Night, a
'De;t, delcended and prefcatcd him with an Oracle in Hexameter
Vcrfe, but he forgetting, in t ^e Morning, tne lupernjtaral mean-
ing of thecelellial Poetry, ca. I'd his Boy to bung a Baton of Water,
aid as he was walhing his Hands therein, the Lad Handing by,
elpy'd his Left-hand full of Chara6kers, and apprifing him of it,
..SA/ia,t "calling hii Uyes thereon, prelently underftooO what the
(Jud had wi.treo'
EUSTjfHIUS whofe eloquent Tongue
Was held to be charming and fine,
No wonder it was f» well hung,
Since he liquor'd it daily with Wine j
But fair &ifipatra his Dame,
Was ledrn'd to a greater degree.
And talk'd him quite out of his Fame,
Becaufe (he drank harder than he.
EU S T AT H lU S viis iCappadocian, to vhom jEd!fitr,
in his Travel;, left the Care of his Affairs. He was a Man fa-
mous for his florid Style and charming Eloquence; but marry.M
Stfepatra, a Lady lo eminent for her Learning and other excellent
Ciuaiifications, that by her Llocjuent Orations Ihe eclips'd the glory
of her huiband.
Rich MAXIMUS, who, for his worth.
And Wifdom, was envy'd by Greece,
Thought the Bottle a Heav'n upos Earth,
And drinking tlie fweeteft of blifs ;
When tortur'd by /W. as he lay,
He call'd for a comforting Cup,
But his Wife drank it up by tlie way.
And fwore fhe'd not give him a Drop.
MAXIMUS of Pergamui, was the Tutor and Favourite
of 'Julian the Emperor, under whom he got great Riches ; but
'Julian proving unfortunate, and Valcntinian and l^aUns being in^
vefted with the Empire, and -Ma^imus being privately traduc'd,
and publickly exclaim'd againft, was leverely fined, and alfo tor-
turd With the Wrack, after io cruel a manner, that he beg'd his
Wife, w.ho was (landing by him, tO fetch him a Cup of Poifon to rij
him of his Mifery, which (he broui,;ht accordingly ; but whtn het
Hufband alk'd for it, drank it oH" herfelf, and expir'd in his Cghti
but he had more Wit than to pledge her.
Old PRISCUS, who liv'd to the Age
Of Ninety, tho' fome do fay more.
Much fooner had quitted the Stage,
If he had not drank Liquor good fiore i
But finding it lengthen liis Days,
He thought 'twis no crime to be mellow.
And coveted no other praife,
Than that of an honeft good Fellow-
PR /SCt/Swa« alfo of Pergamiis, and one of Julianas Tntori,.
was a very upright Perfon in all his Dealing, and very tonflant
andfteady inall his Refoluuons. Alter the Death of 7a/;a», like
the reft of his Friends, he fell into Dif^race ; but his Honeft"
was fuch, that his Enemies could fix no crime upon him ; fo that
he liv'd witiiout Perfecution to the Age of Ninety, and theody'd, ..
JULIANUS, that SophiRer, he
All Night o'er the Bottle would fit.
And had he not drank very free
We ne'er lliould have heard of his wit ;
For when he'ad the Glafs in his Hand,
In's mouth he had always a Jefi,
And Rhetorick molt at command
When warm'd witJi a Cup of the beft,
yULIANUS was a Cappndtcian Sophifter, very famoni
for Rhetorick and Wit ; and his Convtrlation fo very delightful,
that he gain'dabundance oi A^lmirers. He had a grtat Repu-
tation in Athens, liv'd to a confirfeiaolir Age; and when he dy'dj
left his Friends contending who Ihould add ra^l Honour to hi»
DEMOSTHENES, who, by report,
Had io fn eet and fo charming a Tongue,
If he had not drank Wine by the Quart,
It would never have been fo well hung ;
Yet Philip expeil'd him from Greece,
As a Man of a \v icked defign.
Which caus'd him ro drink to excefs
Till he p'lifon'd himfelf with ill Wine.
DEMOSTHENES was a famous Orator of Mccediiit
but was banilh'd hi-. Country by Pl.tLp; father of .ilcxandir tl,i
Great; and poifou'd himfelf in histxile.

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