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f4 A C O L L E C T I O ^
When Spring hither winds her career.
Our trees and our hedges to fill j
Vaft oceans of verdure appear,
To charm you at Jeffamond mill.
To plant every rural delight,
Here nature has lavifh'd her fliil! j
Here fragrant breezes unite.
And wanton round Jdianiond mill.
When filence each ev^iing here dwells^
The birds in coverts all ftil^,
No mufic in fweetneHr excels
The clacking of JelTamoiid mill,
Reclin'd by the verge of the ftream.
Or ftretch'd on the fide of the hill^-
I*m never in want of a theme,
Whilft leering at JeiTamoud niiU.
Sure Venus fome plot has defign'd,
Or why is my heart never itill^
"Whenever it pops in my mind
To wander near Jeffamond milL
My obje£V, ye fwains, you will guefs.
If ever in love you had iliill ;
And, faith, I will frankly confefs,.
'Tis Jenny at Jeffamond mill.
The Wail of Siifan.
O'ER all the wide ocean the billows were rolling,
'Mid torrents of hail the dread thunder did roar ;
And loud from the mountains the tempefl: was howling.
When Sue fat to welcome her lover on Taore.

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