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(167) Page 143 - Since drinking has pow'r for to give us relief

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(167) Page 143 - Since drinking has pow'r for to give us relief
[ t43 ]
Thisfaid, from het Charms I retir'J,
-Nor knew I rill tlien 1 ow I iov'd :
Whom piefent my Pafiioa admir'd,
In Abfence my Rrafon approv'd.
Ahwliy fliou'd I hope for Relief,
Wheie all that I fee is Difdain j
No Puy in her for my Grief,
No Merit in me ti? complain.
Nor yet do I Fortune upbraid,
Tho' robb'd of my freedom and Eafc,
Still proud of the Choice Ihave made,
Tho' hopelefs it ever can pleafe.
SONG CXLVI. Since Drinking, Sec.
SINCE Drinking has Pow'r for to give us
Come fill up the Bowl, and a Vox on all Grief.
If we find that won't do, we'll. h«ve ii^^'h another.
And fo well proceed from one Bowl to tlie otlier :
Till, like Sons of Apollo, we'll make our Wit
Or, in Homage to 3acchus, fall down on the
Apollo and "Bacchus were both merry Souls,
They each of them Iov'd for to tofs off theis
Then let's try to fliew our felves Men of Merit,
[j By toafting thofe Gods in a Bowl of good Claret.
And then we (liall all be deferving of Praife :
Bnt the Man that drinks moft fliall go off with
the Bays.
SONG CXLVIL The Blind Boy, &c.
OSay, what is that thing call'd L»ght,
Which I muft ne'er enjoy ?
What ate the BlefTiags of the Sight .'
Teil your poor blind Boy.

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