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Heirs ^igh-Court of Juf-
Henpeck ' d Captain . 197
Henry II. 1 05
Henry III. ,104
Henry IV, Two Parts 13
Henry IV . of France 1 6 7
Henry V. y i
Henry V. 15
Henry V, 152
Henry 2Ln^ Rcfdmond 193
Henry VI. "1 : I 3
i/^^^-y VI. Part I. 100
/f^;?;^; VI; Part II. ibid.
Henry VI. from Shake/pear
Henry VII. 1 9 1
^i?«rt; Vni. his Life 14
Her adit us ^5
Hercules '^, 1A,Z_
Herman Prince of C/^i7rm
JF/^ro and Leander 76
Herod and Jjitipater 41
Herod and Mariarnne 94
Herad i]\Q. Great 71
Heroic Love 119
Heroic Love 72
Hey for Honefiy 200
Hihernia Freed - 1 29
HicSc UMqus 76
Highland Fair 169
Hippolitus 58 •
FliHorical Regifter 175
Hillriomaftix 66
Hiilory of the two Maids
of Morilake 1 9
Jfc/^ or The Coantry-
Wake 1 26
Bg)W.A -Wedding 168
X' of Prays..
H<3/w^«V Tragedy 6-8 •'
Hog has loll his Pparl 37
Hollander 55
Holland^ Leaguer 49
Honefl Lawyer 6^
Honeft Man's Fortune 29
Honell Whore, two Parts
Honeft rori>/rf-Man 1 66
Honoria and Ma?nmon 46
Honour of //'■^/V^ ^^7
Horace 7 2
Horace 88^
Horatius 54^.
Hofpital for Fools 177'
How to chufc a good Wife,
from a bad 68'"
Llumours of the Age i44-»
H u mo ars of IVcpping 1 9 5- '
Humours of the Anii'/-
Humours of a Coffee-
Houfe 200
Humours Oi Oxford 177
Humours of Exchange -Ah ■
ley ■ "iSt
Humours of 2^(?;>4 ^59-'
Humours of Purgatory
Ll umours of the Road 196
Humour out of Breath 36 .
Humorous Courtier 47
Humorous Day's Mirth-
Humorous Lieutenant 30
Humorous Lover^ , 74
Humorifts 82.
Humphry Duke oi Gloucef-
tcr 1^6*

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