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(9) [Page i] - Preface
LANGBANE JACOB, and the rell of the Stags-
Hiilorians, who have hitherto app^jred in
Print, abounding with Errors as well omiilivo
as commifiive ; we flattered carlelves that a
more regular and exad Account of EngUfo Drama-
tic Writers, coald fcarce fail of a Favourable receptioa
from the Pablick.
Prompted by this we have made the followhig At-
tempt ; but with what Saccefs, we fubmit to the Judgment
of others. Thus much however we can alledge, tliat n»
Pains on our Part have been wanting, no Means of In-
formation in our Power untried; having, before we
fet forv/ard in the Work, laid in a confiderable Fund of
Theatrical Hiilory. For a great Part of this, indeed^
we mufl acknowledge ourfelves indebted to Mr, Chst-
nvood, whofe extenfive Knowledge in thefe Matters ia
not to be queftioned j having been for many Years,
employed as Prompter and Manager to the Theatres,
both of London and Dublin ; and who, from a State
of Afliuencc, is now reduced to almoft a State of
Indigence, and has nothing in view but the melancholjr
Profpeit of ending the Refidue of Life within the Wall*
of a Prifon, where Ill-Fortune has already thrown him..
The Reader is defired to obferve, that in tlie Arrange-^
ment of the feveral Plays, ^c. a Chronological order ha%
been obferved, wherein P^egard is always had to th^
earlieft Dates. As for the Writers to whofe vVorka hq
Daces have been prefixed, as Neceliity obliged us tQ
have Recourfe to Conjedure, 'tis hoped the Reader wili
j-eil fatisfied, as it was impoffible, perhaps, tQ foxniih «|
anorc fati§fa6lory Acc«>unc.
A if, S»

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