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(25) Page 27 - Loving landlady
The CoblerV Of era, %y
A I R XXIV. The loving Landlady.
Har. Here conU my Byes for ever dwiell-
Each fondly begs to ftay 'with thee.
Obferve how they together [well,
Raised by this Wifb to Jealoufy.
My Heart-Strings too require a <Part
As if the 'Token cf Love they wou'd be $
Sut is there one Grain of thy Harry's Heart
That would not gladly tarry with thee%
Jen. Come then y my Love, and take a Kifs,
This Gold about thy Wrift I'll tye $
And ever when thou look' ft on this,
Think on her who for thee would dye.
Lieu. Yon Rafcals, why do you thus Delay ? Force
: em afunder.
Jen. Oh now the dreadful Tryal's come, and all my
promis'd Refolution fails me. O Harry, my Heart
can never reconcile itfelf to think of parting! And of the
Dangers you muft undergo, 'twill furely thro' my Bofom
beat its Way, to be itfelf the Pledge of Jenny's Love.
Lieu. Ye Villains, force 'em afunder, or I'll have you
made Examples for difobeying Command.
[Exeunt with Harry.
Jen. O my dear Father, do you entreat the Captain
to have fome Pity on fme ! [To Lieu.'] O Sir, if you
did ever love, let that awake Compaffion. Sally, Molly
dear Mrs.Welfleet, joyn, joyn your Prayers with mine, that
he may call my faithful Harry back !
Teg. I joyn my Prayers ! Yes 5 but mine fhall be that
you may never fee him more. [Afide.
Lieu. Pr'ythee, Child, get up.. You know the Way to
prevail with me, which if you won't take, is it my Fault ?
For nothing elfe can move me.
Jen. Then I'm undone! Why fhould I hope to foften
^sne whom Cuftom does infpire with Cruelty.
*> a AIR

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