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The Country Burial. 55
Wel. Still fighing ! Still in Tears ! — — In foft and gen-
tie Murmurs dill complaining ! Yet l"he, innocent even in Thought
of any Guilt, that might deferve a Punifhment fo fevere, accu-
fes not the Heavens, nor Me, nor H'm, the cruel Author of
her Woes. No Storm of Rage ruffles her lovely Face; no
Thought of Vengeance fwells her beating Breafi ; Virtue, Love,
and Grief, fo amply fill her Mind, there is no Room for any ru-
der Gueft. Never did Paffion in a Female Sreaft run with fo
deep, fo ftrong, fo fmooth a Stream.
Sill My Father here !
Wel. Weeping, my Silvia! Could'ir thou think how deep thy
Sorrows wound me, I know thou wouid'ft endeavour to fub-
due them.
Sil. I did not know you was fo nigh.. 1 had not elfe in-
dulged this Burft of Grief: It adds to my Unhappinefs, to afflict
fo tender, and fo good a Father.
^ Wel. Thy more than Child-like Duty and AfFe&ion, thy
yielding Sweetnefs, and determin'd Virtue, of which each Hour
you give me frefh Examples, do fo atfecl me, that I am torn
'twixt Joy and Wonder, Sorrow and Remorfe, when-e'er I
look upon thee. I, I, wretched as I am, have contributed to all
the Wrongs you fufFer.
Sil. My deareff Father, do not thus aggravate our common
Grief; let not your AfTe&ion for me, caufe you to wrong your
felf. If you have permitted me to love, and I have been de-
ceiv'd, were not you deceiv'd too ?
Wel. Indeed I was; but all (hail yet be well; fhortlyyoufliall
be convinced, that he's fo far unworthy of your Love^ that
gentle Peace and Joy fliall fill your Breait, and he be fcorn'd at
firft, and foon forgot.
AIR XLVIII. How happy are young Lovers.
% fo ffifr%ii
Onfome Rock, by Seas J m -rounded \
Diflantfar from Sight of Shore;
When* the ftipwrectfd Wretch, confounded.
Hears the bellowing Tempefls roar;
Hopes of Life do then j or fake him,
When in this deplored Extream,
Then his own loud Shrieks awake him 7
And he finds it ail a Dream.

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