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(122) Page 32 - At Rome there is a terrible rout

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(44) Page 32 - At Rome there is a terrible rout
j* SILVIA; Or,
Sil. Let htm not come at all. The Man, who takes Advan*
tage from a Maid's mean Condition to attempt her Virtue, caii
never make her Reparation.
Wei I fear you hate him then.
Sil. Why fhould you fear U > You methinks fliould wifli ii
rather. 'Twas long before my Heart was taught to love him
and by the Pain his Cruelty gives me I fear 'twill be much
longer e're it will learn to hate him.
Wei. I'll go and give Orders that Care be taken of th
Stranger, and then I'll fee this mighty Man, who, by a vil
Abufe of his Power, has dared to wrong me thus. Thou'ft
Reafon indeed for thy Anger ; but grieve not, my Silvia. I can
and will defend thee.
AIR XXVIII. At Rome there is a terrible Rout.
f§ 0^mM^s ^
For our Poultry and Flocks we oft break eur Repofe,
jTo defend them from Foxes and Kites, their known Foes ;
We our Children muft guard from worfe Vermin than thofe %
Which no Body can deny, &c.
S C E N E V. Silvia.
My Fatherbad me not to grieve — happy for me could I in that
obey him. In all the height of his Palfion he never commanded
me to hate the injurious Author of my Woes. Indulgent Pa-
rent ! He knows that 'tis not in my Power,and wou'dn't impofe
on me a Task impcflible. Anfwer his Kindnefs then with equal
Fortitude, and bear, without Reproach, thofe Ills thou canft
not cure. To afTert the Dignity of injur'd Virtue, tho' in an
humble State, be then my Care, and leave the reft to Heaven,

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