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(25) Page 13 - Hey ho! who's above
The Country Burial, t $
' The Moon is rifing, 'tis time to be going home,
ton fill np the Grave.
Let the Sex-
i. Let the Grave
remain uncover'd ; 'I'll take care of that;
for here I mean to tarry 'till the Morning. Neighbours, 1 thank
you all : Adieu. — I with you well to your feveral Homes.—
Good Nfgnt. .
Gaff. Gab. Stay here in the cold Church-yard all Night, with
thy dead Wife! -Why, you are diftra&ed, furely.
G. Gab. If he been't, that were enough to make him fo.
Tim. Nay, never go about to perfuade me, for here I will
| Bay, come Life, come Death. Therefore, Neighbours, all go
111 home, and leave me to my felf.
AIR XI. Hey ho ! who's above ?
Gaff. Gab.
G. Bufy.
Gaff. Gab.
G. Bufy.
Gaff. Gab.
G. Bufy.
Hey ho ! the Man is mad !
Troth, if he is not, he's as bad.
That? It dye, e 're Morning, too I fear.
Leave off thy Fooling, and don't flay here.
No, no.
Why, why 7 .
I'd rather flay here with my Dolly, and dye.
G Bufy. This is the ftrangeft Vagary, to pretend to (lay here
with his Wife, when (he's dead; when there are fo few Men
who care for their Wives Company, while they are alive !
Tim. My Refolution may feem firanger than it is; I will
therefore tell you the Reafon of it. Some time ago, my Wife
w^« verv fick (that cur fed Geneva often made her lo) then I
was very fick (that _
fell lick with Grief; but (he foon recovering, I recover d
too On this Occaiion, (he told me, if I dy'd firft, that ffie
fhouM break her Heart. Yet, (he is dezd, and I, k
and ungrateful Wretch, am here alive to fpeak it.

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