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(58) Page 56 - How happy are we, &c
5 6 The BEGGJR's OPERA. AftH.
Lock. If you will run your Eye over it, you'll find 'tis fair and
clearly ftated.
Peach. This long Arrearof the Government is very hard upon
us ! Can it be expected that we would hang our Acquaintance for
nothing, when our Betters will hardly fave theirs without being
paid for it. Unlefs the People in Employment pay better, 1 pro-
mife them for the future, I fhall let other Rogues live befides their
Lock. Perhaps, Brother, they are afraid thefe Matters may be
Carried too far. We are treated too by them with Contempt,
as if our Profeffion were not reputable.
Peach. In one refpect indeed our Employment may be reckon'd
difhoneft, becaufc, like Great Statefmen, we encourage thofe
who betray their Friends.
Lock. Such Language, Brother, any where elfe, might turn to
your Prejudice. Learn to be more guarded, I beg you.
AIR XXX. How happy are we, &c.
— m^.
When you cenfure the Age,
Be cautious and J age,
Left the Courtiers offended jlmdd be :
If you mention Vies or Bribe,
'Tis fo pat to ad the Tribe ;
Each cries That was level? d at me.
Peach. Here's poor Ned Clincher's Name, I fee. Sure, Brother
Lockit, there was a little unfair Proceeding in Ned's Cafe : for he
told me in the Condemn'd Hold, that for Value receiv'd, you had
promis'd him a Seffion or two longer without Moleftation.
Lock. Mr. Peachton —this is the fir ft time my Honour was
ever call'd in Qneftion,
' Peach. Bufinefs is at an end — -if once we act diflionourably.
Lock. Who accuies me ?
Peach. You are warm, Brother.
Lock. He that attacks my Honour, attacks my Livelihood.—
And this Uiagc — . — Sir is not to be borne.

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