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matic Writers, lived In the Reign
of King Charles I. and received
his Education at the Univei-fity
of Cambridge, but v/hether he
took any Degree there is not evi-
dent, there being few Particulars
preferved in Regard to him, more
than his clofe Intimacy and Con-
nection with all the principal
Wits and poetical Geniufes of
that Age, by whom he was
well beloved, and with fome of
whom he joined in their Wri-
tings. — Wood ftiles him, *' the
•' Ornament for Wit and Inge-
*' nuity oi Ftmbroke-Hall in Cam'
" bridge.'' — In a Word, he was a
very great B-"nefador to the Etig^
lijh Stage, having, exclufive of
his Aid lent to Middleton, Day,
Hey 'wood, PFebJler, &c. left us five
Plays of his own compofmg, and
one in v/hich even the immortal
Shakefpeare afforded him fome Af-
fiftance. — Their Titles in alpha-
betical Order are as follow,
1. Airs loft by Luft. Trag.
2. Birth of Merljn. Tragi-
Com. (affifted by Sbakef-
3. Match at Midnight. Com.
4. Neiff Wonder, a Woman ne-
ver -vext. Com.
5. Shoemaker is a Gentleman,
6. Witch of Edmonton.
Tragi Com.
The Plays in which he was con-
cerned v\ ith others, but, not hav-
ing the principal Hand, are not
afcribed to him, are the follow-
ing, to which I have fubjoined
the Author's Name who joined
with him.
I. ChangUtig. Trag, Tho. Mid-
diet on.
a. Cure for a Cuckold. Com.
John Webfter.
3.. Fair S^iarrel. Com, Tho.
4. Fortune by Land and Sea. C
The, Heyivood.
5. Old Laiv'. Hm^i-Com. Fbi-
lip Mafjinger and Tho. Mid-
diet on.
6. Parliament of Bees. Mafqiie,
John Day and Geo. V/il-
7. Spanijh Gipfey. Com, Tho,
8. Thracian Wonder. Comic
Hiftory. John Webjhr^f
(on the Authority oilViu'
panley only.)
9. Travels of the three Engii/h
Brothers. John Day and
Geo. Wilkins,
RuGGLEs, Ralph, A. M.—
All I can difcover concerning this
Writer is, he belonged to Clare-
Hall, Cambridge, and was Author
of a very celebrated and very
humorous Latin Play, which was
afted at that Univerfity before
King James I. on the 8th of
March 1 6 14, entitled,
Ignoramus. Com.
RuTTER, Mr. Joftpb, — This
Author lived in the Reign of
King Charles I. and was a De-
pendant on the Family of Ed-
•ward Earl of Dorfet, Lord Cham-
berlain to the Qu^een, being Tu-
tor to his Son. — At the Com-
mand of his Patron, he under-
took a Tranflation of the firft Part
of the Cid, from the French of
Corneille, which, when executed,
was fo well approved of by the
King, to whom it was /hewn,
that, at his Majefty's own De-
fire, the fecond Part of the fame
Piece was put into Mr. Rutter's
Hands, with an Injunftion to
tranflate it, which he immedi-
ately obey'd. — -He befides wrote
one original dramatic Piece of his
own, fo that the Works of this
Kind, which he has left behind
him, are,
I. C/cf.

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