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He taught us hoiv to live ; and,
Oh ! too high
A Price for Knonuledge, taugl t
tis hotu to dte.
thus proceeds Dr. Toung ; '' had
** not this poor Plank been thrown
** out, the chief Article of his
*^ Glory would probably have
** been funk for ever, and late
*' Ages had received but a Frag-
*' ment of his Fame. — A Frag-
" ment glorious indeed, for his
*' Genius how bright ! but to
*' commend him for Compofition,
** tho' immortal, is Detraction
** tioiv, if there our Encomium
" ends. — Let us look farther to
"' that concluding Scene, which
*« fpoke human Nature not unre-
•^ lated to the Divine. — To that
' let us pay the Jong and large
" Arrcar of our gieatly poflhu-
*' m.ous Applrtufe."
A httle farther he thus termi-
nates this noble Encomium.
" it Powers were notwantirg, a
*■' Monument more durable than
'^ thofe of Marble, Hiould proudly
": rife in this ambitious Page to
*' the new and far nobler /Jddifbn,
*•' than that which you and the
'' Pi.blic have fo long and fo
*•' much admired : — n«r this Na-
'*" tion only, for It is Europ£''i
'* yLidijon as well as oms 5 tho'
*• Europe knows not half his Ti
" ties to her Efteem, being as
" yet nnconfcious that the dying
*' Addifnri far outftirjes her ^"id-
*' difor. imm.ortal."
Flaving thus given feme Ac-
count of the Life and Death of
thi^ great Man, nothing more re-
mains in this Place to be done,
but to give a Lift of his dramatic
Pieces, which were the follow-
ing three.
J. Cato. Trag.
2. 7"he Drurr.mcr, Ccm,
3. Roe A M ON D, Opera,
Alexander, William, VI4,
Sterling, Earl of.
Arm IN, Mr. Robert.-^ — This
Author lived in the Reign of
King James the firft, and was an
eminent Comedian of that Time,
as we may gather from the find-
ing his Name among the Reft of
the Performers of Rank in the
original Drama of Ben Jonftffi's
^Ickyn-dji, 1 6 10. — I have in an-
other Place ventur'd a Surmife in
Regard to his having been the
Author of one dramatic Piece,
from the Correfpondence of the
prefixed Initials, {Vid. above, A,
R.) we are however affur'd in
Regard to another, to which he
lias put his Name at Length,
The TVi-o Maids cf Mo ORE
Clacice. Fliftorlcal Play.
And it is very probable that he
I'clonged to the then Company of
Comedians, as in the Title Page
he v*Tites him fe^f One of his Ma-
ji-'fy's Sci-Tants. — There was pub-
lilhed in the Year 1604, a Pam-
phlet entitled,
A Difccurfe c/ Ehzabvth Ar-
min, ii'ho, \i-itb jcnii other. Com-
plices, aUewptcd to poiJo7i her liuf-
Whether this Arecdote has
any Reference to oui Author I
cannot pretend to afiirm, but
think it by no Means improba-
ble, from the Correfpondence of
the Date with the Time that he
flouri/hed in.
A ?. N !•: . Dr. rhoiras Augufire.
— The Particulars of this Gen-
tleman's Life having prcbahly had
nothing extraordin;iiy in them,
have no Claim to a Place here,
cfpecially as he is ftill living,
and it may perhaps appear as a
Bufinefs of unneccfTary Repeti-
tion to obferve to the Public what
aimoft every individual of it well
knov.s al ea^y, --./k. that he is
r A 3 ] ona

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