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tainmg little piece, which
is to this day frequently
performed, is an inoffenfive
and good-natured burlefque
on the abfurdities in fome of
the tragedies then the moil
in favour, particularly Ve-
nice Prefer<v\{.
What you will. Com-.- by
John Marflon, 4to. 1607.
Langbaine mentions this
comedy as one of the beft
of this author's writing.
What tv e muji all come to.
Com. in two ads, perform-
ed at the Theatre Royal in
Covent-Garden, 8vo. 1764.
This was introduced as a
tail -piece to No one's Enemy
but his own, and acted at
the fame time ; but fnared
in the condemnation, al-
though it was generally
thought to have had merit
enough to entitle it to a
better fate ; but this comes
of keeping bad company.
When you fee Me, You
know Me; or, The famous
Chronicle Hifiorie of King
Henry VIII. with the Birth
and virtuous Life of Edward
Prince of Wales, by Samuel
Rowley, 410. 1632.
Which is the Man. Com.
by Mrs. Cowley. A&ed at
Covent-Garden, 17S2. This
play, though tolerably well
received, mud not be con-
iidered as one of Mrs. Cow-
ley's belt, productions.
Whig a?ni Tory. Com.
by Benjamin Griffin, 8vo.
33° ]
tf2&i Aded at the Thea-
tre in Lincoln's-Inn-Fields
with no very extraordinary
The Whim ; or, The Mi-
fer's Retreat. A Farce, al-
tered from the French of La
Maifon Ritfiiquii Aded at
Goodman's - Fields, 8vo.
The Whhnfical Lowers- ;
or, ' The Double Infidelity.
Com. tranflated from the
French, and printed in
Foote's Comic Theatre.
The White Devil; or, The
Tragedy of Paulo Giordan a
Urfiini, Duke of Brachiano ;
with the Life and Death of
Vittoria Corombona, the fa-
mous Venetian Ccurte%an,
Trag. by John Webfter.
Aded by the Queen's fer-
vants, 4to. 1612.
Who's who. Farce, ad-
ed at Drury-Lane, 1785,
with great applaufe.
The Whore of Babylon. A
Hiftory, by Tho. Decker,
4to. 1607. This play was
never aded, but the gene-
ral tenor of it is toilluftrate
the virtues of Queen Eliza*
beth, and, under feigned
names, to expofe the ma-
chinations of the Roman
Catholics of that time.
The Whore of Babylon.
Com. faid to be written by
King Edward VI. but not
Who'd have Thought It.
Farce, by Mr. Cobb, Ad-

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