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[ m
country, if known to be
fuch, are totally defpifed
and neglected, and the ar-
tifts themfeives fuffered to
pafs through life unnoticed
and difcouraged ; thefe
points Mr. Foote has in this
Farce fet forth in a very juft,
and at the fame time a very
humourous light; butwhether
the generality of the audi-
ence did not relim, or per-
haps did not underftand this
confined fatire, or that, un-
derftanding it, they were fo
wedded to the infatuation of
being im poled on, that they
were unwilling to fubfcribe
to the juflice of it, we will
not pretend to determine ;
but it met with fome cppo-
iiiion for a night or two,
and during the whole run of
it, which was not a long
one, found. at heft but a cold
and diffcafteful reception.
The Taxes. Dramatic
Entertainment, by Dr. Ba-
con, 8vo. 1757.
The Taylors. Trag. for
warm weather. Acted at
theHaymarket, 8vo. 1778.
This piece was firil acted,
1767, at a time when there
had been great difturbances
between the mailer Taylors
and their journeymen about
wages. The author of it
hath kept himfelf conceal-
ed ; but the manner in which
it came to the manager is
faid to have been as follows :
A ihort time before its ap-
pearance, Mr. Foote receiv-
ed the manufcript from Mr.
Dodfley's fhop, offering it
for his acceptance, with a
requeit at the fame time,
that if it was not approved,
it might be returned in the
manner it came to him.
Mr. Foote, on perufing it,
was much pleafed with the
performance, ordered it im-
mediately into rehearfaJ,
and took the principal cha-
racter himfelf.
Teh 00 Chi Cou Ell- or,
The Little Orphan cf the
Family of Toe hoc. Trl-8vo.
1737. This is nothing more
than a literal tranflation
from the Chinefe language
of the tragedy in the firft
volume of Du Halde's Hij-
tory cf China, by Richard
Teaguels Ramble to Lon-
don. Interlude. Acted at
the tiaymarket, 1770. Not
The Tears and Triumphs
ofParnaffus. Ode, by Ro-
bert Lloyd ; performed at
Drury-Lane, 4-to. 1760.
Texnolamia ; or, The Mar-
riage of the Arts* Com . by
Banon Holiday, 4to. 161 8.
This piece was acted by the
fiudents of Chriil Church,
Oxford, befcre the Univer-
sity at Shrove-Tide. It is
entirely figurative, ail the
liberal arts being perfonat-
ed in it.
Tele mac bus. Mafque, by

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