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%he force of Blood.
fcene lies at Alicant.
The Spanijb Lady.
fical Entertainment, by T.
Hill. Acted at Covent-
Garden, 8vo. 1769. This
piece w s originally written
on receiving the news of a
iignal conquer! gained in the
Spanim Weft-Indies by the
Englifti forces, in 1762.
The Spanijb Rivals* A
Mufical Farce, acled at
Drury-Lane, 1784. In this
piece fenfe is facriffced to
The Spanijb Rogue. Com.
by Thomas Duffet, 4-to.
1674. This play is written,
after the manner of molt
of the French comedies, in
rhyme. It is the bell: of
all this Author's dramatic
works, yet met with very
indifferent fuccefs.
Spanijb Tragedy. See Je-
The Spanijb Tragedy ; or,
Hiercnimo is mad again.
Containing the lamentable
end of Don Poratio and Be-
limperia. With the pit if ill
Death of Hieronimo ; by
Thomas Kyd, 4to. 1603.
This play was the object of
.ridicule to almoft every
writer of the times.
The Spanijb Wives. A
Farce of three a£ls, by Mrs.
Mary Pix, 4to. 1696. It
was a&ed at Dorfet-Gar-
The Spar agm Garden, C.
[ 29 1 J
The by Richard Brome. Acled
in the year 1635, by the
then Company of Revels at
Salifbury-Court, 410. 1640.
The -Spartan Dame. Tr,
by Tho. Southerne. Aded
at Brury-Lane, 8vo. 1719.
This play, when it mads
its firft appearance, was re-
ceived with univerfal and
indeed merited appJaufe.
The fubje6t of it is taken
from Plutarch's Life of
Speeches at Prince Henry's
Barriers. By Ben Johnfon,
fol. 1640. Thefe fpeeches
are not much dramatic, be-
ing only fome compliments
paid to Prince Henry, the
eldeft fon of King James L
The Spendthrift. Com.
by Mathew Draper. A£led
at the Hay market, 8vo.
173 iv The hint of this
play is taken from Shak-
fpeare's London Prodigal.
The Spendthrift. Com.
tran dated from the French,
and printed in Foote's
Comic Theatre, vol. I,
The. Spendthrift ; or, A
Chrifmas Gambol. ■ Farce,
by Dr. Kenrick. Acsed at
Covent- Garden 1758. Not
printed. This was taken
from Cha. Johnfon's Country
Lafjes, and was acted only
two nights.
The'SpighifA Sfsr. C.
by Abr. Bailey, 4to. 1667.,
The Spirit of Contradic-
tion. Farce, of two a&s,
O 2 by

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