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gance preferve the reader
from wearinefs.
The Inftitutiw &f the Gar-
ter ; or, Arthur's Round
Table refored, Mafque. Act-
ed at Drury-Lane, 1771.
This is partly an alteration
.by Mr. Garrick of the pre-
An Interlude between Ju-
piter, Juno, and Mercury,
by Henry Fielding, 1743.
This piece was never per-
formed, it being only an
introduction to a proje&ed
comedy, intituled, Jupiter
upon Earth.
A Ji^vae Interlude of Im-
pacyente Po-verte, new lye Im-
printed. M. V. L. X. (we
ibppofe 1560.) 4to. This
piece is. in metre* and in the
old black letter.
An Interlude oj IVelth and h, full of Sport and mery
Vajtyme. Printed 8vo. in
the eld black letter, without
The Interlude of Youth,
4to. 1565. This'is anold,
ferious, moral, and inllruc-
tive piece, written in verfe,
and printed in the black
1 he Intrigues at V erf allies ;
or, A Jilt in all Humours.
Com. by T. Durfey. Ac~bd
at Lincoln's - Inn - Fields,
4^1697, This play did
not meet with fo much fuc-
ce's as the author expected
from it, and in his dedica-
tion he condems the talk of
I "* 1
the town for preferring
others of his plays before it.
It is, however, like moil of
his pieces, a complication
of plagiarifms. Tomezre's
difguifmg himfelf in vvo^
men's cloaths, and his mif-
trefs hufband (Count Bri-
fac) falling in love with
him in that habit, is bor-
rowed from a novel, called
The Double Cuckold; and
the character of Vandojin.
appears to be a mixture of
Wycherley's Olivia in The
Plain Dealer, and Mrs.
Eelin's Myrtilla, in Thi
Amorous Jilt. Scene, Ver-
The Intriguing Chamber-
maid. A Ballad Farce, by
H, Fielding, 8vo. 1733,
This piece is borrowed al-
moil entirely from the Dif-
fipateur. It was performed
at Drury-Lane with good
fuccefs .
The Intriguing Courtiers 5
or, The Modifc Gallants*
Comedy, Anonymous, 8vo.
1732. It was never per-
formed any where ; but
feems to have been ocea-
fioned by fome pieces of
gallantry in the amorous
hillory of the Englifh court
at that time.
The Intriguing Milliners 3
or, Attorney's Clerks, Far*
1738. This is merely a
burlefque ; and although
anonymous, was written by
Mr. Robinfon, of KendaL

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