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Tmpoflure Defeated ; or,
A Trick to cheat the De-vil.
Com. by Geo. Powell, 410.
1698. The author himielf
fays, that this trifle of a co-
medy was only a flight piece
of fcribble for the introduc-
tion of a little mufic.
The Impromptu of Fer-
J aillcs, by Ozell, tranflated
from Moliere's Comedy of
the fame name.
The Inch anted Louvers. A
Dramatic Palloral, by Sir
Wm. Lower, izmo. 1658.
Inch and Tarico. Trag*
of three acls, by the author
of The City Farce, 8vo.
1742. Not acled ; but is
faid to have been intended
to be performed at Covent-
Garden. The ftory from
The Spectator.
Inch and Tarico. Opera,
in three acls, by Mr. Col-
man, jun. Acted at the
Haymarkei:, 1787. This,
like the former, is taken
from the ftory in The Spec-
tator, vol. I. No. 1 1.
The Inconfoha'oles ; or,
The Contented Cuckold. Dra-
matic Farce, Anonym. 8vo.
1738. This piece was never
acled, and is by no means
deierving of a repreien-
The Inconjiani ; or, The
Way to win Him. Com. by
Geo. Farquahar. Acted at
prury-Lane, 4to. 1702.
This is a very lively.and en-
tertaining comedy, although
5 ]
I N_
there are fome incidents in
it which fcarcely come with-
in the limits of probability.
The author in his preface,
and Rowe in the Epilogue,
fay the hint of the play only
was taken from Beaumont
and Fletcher's Wild Goofe
Chace, though, in fac\, the
main plot and whole fcenes
were borrowed from thence j
but the cataftrophe of the'
lafl act, where young Mira-
bel is in danger of his life
at a courtezan's houfe, and
is delivered by the careful-
nefs of his miflrefs Oriana,
difguifed as his page, owes
its origin, it is faid, to an
affair, which the author had
himfelf fome concern in,
when on militarydutyabroad.
The fcene lies in Paris.
The Independent Patriot \
or, Mt'Jical Folly. Comedy,
by Francis Lynch. A&td
at Lincoln's - Inn - Fields,
8vo. 1737.
Indian Emperor ;' or, The
Conqnejl of Mexico by th$
Spaniards. T.C. by J.Dry-
den, 4to. 1677 This play
is a fequel to the Indian
Queen. It is written in he-
roic verfe, the plot is taken
from the feveral hifloriane
who have written on this
affair, and met with great
fuccefs in the repreien-
The Indian Emperor ; or,
The Conquejr of Peru ly the
Spaniards. Tra* by Francis
Q 3 Bawling,

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