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HU C ■
Good Wife from a Bad. C .
Anonym. 4to. 1602. A€k-
ed by the earl of Worcefter's
fervants. The foundation
of this play is taken from
Cynthio's Novels.
The Humorous Courtier,
Comedy, by James Shirley.
Acted at Drury-Lane, 4to.
1640. This play was a&ed
with very good fuccefs.
Hiwiorous Day's Mirth.
by G. Chapman, 4^.1599.
The Humorous Lieutenant.
Tragi-Com. by Beaumont
and Fletcher, fol. 1647.
This is an exceeding good
play. It was the firffc that
was acled, and that for
twelve nights fucceffively,
at the opening of the Thea-
tre in Drury-Lane, April
8, 1663. The plot in ge-
neral is taken from Plu-
tarch's Life of Demetrius,
and other writers of the
Lives of Antigonus and
Demetrius ; and the inci-
dent of the Humourous
Lieutenant refufing to fight
after he has been cured of
his wounds, feems borrowed
from the ftory of Lucullus's
foldier, related by Horace in
the fecond book of his Epif-
tles, Ep. 2. Scene, Greece.
The Humorous Lovers, C.
by the Duke of Newcaftle.
Aded at the Duke's Thea-
tre, 4to. 1677. This co-
medy is laid, by Langbaine,
to be a very good pne.
18 ]
The Humourif. Com ,
by Thomas Shadwell. AcV
ed at Drury Lane, 410.
1 67 1. The fcene of this
piece is laid in London, and
the intention of it was to
ridicule fome of the vices
and follies of the age.
Humour out of Breath.
Com. by John Daye, 4to.
The Humours of a Coffee-
Houfe. Com. as it is daily
aeled at moil of the CofFee-
houfes in London, by Edw.
The Humours of Court ;
or, Modern Gallantry. Bal-
lad Opera, 8vo. 1732.
The Humours of an Elec-
tion. Farce, by F. Pilon,
Afted at Covent-Garden,
8vo. 1780.
The Humours of Exchange-
Alley. Farce, by W. R.
Chetwood, 1720.
The Humours of an Irijh
Court of Jufttce. Dram.
Satire, 8vo. It was never
The Humours of Oxford,
Comedy, by James Miller.
Acled at Drury-Lane, 8vo.
1729. This was the firfl
and the moil original of all
our author's dramatic pieces,
and met with middling fuc-
The Humours of Portf-
mouth ; or, All is Well that
ends Well. Farce, of three

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