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I7 4 6.
Charles Macklin.
at Drury-Lane, 8vo.
This piece is built on the
itory of Perkin Warbeck,
but it met with general dif-
approbation ; and indeed
the very impropriety in the
title of mentioning a Popiih
Importer in a period of time
previous to the introduction
of Proteftantifm in thefe
kingdoms, had an air of ab-
furdity, which ieemed even
before its appearance to
Hand as a foretafte of no
very elegant or judicious
entertainment. When, how-
ever, it is confidered, that it
was the fix weeks labour
only of an actor, who even
in that fhort fpace was of-
ten called from it by his
profeflion, and that the
players, for the fake of dif-
pat'ch, had it to ftudy aft by
act juft as it was plotted,
and that the only revifals it
received from the
to the prefs were at the
hearfais of it, no perfon will
be difappointed in finding fo
many imperfections con-
tained in it.
Henry VIII. The famous
Bifiory of his Life. Hifto-
rical Play, by Wm. Shak-
fpeare, fol, 1623. This is
the doling piece of the
whole feries of this author's
hiitorical dramas ; and " is
(fays Dr. Johnfon) one of
thofe which ftill keeps pof-
feffion of the llage by the
1£2 ]
fplendour of its pageantry.
The coronation, not many
years ago, drew the people
together in multitudes for a
great part of the winter.
V»p re-
Yet pomp is not the only
merit of this play ; the meek
forrows and virtuous diftrefs
of Katherine have furniihed
foir-e fcenes which may be
juiily numbered among the
greater! efforts of tragedy.
But the genius of Shakfpeare-
comes in and goes with Ka-
therine. Every other part
may be eafily conceived and
eafily written."
Henry Fill. An Hifto-
rical Play, by Mr. William
Shakfpeare, with hiftoricaL
notes by Jofeph Grove, Svo.
The Herachdse. Trag..
tranflated from Euripides*
by R. Potter, ^to. 178 1.
Heracljus, Emperor cf the
Eafi r Trag. by Lodowick
Carlell, 410. 1664. This
piece is not deftitute of
Hercules. Mufical Dram,
by Thomas Broughton ; (et
to mufic by Mr. Handel,
and performed at the Hay-
Hercules. Tra. tran Hat-
ed from Euripides, by R.
Potter, 4to. 17S1-
Hercules Parens. Trag..
by Jafper Heywood, i2mo.
1561, and 4to. 1581. This,
is only a tranflation frcm

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