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C 3
iatelf Does It not mow, that worfc than bru-
tal exceffive Drinking, enervates and unhinges
a Man's Gonftitution, and makes him uncapable
of performing divine, moral, or natural Duties.
There is the moral } and, believe me, I could
raife many ufefnl Notes from every Character,
^vhich the Ingenious will prefently find out.
Great Wits fometimes may gloria ujly offend.
And. rife to Faults true Critich dare not mend;
From vulgar Bounds with brave Diforder part,
And [natch a Grace beyond the Reach of An*
Further, when I fpeak of taking the Teft, .
ferioufly protefl 1 do not mean an Oath of thats
Name we all have heard of. Likewife (
would intreat every News-monger not to offer
to pump Politicks from this Poem : Wou'd any
imagine that the firft Part, which was wrote
fome hundred Years ago, is the Story of She-.
rift-Moor^ hecaufeRobRoy is named in't; Thatf
my Bauld Befs was ****** ^ a0( j t h e Lemrgm
the *******. I love them who fometimes
find out Wit the Author never mean'd j but
fuch Ignoramus's are intolerable.
Any Body that has a Mind to look four upon
It, may ufe their Freedom.
Not laugh Beafis^FiJJjeSyFouls^jor Reptiles can $
'That's a peculiar Happinefs of Man :
When governed with a prudent chearful Grace y'
gw one of the firft Beauties of the Face*

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