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(235) Page 215 - See what a conquest love has made
of SONGS. 2ij
SEE what a conqueft. love has made !
Beneath the myrtle's amorous made
The charming, fair Corinna lies,
All melting in defire,
Quenching in tears thofe flowing eyes,
That fet the world on fire.
What cannot tears and beauty do ?
The youth by chance came by, and knew
For whom thole cryftal ftreams did flow ;
And though he ne'er before
To her eyes' brightefl: rays did bow,
Weeps too, and does adore.
So when the heavens ferene and clear,
Gilded with gaudy light, appear,
Each craggy rock, and ev'ry itone
Their*native rigour keep ;
But when in rain the clouds fail dowr^
The hardeft marbles weep.
/^Hloe, be wife, no more perplex me,
^-^ Slight not my love at fuch a rate ;
Should I your fcorn return, 'twill vex you,
Love much abus'd, will turn to hate.
How can fo lovely, fair a creature
Put on the looks of cold difdain ;
Women were firft defign'd by nature
To give a pleafure, and not a pain ;
Kindnefs creates a flame that's lafting,
When other charms are fled away ;
Think then the time we now are wailing ;
Throw off thofe frowns, and love obey.

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