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52 APlanfor
Having now got their Wiidnefs a little
curbed, let them hear the Beauty of fwel-
ling a Note •, which is done by beginning
the Sound very foft, and increafing it in
Loudnefs till towards the End, then letting
it die away. If they are made to fing every
Note of this LelTon frequently over in this
manner, it will very foon rub off all their
Rufticity and Awkwardnefs.
Your next Bufinefs muft be to demon-
ilrate the Nature of Time ; after which make
them fmg the fame Lefibn, giving four Mo-
tions of the Hand to each Note, as diredled
in the former Part of this Treatife. Thea
proceed to Lefibn 3. which is two Minims
in a Bar, each of which has two Motions of
the Hand \ and afterwards to LelTon 4. which
confifls of Crotchets, each of which have a
Motion of the Hand.
We {hall now fuppofe that thefe Inftmc-
tions, together with many other Things you
found neceffary to inform them of in the
Courfe of Teaching, has taken up a Week •,
and indeed if you have advanced fo far
the firft Week to Purpofe, you have been
very fuccefsful-, for the moft difagreeable

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