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V V hy hangs that cloud upon thy brow ?
That beauteous heav’n e’er while ferene?
Whence do thefe flormsand tempefts flow ?
Or what this gull; of paflion mean ?
And mull then mankind lofe that light.
Which in thineeyes was wont to fhine,
And he obfcur’d in endlefs night,
For each poor filly fpeeeh of mine ?
Dear child! how can I wrong thy name.
Thy form fo fair, and faultlefs, Hands,
That could ill tongues abufe thy fame,
Thy beauty could make large amends :
Or, if I durft profanely try,
Thy beauty’spow’rfulcharms t’upbraid.
Thy virtue well might give the lie,
Nor call thy beauty to its aid.
For Venus, ev’ry heart t’enfnare.
With all her charms has deck’d thy face;
And Pallas, with unufual care.
Bids Wifdom heighten ev’ry grace ;
Who can the double pain endure ?
Or, who mull not refign the field
To thee, celeftial maid! fecure
With Cupid’s bow, and Pallas’s fhield?
If then to thee fuch pow’r is giv’n,
Let not a wretch in torment live ;
But fmile, and learn to copy heaven,
Since we muft fin ere it forgive.
Yet pitying heaven not only does
Forgive th’offender and th’offence,
But even, appeas’d, itfelf bellows.
As the reward of penitence.

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