Heriot's Hospital ('Bogengieght') '[Bogengicht or Bog of Gicht] being the seat of His Grace the Duke of Athol near Aberdeen'

This drawing was wrongly named from the start. Its first title was 'Bogengieght', which refers to the Duke of Gordon's castle. The prospect was only used in two editions of Theatrum Scotiae (1719 and 1728/29). Added to the plate in 1719 was: 'Being the seat of His Grace the Duke of Athol near Aberdeen'.

Written above the drawing is the correct identification: 'This is George Heriot's Hospital in Edinburgh, as it appeared, before the steeple was finished'. Of all the plates made from Slezer drawings, this is the largest that was published.

This plate was intended for Slezer's unpublished volume, The Ancient and Present state of Scotland.

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Slezer Engraving

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