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The HtHorie of
fome liking, /fliall be out of heart fhortly, and then I (hall hauc
no ftrength to repent. And /hauc not forgotten what the infidc
of a Church is made of, /am a peppcrcorne, a brewers horfc^hc
infidc of a Church, Company,villanous company hath bene the
fpoile of me.
'Bar. Sir Iohn,you are fo fretfull,you cannot Hue long.
FaL Why, thcrcis itjCom^fingroeabawdiefong, makeme
merry«1 was as vertuoufly giuen , as a gentleman necde to bee,
vcrtuous enough/worc littlcjdx't not aboue feucn times a weclc,
went to abawdy houfe not abouc once in a quarter of an hcure,
paid mony that I borrowed three or fourc times, liued well, and
in good coropaffe, and now / hue out of all order , out of all
Bar. Why,yoii are fo fat,{ir /ohn^hatyoumuftneedesbcout
of all compallercut of all reafonable compaflc/ir /ohn.
fat. Do thou amend thy face, and /le amend my life; thou art
our AdmiralI,thoubeareft the lanternein thepoope, butt'isin
thenofeoftheetthou art the knight of the burninglampc.
Bar. Why,fir /ohn,my face does you no harmc.
Tat. No, IlcbefwornCjIroakcasgoodvfeofit, asmiinya
man doth of a deaths head, or amemento mori, I neuer fee thv
face, but /thinkc vpon hell fire, and Diucs that lined in Purple;
for there heisin his robes burning^urning. If thou wcrt anyway
giuen to vertue, /would fweare by thy face:my othe fhould bee,
By this fire, thats Gods Angel ♦ But thou art altogether giuen
oucr: and wertindeedejbutfor thelightinthyface.thefonneof
vtlcrdarkeneflTc. Whenthouranfl: vp Gads hill in the night, to
catch my horfe,if J did not thinkc that thou hadft bin zn ignis fa-
tutu, or a ball ofwilde-fircthcrc's no purchafe in mony. O, thou
art a perpctuall triumph, an euerlafting bone-fire light, thou halt
faued me a thoufand Markcs in Links and Torches, walking
with thee in the night, betwixt Tauernc and Taucrne: but the
fackc that thou haft drunkc mc, would haue bought me lights as
good chcapc,at the dcareft Chandlers in Europc.I haue maintai¬
ned that Salamander ofyours, with firc,any time this two & thir*
ty yeercs:God reward me for it.
Bar. Zbloud, I would my face were in your belly.
Fat. Godamcrcy,fo(hould/be fore to be heart-burnt.
Henrie thefsuru
damePartlet the hen,haue you enquir'd
ickt my pocket.?
Fitter ho H,
vetwhopicktmy potKcu ^
Hof. Why fir Iohn,what do you thinke,lir /ohn?do you think
/ keepe theeues in my houfe.? / haue fearcht, 1 haue enquircd/o
haz my husband, man by man, boy by boy, feruant by feruant;
the tight of ahaitc was ncucr loft in my houfc before,
pjr Ye lie, Hofteffe, Bardoil was fhau'dandloft manya
haire; and /le be fworne,my pocket was pickt: go to, you arc a
Bof* Who /? No,/defie thee: Gods light,I was neuer cafd fo
in mine owne houfe before.
Falf. Goto,l know you well inough,
Bof, No,fir Iohn,you do not know mc,fir /ohn:I know you
fir Iohn,you owe mc mony,fir Iohn,and now you pickca quar-
vell to beguile mc of it: /bought you a dozen offtiirts to your
Va§* Doulas, filthy doulas, /haue giuen them away to Ba¬
kers wiucj,thcy haue made boulters of them.
Hof. Now as /am a true woman, holland of viij.s. an ell: you
owe mony here befides,fir /bhn,for your dict,and by drinkings,
and mony lent you,xxiiij, pound.
Fdf. He had his part of it.lef him pay.
Bo[. He.?alas,he is poore,he hath nothing,
Fal. How.?pooreillookc vpon his face. What call you rich.? le
diem coynchis nofc, let them coync his cheekes,IIc not pay a de-
nyer; what, will you make a yonker of me? fliall /not take mine
cafe in mync /nne, but / /hall haue my pocket pickt?I haue loft a
fealc ring of my grandfathcrs)worth fortie markc.
H^ O /cfu! /haue heard the Prince tell him,/know not how
oft,that that ring was copper.
Talf* Howhhe Prince is a /acke.a fneak-cup:Zbloud and he
were here,/would cudgel! himlike a dog, if he would fay fo,
Fnter the Prince marching,andFatjialffe meetes him
playing on his trmchion tike a fife,
Jatf. How nowjlad^is the winde in that doorc Ifaith/muft wc
all march.?
^r. Yea,two,and twojNcwgatc fa(liionf
H«r- My Lord, I pray you hcare mc.

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