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The WHerie of
Fdf. You roguc,hccres hroe in this facke too, there is nothing
but rogery to be found in vJIanous man , yet a coward is worfc
then a cup offacke with lime in it. A vi'lanous toward, Go thy
waies old/acke.dic when thoii wilt, if manhood, g,cod manhood
be not forgot vpon the face of the carth.ihen am / a fhotten her-
nng.there lines not three good men vnhangd in England, & one
of tk m is fat,a«d growes oid>God helpe the whiie^a bad world
7 fay,/would /were a weauer,/could (ins; Pfalmes, or any thing,
A plague of all cowards,/ fay flill.
Prin. How now, Wolfacke,what mutter you?
lal, A kings fonnefif/do not bcate thee out of thy kingdomc
with a dagger of lath, and driuc all thy fubieds afore thee like a
flockeof wilde gecfe,ile neuer weare hairc on my face more,you
Prince of Wales,
Trin. Why you horcfon roiind-man, what's the matter/
Falsi* Aie you not a cowaidf anfwere me to that,and Points
Wwt Zoundcs yce fat paunch, and yc call me coward, by the
Lord, ile flab thce«
Falsi /call thee cowarde.?i'e fee thcedamnde ere/call thec
coward, but /wouldgiue athoufand pound, /could runncas
faft as thou canft♦ You arc flraight enough in the (boulders,you
care not who fees your backe : call you that backing of your
friends.?a plague vpon fuch backing; giue mee them that will
face mcj giuc me a cup of facke./am a rogue if/ drunke to day.
P«. O villaine,thy lips are (carfe wip't fince thou drunkft laft.
Yalf: Alls one for that* Hedmketh.
A plague of all cowards ftill fay /.
Vrmce What's the matter?
f4^: Whacs the matter?here be foure ofvs haue tanc a thou*
flind pound this morning.
Vrince Where is it? tack?, where is it.?
Falf, W here is it.? taken from v$ it is: a hundred vpon poorc
foure of vs.
Vrmce What, a hundred, man?
Fafc /amarogue, if/wercnotathalfefword, with a dozen
of them two houres together. / hauc feaped by myraclc. / am
eight times thruft through the doublet, fourc through the hofc,
ry thefourtk
t ..i
« fcuckler cut through and through, my fwordc hack t Iikca
^ J f.w ecce fmum. I ncuer dealt better fince I was a man , all
han U It doe. A plague of all cowards, let them fpcakcj if they
feake more or leflc then tructh, they are viilaines,and the fonnes
of darkeneffc.
Gd. Speakers, how was it?
r ofs. We foure fct vpon fomc douzen*
FtB. Sixtcene/atleaft, ray Lord.
t^ofu And bound them.
Veto. No, no, they were not bound.
FaL yourogue,thcy were bound, eucry man of them ,01!
amaIcwelfc,andEbrewIew. r * r
noft. Aswewererharing,fomcd.oif7-^fbmcnfctvponv^
FalB. And vnbound the reft, and then come in the other,
?>W^, What, fought ye with them all?
Fain, AH? I knowenot what yee call al: but it 1 fought not
with fiftic of them, I am a bunch of radidi: if there were not
two or three and fiftic vpon poorc old lackc, ihcaam I no two
leg d creature. ,r ex.
frin, Pray God, you haue not murthered tome ot them*
Falk Nay, that s paft prayingjfor, 1 hauc pepper'd two of
thcm.Tw© I am furc 1 hauc payed.two rogues in buckrora futcs:
I tell thee what, Hal. if 11.11 thee a he, fpittc in my face; call mcc
horfc: thouknoweftmy old ward: here Hay, and thus 1 bore
my poinr; foure rogues in buckrom let driuc ar mc.
Prin. What, fourc? thou fayd ft but two, euen now.
Fat. Fourc, Hal, Hold thee fourc*
TV. /, /, he faid, foure.
Fat* Thcfc fourc came all afront,andraainclv thruft at rnecj
/made no more adoc, but tookc all their feuen points in my tar¬
get, thus.
Trin. Scuen? why there were but foure, euen now,
FaU /n Buckrom,
fomes. /, foure,in buckrom firites*
F^/* Seuen, by thefe hlltcs, or /am a villaine el(e»
'Prln. Prethec let him alone, we (ball hauc more anon*
Fal* Doeft thouhcareme, Hal?
Vm. I, and marks tlice too J acke*

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