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Adam Bald: Journal of Travels and Commonplace Book, 1790—99
and to conceal his design from his two dispassionate comrades, took possession of
a single bedded room, whilst they were shewn to a double one. Scarcely were their
heads laid on the refreshing pillow when they were disturbed by a strange noise
occasioned they understood by Cameron, having been discovered by the waiter
whilst endeavoring to find out the apartment of his greasy charmer which made
him quickly retreat to his bedroom, afraid of an immediate attack by the jealous
waiter, and the noise made by his barricading his door with tables, chairs etc,
disturbed the slumbers of his two contented companions, but who did not enjoy
much rest, till Cameron was worn out, and disgusted with his many
disappointments, at last embraced his cold pillow instead of his broiling Charmer,
and allowed all to retire into the refreshing arms of sleep.
2nd Day. Next morning about 8 o’clock, Smollet and Campbell forced open
the door of the disappointed Amoroso, and found him still tossing and trembling
with fear, dreading a challenge no doubt from his charming foe the waiter.
Assisting him in raising his agitated frame from its Couch, and washing
themselves with Whisky which the affrighted waiter brought instead of water, so
much had the adventure of Cameron confused him that he seemed unconscious
what he was about. All things being amicably adjusted, and after a hearty
breakfast, pursued their excursion about the banks of the Leven, where Industry
seems to have fixed its chief abode, for every turn of the river presents to the
astonished and delighted traveller such stupendous works where the Calico
Printing and Bleaching trades are carried on to the highest perfection, as to fill
the mind with astonishment at the enterprising spirit of the Sons of Caledonia.
Having reached the banks of Loch Lomond about mid day, they called for a
refreshment at a small Alehouse, where meeting with a descendant of the
Camerons, a hoary headed Carl, made the glass go quickly round, which soon
roused the native fire of their aged landlord and seeing the bent of their youthful
march as to assure them that if the mountain goddesses would condescend to an
interview with Lowland strangers he would do the utmost in his power to
introduce them to his youthful friends. With the full precaution that our
intentions were entirely Platonic he sallied forth to perform the object of his
promise and soon returned leading in one of the mountain sylphs in form of a
buxom country wench, which instantly aroused again the passion of Cameron,
imagining her to be his pervious tormentor still hovering around his progressive
steps. Flying to her with amorous joy, endangered the fair one falling a prey to his
romantic passions had it not been for our aged Sire. Perceiving in her a strong
resemblance to the features of his amorous Spark, made him relinquish his
Quixotic madness afraid of her being a descendent of the family and him falling
prey to the resentment of the Caledonian Clan.

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