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God to my servand Johne Stewart for the
sowme of Ixxx lib.
His said tak is sett for the space of fyve jeiris,
and swa forth fra v geiris to v 3eiris Induring all
the dayis of my lyftyme As the said tak pro-
portis etc.
Item the kirkis of Dolour and Auchtirtully assignit
in pensioun to Johne Steill At my predecessouris
Interes, quhat the Rentall therof is I knaw
Item Johne Abircrumby or ever I was maid suc-
cessour to that benefice was lauchfullie providit
to xl merkis of the maillis of Bayth etc.
Lykwiss William Camroun to ane pensioun of xiij lib. vi s. viij d.
Item the teyndis of Logie (urquhatt del.) sett to
the Lard of Dowhill of auld for . . . vj lib.
Endorsed : The copie of the Rentall of Sanctcolmis Inche
send to the secreitt counsal the x day of Januar the jeir
of (God) jm vc Ixxiij 3eiris etc.
{Moray Charters, 1.326.)
The taxt roll of the abbacie of Sanctcolmisinche Imposit thair-
upone for thir part of the lait taxatioun of ane hundrethe thousand
merkis maid and sett doun as followis be Harie commendater of
Sanctcolmisinche with advyse and consent of the fewaris vassellis
and takkismen of the said abbacie undersubscryveand.
Andro erle of Rothus ordanit to be chargit for his
part of the said taxatioun for the haill teynd
schaves of the parochene and paroche kirk of
Leslie sett to him in Tak for silver dewtie In
taxt L lib.
Alexander lord of Spynie his part of the said taxt
for the teindschaves of the manes of Aberdoure
Humbie Duchie Tarre Hilhs In taxt . xxj lib. vi s. viij d.
Eister Thomsone pensioner of fourtie pundis of the
teynd schaves of the kirk of Ressyithe takismen
and parichoneris thairof In taxt . . . xx lib.
Johnne Steill pensioner of ane hundrethe markis of
the teindschaves of the paroche kirkis of Doloure
and Ochtirtule [In taxt] . . . xxxiij lib. vi s. viij d.
p. James Spittell of Luquhatis taxt for the teynd-

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