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legatis letteres as ordinar monissand the parochinaris of
all and sindrie the paroche kirkis anexit to the said abay
and utheris quhatsumevir fermoraris arendatouris and
intromettouris witht the teyndis frutis proventis and emoli-
mentis pertenyng to the said abay and kirkis foresaidis
thairof to answer and obey to the said James his procura-
touris and factouris of the samen frutis teyndis rentis and
emolimentis foresaidis during his liftyme and to nane
utheris As the saidis ordinaris letteres beris cure will is
herefoir and we charge 30U straitlie and commandis that
incontinent thir oure letteres sene 36 pass and in cure
name and auctorite command and charge all and sindrie
the parochinaris of our said abay of Sanctcolmisinche and
of the parroche kirkis unite and anexit thairto or ony wis
pertenyng to the burd kirk of the samen laboraris tenentis
vassalis arrendataris fermoraris feuaris and takkismen of
all the saidis kirkis and telismen of the landis and posses-
siounis rychttiouslie pertenyng thairto and utheris quhat¬
sumevir intromettouris quhatsumevir rycht or titill witht
ony teyndis frutis rentis and proventis of our said abay
of quhatsumevir stait degre ordour conditioun or pre¬
eminence thai be in generall and als be thair names
respective in speciall as 3c salbe requirit That thai reddely
answer intend and effectiouslie obey to the said James
Stewart commendatour and abbot tocum of oure said abay
for all the dayis of his lif or his lauchtfull procuratouris
ane or ma now and for the tyme constitut be him thairto
of all and sindrie the fruits rentis proventis rychtis teyndis
les and mair obventiounis oblatiounis males fermes annuel-
rentis money kanis custumes grassumes of the kirkis of
our abay foresaid unite thairto and of the landis and
possessionis belangin and pertenyng to the samen and
utheris emolimentis of quhatsumevir name thai be callit
of our said abay and of the law and consuetude of oure
realme and of the fundatioun and doting of oure said
abay or utheris wayis quhatsumevir pertenyng and be¬
langin thairto and to nane utheris efter the forme and
tenour of oure said haly fader the papis letteris maid to
the said James upoun the commend and provisioun as

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